
Sunny Happiness Episodes 19-20 Recap — 11 Comments

    • Me too. It’s strikes me where I keep my deepest emotion radar and I feel the love! It’s a bullseye! Makes me feel giddy and warm all over. What a wonderful feeling! Love is such a wonderful thing!

    • I love that scene, too! Too many times in dramas I feel like the drama tries to tell you that the leads are in love, more than they actually show you that they are. All the big things are there – confessions, declarations, sacrifices – but all the little, subtle beats that show real affection and connection are missing or ring hollow. That is, I think, why I love SH so much: not only do Mike and Janine have great chemistry, but they’re great at acting out the little moments and the subtle expressions of love.

  1. The airport scene is the most aww scene even better than a kiss..awesome how yun jie decline wan lan right away where in other drama its the contrarary which make me headache.I would say get a grip woman!to wan lan but I can give her time to be like that but hope wont be long.I’m waiting for ah forgot the kid name,to accept his dad now married&love yong yong&baby.deep down I think its best for him to stay with wan lan but have lots sleep over with dad’s new family although I want the opposite but that kid can stay with yun jie and yong yong longer before that happen.

  2. I have finished SH in 1 sitting and now rewatching it as I read your recap. Actually it was your 1st few episodes of recap and the ending of MP that made me decide to watched this drama. I don’t watched TDrama that much. I am more of Kdrama & Jdrama but this one got me hooked. I even learned that it is the second of a trilogy novel/drama and even watched all the BTS of this drama. Thanks for introducing me to this wonderfully well written drama. The first time I felt that 25 episodes drama is too short.

  3. Like almost everyone mentioned.. The airport scene was totally AWWW moment!!!! I also liked their wedding night .. Both of them trying to explain with Cupids n all LOL

  4. the airport, the wedding night family sleep time, the wedding, the piggyback ride… all these things that are overused and could be trite, but executed perfectly! love it!

  5. Sorry for not commenting earlier, but I was saving this post for when I had enough time. Then, the Japan disaster happened and I’ve been glued to the news ever since.

    Anyway, this? He doesn’t take one look at her and falls madly in love for her, and fights his brother for her. So true. I loved that aspect of SH, which is just one of the things I love madly about this series.

    I love how the characters are fully fleshed out and they feel very “real”; they’re not caricatures of what the writer thinks real people might be or what she (he?) thinks viewers want their drama characters to be like, but they’re layered, complex…they have their little idiosyncrasies and their merits. They are not perfect and for that reason, they become so perfect, know what I mean?

    Another thing I love that you pointed out in your review? How YY and JY fall in love gradually and there isn’t just one moment when they “see the light”. It’s an organic process and much like a RL one, which makes SH earn more points in credibility. Also? I’m so very very very fond of that piggyback ride (one of my favorite in the history of ever) and the airport scene (definitely my favorite goodbye-at-the-airport scene).

    As for the relationship between the brothers, man, I so love that YJ looks out for YC. As an elder sister, I relate to that aspect of his personality. I do believe he has always looked out for him, but I’d also like to think that, while he was falling in love with YY and just because he got to know her, he grew up even more and he became even more selfless. I can’t say it’s hard to believe that the YJ of the finale is the same guy who warned his brother to harden his heart if he wanted to be a businessman because, well, it’s not hard since his growth was believable, but it was nice to see that transition from sort of cold almost rude businessman to Nice Guy. And, hmm, I think I used the wrong word here: “transition” isn’t it, is it? Because he was that all along and he only had to rediscover himself while we had to scratch under the surface of his façade and see the sweet guy underneath it. Which SH let us do.

    PS: I cheered out loud when older sister told YJ to treat YY well or else…Siblings’ Love FTW!

  6. Hey Koala je je,

    I’m rereading these recaps of yours for the umpteenth time… as I had a sudden craving Yong Yong/Yun Jie and Yun Chao after watching the meh that was ‘Love Actually’ (though I love Joe Cheng to bit and wanted so much for that drama to be amazing). Thanks again for the recaps.

    Li Yi Feng is so dem cute I watched ‘Happy & Love Forever’ because of that boy. I swear stars exploded (on top of ovaries) the moment that boy walked into the screen and owned it. Gah!

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