Jang Geun Seok Graces the Cover and Pages of AnAn Magazine
Jang Geun Seok earned another first last month – he became the first K-actor to appear on the cover of the Japanese magazine AnAn (JYJ‘s Jaejoong was on the cover of AnAn last year as the first K-idol to grace the pages). I think it’s a sign that Jang Geun Seok has made it as a noona-killer in Japan, joining the illustrious ranks of many a Johnny who has appeared on the cover and insides pages of the magazine (including Yamashita Tomohisa, Akanishi Jin, Matsumoto Jun, et. al).
Frankly, while I don’t much like the photospread, when I first heard that he was going to be in AnAn, I almost freaked out, but am glad that the end result is so very normal and tame. AnAn is like the Japanese version of Cosmopolitan, a ladies fashion and sensual guide, which sometimes features ultra-racy photospreads of some of Japan’s hottest young male actors/idols. For Jang Geun Seok, this is yet another well-deserved step in his career.
I bet money that all the poses in this photospread were specifically requested by the photographer, especially the ones where Seok is pulling on his t-shirt. AnAn tries to go for sexy and come-hither, and compared to what AnAn did to my Yamapi (*sobs, my poor beautiful boy*) this is nothing. Seok should count his blessings they only asked him to pull down that shirt a tiny bit. Actually, Jaejoong’s AnAn spread was also quite tame. Perhaps AnAn only makes the Johnnys bare all.
Hahaha!…I freaked out too…i had seen the cover last month but was worried abt wat would be inside especially after seeing Mukai Osamu’s photoshoot
Osamu’s AnAn shoot? Me ———-> O_O
Just……no. I don’t need to see that. But damn is that man fine.
And where does AnAn keep digging up those Eastern European B-models? Its like they have a new one every month.
Hm, he is more and more girly by the time pass. I miss his BV times……
the one he is lying and pretending to be sleeping, he looks like a girl. Really like a girl.
I agree. The man was just oozing sexy during Beethoven Virus!! Now I can’t look at him.
Ah you screamed out my thoughts with multiple exclamation points….I like my man strong but well reserved, this one is so lady like. I guess the Japanese women likes men who are effeminate….
Totally agree. He’s girlier than a lot of actresses!
Wasn’t kamenashi kazuya AnAn photoshoots tame?
Hahaha, it’s impossible to make Kame sexy. I am fond of the boy, but he will never be able to convince anyone he’s some Euro-sexpot’s boy toy.
omg, thank god for the tame pics! I’m still o_O-ing at most of the AnAn spreads. Mind you, it’s eyecandy, but omg the pic of Pi in the shower? er.
I will forever be traumatized by Pi’s AnAn photospread. Jin’s was way worse but I totally expected it of him. Pi? Until that shoot, he was always just Akira —————-> Power! Afterwards, I couldn’t unsee what I saw, and it was like Pi became a man overnight. But I miss my Akira. I sense I need a NwP rewatch soon.
You know what? My selective memory works like a charm so I saw Pi’s photospread, got shocked for a ridiculous amount of time (seriously. A ridiculously long time!) and I somehow managed to erase those pics from my memory. And then I watched Buzzer Beat and he was a Man again. I can’t unsee it now, but at least it’s not in the OMG-he-probably-has-sex-now way, which still makes me feel weird because he’s sooo young. Okay, he’s notthat young, but….but…you know what I mean, yes?
I love BB Pi, which was the perfect blend of boyish and manly Pi into a wholesome package of %^**%$^&&*.
The way he kissed Keiko in her apartment……I was torn because the devoted YamaKi shipper in me wished it was Maki, but elated because I never thought I’d live to see Pi actually be allowed to french kiss a girl in a drama.
Sigh, Pi, my Pi, how I adore thee. Please never drop trou again, for AnAn or anything else.
I SO understand! You have no idea! ♥___♥
YES, YES, YES!!! That’s one of the best jdorama kisses ever! I SO wasn’t expecting to like BB or even to see Pi kiss like that. When he kissed Natsuki, I was like, OMG not the soulless pecks again, but then the kisses with Riko happened and alskdjakldfhslkdf aksdhaksdh I think I need to rewatch BB, actually. ^^’
I second your request! ^^
Unni, did you see this? http://www.allkpop.com/2011/04/jang-geun-suk-releases-let-me-cry-mv
Can’t say that I was terribly impressed by the mv’s content (beyond yummy JGS, of course). But hey, JGS is worth watching in anything, in my opinion.
MV = meh. JGS = always a yay~
Thanks, dongsaeng!
Thank you for the link!
thanks so much for that link! oh JGS! if I were a forward-looking kdrama director, and wanted to have a drama where a guy pretends to be a girl in order to sing/find parents/become a nun/insert favorite, he would be the one and only choice, but i digress. thanks again – he is still hawtt
I wasn’t sure whether to be happy or sad at JGS’s photoshoot…I’m happy that they didn’t make it like Yamapi, Mukai Osamu’s and Jin…but I wondered if he could pull of an Ikuta Toma or Sakurai Sho…but then again…nah I’m happy with this I don’t think he could pull of the latter XD
Hopeless American over here….I’d love to see those photospreads you guys are talking about, any chance anyone has any pictures they can share? Pretty please?!?!?!?
you can always google them. someone going to have them in their page.
Ok, imma not going to post the links here because well….I’m the one guilty of mentioning JGS and the famous AnAn spreads in the first place (snicker). But let’s just say that if one wanted to, one could google AnAn Magazine Yamapi and a couple of sites will pop up that have collected the more infamous spreads…..fair warning NSFW, NSFMinors, NSFanyonewhodoesn’thavebrainbleachhandy.
What really amuses me about this is that the last time my brother was living in Japan and I was taking care of his mail and bills, Japanese customs used to rip open like every other package to see if I was mailing him Playboy or some such. Lets just say that AnAn never graced my mailbox either coming or going….but it drove me nuts.
Love JGS too but he is looking rather girly in these pics……miss his muscular man image he had way back before YB….
yea i agree…he looks too girly here
He is so much prettier than I am. Sob!sob!
oh my beloved actress YEH was also on this magazine cover…
anyway he looks good huh???
Had to go lookup the Yamapi pics. HELLOOOOO NURSE! Turns out I had seen the more normal one already…while searching his name on my phone for friends. At time they asked jokingly if there were *more* revealing shots. I will have to link them now. Heh.
mind you, had JGS’s shoot been that steamy I woulda plucked my eyes out. do.not.want.
he looks like a girl
OMG his feet O _ O haha
Aiyo, why he’s like a girl! JGS, pl don’t sell your soul just for money & popularity.
Remain the good but hottie boy image, ok.
he looks so cute and beautiful… sigh
Thank God it isn’t the same as Pi and Mukai Osamu’s AnAn photos or else I would really raise hell. Pi’s photo already made me cry *sob*(my poor innocent boy what did they do to you?). I am still upset and don’t wanna remember seeing that photo so I had to rewatched BB to erase that magazine photos. I do agree about JGS looking more like a girly in this photos. By the way, is BV a good Kdrama? coz I haven’t seen it and I don’t know if it’s worth watching.
Hi all, I’ll quote Suk ‘Long time no see’ from his recent fm that he titled 2011 Jang Keun Suk Cri Show in Singapore last Sat 23.04.11
Actually I’m not sure where to post so I just select this latest entry. Hope a lot of people that I promised months ago will see this
It won’t be a fan account cause you can find them floating around and you’ll get a detailed account and thousands of pix and vids from the minute he cleared Spore immigration to Ritz Carlton where the presscon was held, onwards to Marina Square where the Autograph & Photograph sessions took place. All these took place on 22.04.11
During the short interview prior to the fansigning, some 30-40 international eels performed a flashmob that the press dubbed ‘The Lettuce Dance’ bcos of the lettuce used as a prop drg the dance (think Mary from MSOAN cute dance onstage) The song chosen was Just Drag. Suk was grinning and laughing throughout the 2 min dance. He even followed a step or two & was seem singing along to the music. He accepted a lettuce after that from a dancer. So sweet!!!!
In between takes to prepare groups of 30 to pose onstage, Suk will go backstage and as he passes the crowd, people would give him packets of snacks and hd never disappoint any of them! He reached out to receive a can drink which he immediately open and drink and also opened each packet of snacks & pop into his mouth. He also SHARED the food with the crowd! He was definitely the KING of fanservice alright!
Ok I thought I wouldn’t write a fan account but I think it will be afterall… You can read from other blog entries for eg. Mykplayground, jangkeunsukforever, some posts on soompi and biskuteelblog are some.
I tried to upload some pix but I can’t seem to do it direct from my iPhone
Perhaps Ms Koala can give me your email address so that I can forward to you? My email address is farina1968@yahoo.co.uk
Ok, 22nd April was just the appetizer. Main course is ofcourse on 23rd
For those who has never attended Suk’s FM, try your best to at least go for one. Its WORTH IT!
His first number was Let Me Cry and you would think that you’re watching his MV live! He wore the same exact suit and the same facial expressions! Very dark and hot at the same time… Next he sang Take care my bus. There was a short interview with the emcee. I can’t recall his performances in sequence, so mianhe…
The event was in 2 parts, first his solo performance where he sang songs from his dramas: My Precious which he sang halfway, stopped halfway and we were all amused when his voice continued singing in the background! He asked us if we wanted to hear him live…ofcourse everybody was sent afrenzy! The tease!!!!
He pulled the same prank during the song Hello Hello. At first he sang the ballad version which he again halted halfway. He asked us if Singapore is always summer which is hot so we should all get up and dance to the rock version!
We needed no further encouragement :))
In between, there was another emcee and Suk talktime where they showed pix of his photoshoot from Europe. Once Suk cheekily said to the emcee ‘You should buy it( the photobook) when the emcee commented on a particular picture. He even offered to give the emcee his pants (in one of his pics) and I think he really would if they pick up this convo backstage.
He performed Still as Ever from YAB, wearing Hwang Tae Kyung clothes. There was some game held for audience. We submitted our names and ID numbers beforehand and he will pick out from a box. The lucky person would hv to answer questions related to YAB. The 3 winners received The Last in Seoul DVD and a hug each
I must say if you want to see Suk in his element, it would be during his Lounge H performance. That boy sure knows how to party and burn the house down! While he was controlled and professional during the first half, he let loose in his second. He was dancing SO SEXILY you just had to be there to see and experience how captivating and electrifying he could be. Just writing and reliving that moment already set my heart a few paces faster….
It’s really too bad that the security was uber tight, they were literally prowling and ready to pounce whoever is caught taking pic or vid. But, some lucky people did manage to steal quite a lot of pix and also some videos. You can search them on YT
Anyway, Suk was in white and Kurt aka Bigbrother in black. Where Suk was at a loss for English words, Kurt would fill in the gaps. They sang the addictive Gotta Getcha, Shake it and some others im not sure the title of. They announced that they will release a Lounge H album. Here I would like to say that previously before attending a Lounge H performance, it somehow felt (I don’t know how to put it)… distant? But after experiencing firsthand, I can understand why it’s much talked about and looked forward to by all the eels…. You can’t help but be pulled in to jump and dance and shout to the beat and rhythms of ‘pa papa papa!!!!’
Oh yes, before I end, I would like to assure all JKS shippers that his magnetic charm encompasses people of all ages, nationalities and genders. At the FM, there were men and women, age range: <10 to 60+, fans from Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Philippines even Korea!
If I had the opportunity, time and $$$ I would LOVE to go to ALL his FMs! He is my Coke
Oh I forgot to talk abt his constant ‘habit’ of dropping his accessories on stage! Drg his Lounge H, while he was dancing and jumping about, his bangle went flying! These incidents happened at a few of his FMs before… he is so cute I could kiss him!! Lol!!!
u r so cool…luv u..
big fann of u but luv u
WHY?!! tell me why is he prettier than me!! the light it’s blinding!!! D:!! (i’m a woman) I love this guy!!