
Song Seung Heon’s Photoshoot for the Inside Pages of GQ Korea — 33 Comments

  1. P kun oppa is giving me sleepless nights! ‘Am frantically looking for a copy of GQ, just the issue with him and not the whole 12 months which is very very expensive.

    MP drama is like a dragon that just ate me up! Thanks for this Koala. P kun is really one handsome guy!

  2. Beautiful man! New convert. Lol Does he have the record for the longest eyelashes for a kactor? In MP, every time I look at him, my eyes automatically focus on his eyelashes.

  3. Gosh! they are focusing on his lashes.. He’s looking better as he matures.. salivating! yum yum..
    sigh… MP withdrawal ongoing.

    Thanks for posting my current God’s Gift to women.

  4. Need to buy a copy of GQ. Dear God, how can you create a gorgeous man like Heon Oppa? Am looking forward for his next project…please please please…no sad ending like East of Eden, Ghost etc….

  5. wow he is one smoking hawt dude!!!

    BTW – do these kactors ever age or it is photoshop doing its job???

    Me still likes P kun oppa … 🙂

  6. my dear ockoala, i’m one of those newly converted SSH fans though MP disappointed me in the end too. i’ve seen autumn in my heart and summer scent but i never came to like him in those dramas. maybe it’s his p kun portrayal that he finally got me into my skin. LOL what can i say, mmmm… SSH is like a wine that ages well. 😀

  7. OMG his eyelashes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    i saw it in MP! but!! i never though that they were like that!!!
    damn u!! you are so freaking handsome!

  8. Oooh… Just finished MP.. U r rite.. the ending was a bit hanging.. but I still miss this couple. they r juz too cute.. the chemistry between them.. and he’s just too good looking!!

  9. First reaction: OMGGUH! *____* He’s so gorgeous, omg!

    Second reaction: MP’s ending disappointed you? ACK! I’m waiting for the subs of the last 2 eps and…do I have to worry, chingoo?

  10. I miss MP so much already…… but even more so PARK HAEYOUNG!
    Gosh why does Song Seun Hun have to be so AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS and make the rest of us all suffer in need for more him?
    I need to get my hands on a copy of this GQ magazine.

  11. Thanks so much Ockoala. I love this post because I am a one of the newly fans of my belove SSH.
    He is a truely, deeply, perfectly, handsome gentleman.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am still trying to figure out on how I can get a copy of GQ Korea. Arghhh!

    Thanks again. You’re the best!

  13. Thanks for your post, ockoala. I’m a huge fan of SSH. Do you know what his next project will be? Hopefully another drama?!

  14. Mp was over, I hope ssh dan kth reunited in another drama.Park Hae-young and le seol their acting was the real world too I hope they become true partners^^^

  15. omg….speechless, i love his eyes n eyelash….. why there is a man like him in the world but not for me… unfair….

  16. omg….speechless, i love his eyes n eyelash….. who is his girlfriend or wife ? give me an info plz…. (why there is a man like him in the world but not for me… unfair…)

  17. heheh I fell in love with him during that long drama east of eden that i watched solely for Han Ji Hye (my do i love her!!) and I saw SSH and I was like…wh-wha–who–sexy!! hahah….I love him and his non existent top lip heheheh. Gosh he’s so debonair. I wanna see him in casual outfits, ill bet he’ll bbe just as sexy

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