
Written Preview for Episode 12 of Mary Stayed Out All Night — 35 Comments

  1. i agree with you regarding MG giving up Wi mae ri because his mother is emotionally abusive. but devil daddy is also emotionally abusive to his son.

    • I do not want MG to give up MR, not ever!! Not after all that the two have gone through emotionally to accept that they love each other. They belong to each other!

      and after learning that his mother pawned MR’s ring, MG was very angry, and even told his mother not to appear in front of him again, that he will no longer be her son. He has chosen to give up responsibility for his mother’s reckless actions, and wants to sever their relationship. I truly hope he sticks by his word – i really want to see the mother suffer the consequences of her damning actions. I’m really so mad with the mother; on top of being irresponsible, capricious and neglecting MG’s feelings, she’s got no moral values whatsoever. She can pawn other people’s valuable stuff and lie to MG that MR gave it to her in the first place. what a loser!

  2. I cant wait to watch episode 12.. And I want more jealous MuGyul (seriously there is one scene in epi 11 that reminds me of Hwang Tae Kyung) and im also rooting with more of Maeri and JungIn romatic scene…

  3. oooooh koala!!!…i know this is off topic but i just saw Athena live and i just wanted to gush here….SO much sexy in one episode….*dies*

  4. I do enjoy the new spin Jung In is taking – in that sense, he’s showing more maturity with regards to handling this relationship with Mae Ri.

    On the other hand Mu Gyul has a hot button – his mom. Evil daddy’s game is plain to see and Jung In can see how it works – but he works with it rather than being reactive to it.

    In this regard, both him and Mae Ri are well-matched. 🙂

  5. Oh my God! seriously, I love this drama to the highest level haha. with Jang Geun Suk and Kim Jae-Wook, I’m so happy to see them in this drama. And Mary, she’s really good in acting. Im not the type but here I am, found my new love hang-out! I love your site, and honestly you really made my day by just reading your recaps. You’re really good and super hands down! Thank you so much! I keep on coming back here, everyday haha. sorry if I’m not good in English. anyway thanks and more power!

  6. the twists and turns of the story if what we should start to anticipate with the new writer coming on board….and of course we have to start having laughter, sighs, tears etc coming along as the story goes…and I’m praying MR & MG ship set sail in the end no matter what the obstacles in between….and they will get through it together….

  7. OMO!!!! I just know that MG’s mom will caused trouble..she never failed to make her son in trouble and pain and when he finally have happiness with MR, once again she make him miserable and caused him in big trouble for keeping his happiness with MR…OH my…I hope we don’t see big trouble and sorrow in episode 12 because we will left hanging and must wait another week to know what happen next…..its just that when my heart is healing from heart aching in episode 10, then here goes episode 12..must prepare lots tissue just in case…

  8. At the beginning of this drama I said how JGS liked to play roles where he doesn’t get the girl so I agree with your comment about MG giving up Maeri to JI for the sake of her happiness in the future. This leaves me sad and while I don’t want to watch the drama I have to see it to the end.
    I hope this writer gives the story a happy ending but seeing how the JI character has come alive as a nice guy leads me to believe that the intent is for Maeri to have a tough choice.
    I hope she walks away from both but if they leave this story with no decision (as hinted by that post it that JI left for Maeri) that would be cruel to us the viewers.

  9. Thanks again, 3x today!!! Love the twist, it’s so much closer to real life and still much in the drama-land…tough choice for Mae Ri now that Jung In is portrayed as an ideal guy. Seriously, Mae Ri and Jung In can easily fall for each other had Mu Gyul been late popping up in her life…but how can one not fall for MG’s! But MG’s mom! If this were in real life, I’d seriously reconsider rooting MG for MR…instead of straightening one crooked dad, she’ll be adding a crooked mom! There goes MR’s desire for simple life. I’m so vested in this drama, I hope the writers do have a good ending.

    Looking forward to episode 12 and beyond!!!

  10. I just cheered myself up with this thought. Maeri is reliving her mothers life. Her mother eloped with loser dad because she loved him and maybe history will repeat itself. Not that MG is a loser but that scene where he looks around his apartment isn’t loneliness but the realization that he doesn’t have what JI has to give Maeri.
    PLEASE let it be.

    • aw.. rory’s mom, take heart.. you seem a little down abt the prospects of our OTP and it sounds like you want to give up on M3.. i’m hopeful they will be happy together in the end.. Hang in there 🙂

  11. Have read your preview and your recap, I am seriously tempted to skip ep 10 and start watching from ep 11 onwards to feed on the awesomeness of the episodes 🙂

    As much as I loved the squeeing, all the cute and the sweetness between MR/MG for the past episodes, I am sure very glad to see the drama taking the big step forward, in terms of the characters development and plot movement, kudos to the new writer for injecting the much needed life into MSOAN when it looked really close to spiralling down into a dramatic mess. Left with only 4 episodes to the final, I guess there’s only probably a limit to how much more she can do to the development, but I respect her even just for picking up whatever mess left in ep 10 and give us an awesome ep 11.

    Instead of just shipping for the OTP now, I can seriously contemplate MR having a tough choice to make between JI and MG at the end of the day, JI was really awesome in ep 11, and honestly, even if MR does not end up being with him as a couple, I think MR, MG and JI may end up being really good friends at the end of it all

    • Just to add on, I think the combined power of MR/MG relationship, and JI might be the ticket to standing up to JI’s dad at the end of the day, meaning with JI himself acknowledging that MG/MR is the couple meant to be, and him telling his daddy dearest that he no longer will be under his thumb, even if it means being cut off financially, he finally can find his wings to fly, and with MR/MG standing by him as loyal friends would

    • I actually like 10 episode. not the best epi but it has lovely and wonderful scenes too.
      btw thanks koala for the preview, you’re wonderful too 🙂

  12. Hi Ockoala,

    Just want to add my thanks for the recaps and this preview. MSAON is one of my favorite dramas this year, despite the many criticisms and put down from other K-drama fans. While I respect their opinions, I get depressed just reading them!

    Please continue to provide us wonderful recaps and know that you have readers that do appreciate your blog.


  13. Thank you Koala for your wonderful updates and recap. I loved M3 but not as much as PK of course. Oh, and Jung In – OMG He is so fine. For sure that he needs his own drama so, he can get the girl at the end.

    OK – All Pkisser out there. Yes, I am still missing them. Sorry, but I do not know how to copy it over. But if you check out Kathy’s bench blog, she has pics of Seung Jo shared his blankie with Min Min for the kissing in the rain scene. That was so sweet of him.

  14. somebody can translate me what did ji and mg talked on phone while mg tried to get water ? curious with ji’s expression even i think i can figure out why 🙂

  15. Ockoala! I enjoyed this episode,(thanks to dark umagon) It made me laugh right in the middle of the night ( the part which both the leading man tries to upstage each other)….waiting for your recap, because you will add much substance to the story…

    I’m sure every lovers of M3 will enjoy it as I do…

  16. i find myself skipping through the episodes— i hate the fact that i’m dong this since watching a good drama after a day’s work is therapy for me. however, i guess my expectations so far has not been met ( i mean i have this drama fantasy on my head–and it hasn’t materialized yet ) the turn of events for me has been “lacking” and we are already on episode 12. curious how the new writer is going to turn this around—tsk,tsk,tsk.

  17. I’m so addicted to this right much as i want to watch the series online and i know it’s done already..I still love the thrill of waiting and watching it on KBSWorld… SO lovely…..!!!

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