CCTV Still Re-broadcasting C-drama The Youth Memories with Xiao Zhao and Li Qin a Year Later to Solid Ratings

This drama has legs and I don’t think this is even the end of it. C-drama The Youth Memories with Xiao Zhan and Li Qin aired nearly a year ago on June 1, 2023 and was a hit in viewership but not the type of runaway buzz or insane numbers to be all that remarkable. A year later and now the drama has become even more of a hit due to CCTV re-broadcasting it over and over in various time slots (weekends, mornings, afternoons) and each time it gets good ratings and sometimes higher than new shows being aired. The Douban ratings are a decent 7.5 and it appears this drama is a bigger hit among the older terrestrial TV watching crowd rather than the younger streaming on platforms viewership.

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