
Video Preview for Episode 11 of 49 Days — 22 Comments

  1. Thank you koala!!!! can’t wait!
    I love it that Kang is so dead sure about Ji Hyun. Does anyone need anymore proof that he truly loves her?????

  2. Omoooooooo!
    Seems so good. Can’t wait.

    and omo, omoo Kang Ah! That is why I love youuu! 🙂

    Scheduler so cuute too! heheheheheh

  3. Man, I feel like a bad friend cos I keep skipping lots of your entries, but I don’t want to get spoiled (I’m sorry for being a chicken!). Please know I always come here, root for you and when I see an entry about 49 days? It is SO hard to not read it.

    FYI. I ♥ you

  4. I actually wasn’t that impressed with the last few eps but this one looks AMAZING! Plus Scheduler in a party hat and pom poms has me grinning like a fool. Come on Wednesday!

  5. wow! thank you so much dear Ockoala for a great recap, written preview & All others… i always visit your playground since Playful kiss but have never left any comments… thank you very much i love your playground so much hope u will keep your spirit up… always 7 also wish u alys the BEST ….thanks ur BIG FAN…

  6. Seung Joo my Korean student is going back to Korea and I’m seeing him off, seeing Scheduler here reminds me of how comic Korean kids are specially the boys….I have a deep love for Korean kids boy or girl they respect teachers so much….very disciplined I like that <3 😉 Ah I'll surely love a man with a good sense of humor Scheduler…. 😉 I live to laugh and love….I want both in a man 😉

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