Koala’s Got a Brand New Playground
I’ve been writing for only a short period of time, but I’ve discovered that drama lovers from around the world come and make friends and have fun at the playground. I’ve been asked to do things to make the blog more functional and easier to navigate, but all of that requires that I leave wordpress and migrate to a self-hosted site. After considerable trial and error (okay, ALL error), I’ve managed to do just that (okay, not me, per se, but a very nice friend who helped me every step of the way).
It’s still me, writing whatever I feel like. Feel free to come anytime, or stop coming at all. The first thing I promised to do is add pagination for the lovely gals at the Geun Geun discussion forum. Beyond that, we’ll see what I can learn to accomplish to make this playground more fun and fabulous. Some comments (and one of my posts) got lost in the transfer, but all in all, I’m still pinching myself that this worked! I’m totally not a technology moron anymore – I’mΒ merely a technology dummy now.
you’re awesome koala! i’ve been so busy! catch up soon hopefully π
I missed you, vorticella~ Please do catch up soon!
Congratulations on your new home!
Congratulations on your new home & thank you for bringing along the Geun-Geun ship on your new abode!
More power & may your new playground bring so much happy memories & friends.
Nice new place you have here!!
All the better for your poodles to play around here.
Whoaaaaa, congrats on your new official website! Woot Woot!
You have no idea how brain dead I am after trying to get this up and running for the past few weeks.
Drinks and a trip to the jjimjilbang are all on me, jie jie! <3 By the way, did you see the new gif doozy made? Check your tweets, yo! Freaking awesome-sauce gif of YOUR Feng Feng. It will make you salivate. Guaranteed.
Awww, unni! ~loves~ You’re the best, for going crazy just for us!
\O/ It’s a party at koala unni’s!!! ^__^
Wow, impressed!
This is a neat little playground, I like π
HUGS. Thank you!
I’m sorry for my tekkie ignorance but, do we just stay here?
Do I need to go to a different site?
COOL!!! I love it. And I remember those “what the hell am I doing and WHY DOESN’T THIS WORK RIGHT” early days with my blog…that I now have no time for, haha. Major kudos to you for building a bigger, better playground to play in and for sticking to it! You rock!
Thank you, unni!
You were my inspiration – I couldn’t fail because then I would be too shamed to talk to you ever again.
Sadly, the new playgound is nowhere near as spiffy as your lovely site~
okay, I should of read the other comments first….
Woot woot! Congrats on the new place, ockoala!
Hi, Koala. I only recently visit your blog, and enjoy it very much. Congratulation on your new site~
I browsed your old posts, and found lots of great writing. One of them is about leading men in Taiwan drama. I’m so grateful and thankful to you. Because of you, I re-found my love for Taiwan drama, and for Vic Zhou. The last Taiwan drama I watched seriously is Mars. After reading your writing on Vic Zhou, I decided to try watching Black and White.
Similar to you, it’s also ‘meh’ for me watching him in Meteor Garden. But his performance in Mars is mind blowing. I like him ever since, but never gave his other drama a chance. And so, I started to watch Black and White. And wow, that was one of best drama I ever watched. Vic Zhou is amazing!
Thank you so much, Koala. And hopefully there will be lots of Zai Zai in your new playground~
congrats and good luck!!!!
congrats koala!! π Will always be a fan and avid reader of your playground
Congrats, sweetie! You’re going places and I’m absolutely thrilled!! Wishing you many happy years of blogging, muah!
Love your banner!
Song Sam Dong ( IDK, but I can’t call him KSH since the drama is still soooo fresh)!, JKS and YAI!!!!!!!
Yay! Congrats sweetie!
*sending kegs of eucalyptus laced green beer to playground*
MUUAAACH tweeeek SMAAAACK!! Kisses kisses for D Kapitan Extraordinaire! If as you so humbly claim 2b technologically-challenged ,& you still do what you do SO WELL here, then Huge Kudos to you ,dear capt ! Xia Xia Thanks Doomo Arigatoo!
Here’s to more Fun here! * clink cupz o kahlua coffee*
Cheers to the Captain! \o/
Congratulations on your new playground! π
Thank you also for always looking after your audience, especially the Geun-Geun fans!
P.S. The Koala bear is sooo cute. Can we take turns in giving it a HUG? ^__^
Hello again, π
Just visited the Geun-Geun forum and found the pagination SUPER! π The comments pages display much faster and finding older comments has become easier. Thank you so much! π
hey,Jennifer’s physical appearance not matching Katniss’ description in the books. and the other problem is katniss is suppose to be small and malnourished most people picture katniss not very tall i’d say around 5’3 or 5’4 and should look 16
jen is 5’8 and looks her age of 21 and has a curvy womanly figure
I love reading your blog…
And random comment but I LOVE YOUR HEADER…well except Geun Seuk but Soo-hyun and Ah-In are total hotties π
Congrats! I love reading your blog. You have a way with words to convince people to watch dramas heh. Keep blogging:)
Congratz! on your new playground Ockoala… I visit this blog regularly for sure…
i likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
congrats on the new place! i’ve been lurking here for quite some time, so very happy to see changes (good ones!). and might I add, nice header. way to start the move with hot boys in tow (soohyunie looking particularly sizzling) LOL.
awesome!!!.. this is spiffy!
congratulations on all the hard work. woot! looking forward to running amuck on the new AKP! π
Congratulations sweet Koala! Not only is this OFFICIALLY our own playground where you are 100% the Al Pacino, but now you can officially have rotating headers. Yeah that’s right woman, rotating headers; not GIF’s, just like the ones on DramaBeans.
Drum roll please, presenting the official koalasplayground.com!!!
Yeah, gimme a few weeks to figure that out. LOL, man my head is spinning with so much tech mumbo jumbo. But yes, dearest jowha, I plan to (ONE DAY!) header rotate until everyone goes cross-eyed.
Dear Captain π
If you say you are a technology dummy, then i am a technology mighty moron!! hehe!
Heartiest congratulations on upgrading yourself from the land of technology morons to the land of the technology dummies and into your new playground!! Great news!!!
However, considering i am a technology mighty moron, i will have to ask perhaps the most moronic question – where is your new playground, are we welcome to visit and if yes, how we do it? Sorry, dear Captain! I did say i am a technology mighty moron π
Thanking you in advance for your reply π
*This* is my new playground. Check the URL and you’ll see. π
There is nothing you need to do, you’ve all been redirected here in a blink of an eye.
yup yup yup… congratulation captain… hands down for all of your hard work for us… this sure is going to be FUN…
anyway that koala is teasing me to give it a BIG huge… π
keep the spirit captain… love U a bunch… FIGHTING!!!
HUG I mean… aishhh… me, miss type…
thank you so much for the reply, dear Ms Ockoala! π
am so happy beyond words and thankful to all your hard work and for any other future delights coming our way (like the rotating cross-eyed-causing-headers…hehe)…
well done and congratulations once again, dear Captain! π
congratulations on your new playground!!!!
yay!! a new playground. de-lurking again to say congratulations.! keep the playground fun coming ;D
Congrats on the move, koala! π I have been lurking here for ages but figured it was time to comment. I absolutely love your recaps and kdrama news. Your blog is one of my first stops when I switch my compy on in the morning.
Keep on writing cause I’ll keep on reading. Congrats.
Ok I’m impressed. I wake up and the two sites I have opened up lately are Reuters.com live coverage of Japan disaster and Ockoala’s playground. Yours loaded faster. Wow!
Congrats on your new abode ockoala π It’s looking spiffy!
Congratulations and Thank You Ockoala for setting up the new website!!!
But…. I am even more of a non-techie, are we now at your new website? What URL? Is there somewhere that I should click to get there if I am still not?
Sorry if I am totally lost on this, please advise.
This is the new site. Everything looks the same, but the URL is different than when I was on wordpress.com
Thanks, that lets me know I am in the right place – right where I wanna be!
However, where’s our permanent GeunGeun/M3 picture? You don’t love them anymore????!!!! Miss them… sob, sob.
Captain! I’m not getting the my emails for new comments or new posts.
I don’t see an option here on this page either.
I’m working on it~
Nice new playground here, Ms. Koala although I’m one of those whose comment/s have been lost. Please keep up the great work and I look forward to more wonderful developments on your site. Hwaiting! π
Fighting! I love your site.. hope to learn more from your new site. ^_^
Congrats Koala! Looking forward to more fun stuff!! =)
Hi Captain! π
Just noticed the Pages links at the bottom of the Dicussion Forum page.
Are those the pagination plug-in? They’re cool! *^_^*
Congratulations again! π
Gratzie Captain Ockoala! and thanks a bunch for the pagination in the Geun-Geun thread! It’s faster and easy to access. Sadly i miss your pic of the Geun’s on the side of your site..hope your still restore them π
DITTO, see my comments in the above!
Congrats Captain! You’re the BEST!!!
Ur playground simply the BEST!!!!
thanks for your explanation and catering to not-techno-savvy dinosaurs like me! cheers..
Congrats for the new playground!!!! π
Ah I thought i was missing notification posts of your playground π
Really like the ease in navigation through posts!
Thanks for all your effort!! Congrats with your new page!
Thanks for your speedy recap. Just keep it up. Fightingggggggg!