
Jang Hyuk Confirmed as the Lead for Upcoming SBS Sageuk Tree With Deep Roots — 9 Comments

  1. sounds very interesting….He’s not even done with one project before being confirmed for another…Hyukkie seems to be having quite a year

  2. Wow. Jang Hyuk and Han Suk kyu. I love Han Suk kyu. Well, I only watched him in two movies: Shiri and Tell Me Something, but I love him in both.

  3. Oooh, now this I’m looking forward to seeing! I hope it’s more of a fusion sageuk than traditional — I’m encouraged that it’s only 24 episodes in that respect. Also, to be totally shallow, I hope that there’s lots of action scenes along with the drama — Jang Hyuk is so good in those.

    I haven’t given his current project Midas a try — the story just seems unappealing. But I’ll probably give it a go at some point, cause it is JH after all.

  4. Han Suk-kyu is mostly in movies, doesn’t court hype so you’re right about the limelight part. In the same time frame, Jang Hyuk did 7 movies 5 dramas, Han did 10 movies. So he’s hardly inactive though. They shared one director so far, the same man behind “The Scarlet Letter” & Jang’s segment in “Ogamdo”.

  5. “potentially masterful sageuk”

    Not an igloo’s chance in hell. One word. Kim Young-Hyeon.

    Wait. That’s three.

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