Mike He and Janine Chang Attend a Fan Meeting in Taipei for Sunny Happiness
Sunny Happiness, currently the #1 Sunday night TW-drama, isn’t about to take its rating’s crown for granted. Mike He and Janine Chang attended a Sunny Happiness fan meeting yesterday, which coincidentally was the night before the premiere of Drunken to Love You. When asked if he was worried about the upcoming competition, Mike pooh-poohed any such worry, saying that DTLY was just another bridge SH has to cross.
Good answer, Mike, and you know how much I love SH, but excuse for moment while I whisper something off to the side (pssstt – I’ve watched the first episode of DTLY three times already this morning – three times in a row). Anyways, back to my beloved Yong Yong and Yun Jie – don’t they look gorgeous together still? Sigh, SH is perfection from beginning to end, and I’m still pinching myself this drama came along to reinvigorate my faith in TW-dramas again.
While Janine is glowing, her zebra-ran-into-a-bumble-bee-crossed-with-a-muu-muu outfit is about the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen on her. The fact she still looks great speaks volumes about her natural beauty. And Mike’s outfit is just a giant FAIL. Ugh, I cannot even critique it, but at least from the neck up it’s all handsome Mike all the way. Swoon.
While I would love for SH to remain #1 during its entire run, my gut tells me that it’s about to lose its ratings crown soon, if not already. DTLY is…..special. I’m not trying to be coy, if I start talking about episode 1 of DTLY right now I won’t be able to stop, and this is a SH post devoted to my perfect OTP of Yun Jie and Yong Yong.
you watched the DTLY 3 times in a row?! omg, it must be good then. i’ll watch it as soon as subs are out.
Where do you watch it with subs? I’ve been looking everywhere.
http://www.viki.com/channels/2161 should have it completely subbed by tomorrow or tues.
I am confused. Hasn’t SH finished airing? I have completed watching it… unless there are more episodes. Please enlighten me. I did love the drama. And loved FTLY, so we’ll watch out for the ‘sequel’.
SH completed its China version airing back in February. The Taiwan airing is still continuing. China aired 45 min episodes 5 times a week so it finished its airing in a month. Taiwan airs 1 hr episodes once a week, so it’s got a few more weeks to go before it finishes airing.
Question on Mike’s outfit: is that a tie that got confused and thought it was a pair of suspenders instead?
No comment on her dress. Cute couple though
I was going to say something about Mike’s poka-dotted tux collar morphed suspenders tie, then I thought maybe I’ll keep quiet and be nice. But yeah, couldn’t help myself now that someone else said something….:) O Mike, when in doubt, wear a fine tailored suit or some popular K-idol.
sorry, I mean copy some K-idol styles.
Yup yah all read my mind….ahihihi 😉
Are you going to recap ep 1 of DTLY? Please do, I love your recaps 🙂
I thought they already air the final episode. I’m so confused. Where did you watch the first episode of DTLY? I’ve been looking for it everywhere.
These two are so cute together and apart. I have wanted to say this for the longest time, Asian styles and stylists (costume wise) are avant-garde to the max. She is so pretty but looks pregnant, which she probably isn’t but I would scold the stylist.
DTYL is really addicting.. You can watch it in YouTube but there’s no subbed yet..here’s the link:
Ok I expected the co-pilot to speak English he kinda look like Italian, and Mont Blanc sponsors, same as Fated to Love yah 😉
3 times in a row, chingoo? holy wow!
I really hope SH doens’t get defeated, but if Dtly is that good…omo omo omo!
Hahaha “from neck up its all handsome Mike He.” LOL so true
Their outfits are weird…