
Ethan Ruan and Rainie Yang for the Adidas Winter Collection — 5 Comments

  1. Hehe Photoshop Elements and CS4 hmmm well….they will always be edited as to get the perfect effect, at some cases the lighting and the shade of the skin, and the hair are the most edited ….but if it has been dragged and cut well the trim was good on the yellow and pink Ethan and Rainie together,I guess….because the hair is perfect no hair misplaced…yup definitely Photoshop thank you!!!!

  2. LMAO!…the Bambi part cracked me up so bad!….but u’re so right…..what is with all the unintentionally hilarious poses

  3. Definitely Photoshopped – the lighting is all wrong. I guess they tried, but they’re too strongly lit to be outside in the winter. And their poses are all weird. This shoot would be a fail (in my opinion) if Ethan and Rainie weren’t so darn attractive.

  4. First of all… Love ur site! It’s so informative! Hahaha.
    But I disagree with you on this one, the photoshop looks quite terrible actually.
    And what’s up with Ethan skin tone? Was it on purpose? If so, maybe they should’ve made him more pink so there’s no confusion as if he’s supposed to look pink or it was just badly photoshopped.
    Nevertheless, I like Ethan’s better. At least he’s got more variety on facial expression. 😛

    I can’t believe I’ve been missing out this site till now!

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