Netizens Happy for K-actor Choi Sung Kook Getting Married at 52-years Old But Raise Eyebrows at His Much Younger Bride

I think this is just an ordinary news story to report on a K-celeb but I too did have a hhhhhmmmm moment before going ehhhhhh adults can do whatever they want. K-actor Choi Sung Kook revealed that he’s getting married this weekend to his girlfriend who is a non-celebrity. The notable element is that his girlfriend is 24-years younger than he is, so if he’s 52 then she’s 28 years old. Makes them both super capable of consent and making life choices so congrats to them, but I did lol at all the netizen commentary on their released engagement pictures saying it looks like a very proud dad about to marry his daughter off. I remember Choi Sung Kook fondly as the very old looking college tennis club sunbae (intentionally casting him for that joke) in Playful Kiss so wishing tennis sunbae happiness with his new wife in marriage.

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