
Best Love Episode 6 Recap — 43 Comments

  1. I was waiting for this recap the whole night!
    Even though I sad because of 49 Days, this drama really cheered me up.
    Can this drama get any better?
    Piljoo 😀

    • O, how I hate this show! I mean, seriously? You have CSW and his deep voice in your cast, you use helium at some point and you don’t mix up the two? CSW with a duck voice would just have been EPIC.

      Joke aside, Best Love continues to ROCK. Can’t wait for next week!

  2. Oh god, I was a lunatic today. Crying (49 days), laughing (BL), and then crying again at the last scene in BL. My heart breaks for our love triangle with everyone acting out such love and vulnerability.

    I was pleasantly surprised by the use of the pen. I thought the pen was going to be used to have AJ find out about PJ’s feelings for her. I thought he would return the newly bought pen unengraved, Jin would give back the real pen, and then AJ will see how much PJ is trying to help her.

    Instead it has created this movement and conflict in the story between AJ and Jin. I like but hope doesn’t last very long as a misunderstanding.

  3. I love it when I get emotionally attached to a drama. All the cute antics are fun but you need substance & the magic moment when you ‘feel’ the characters and get really invested in the story.
    I can foresee immense hurt on Pil Joo’s part, the poor boy.

    Thanks, koala-ssi!

  4. Oh ockoala, thanks for the recap!! This series just keeps getting better and better! I am so emotionally drawn to this triangle relationship. Thanks for the great performance of these three solid actors, even though the series is moving in a rather fast pace, everything is believable.

    *sigh…I love love Dokko Jin but I also adore Pil Joo. What should I do? I know this is a Kdrama so Jin will definitely get together with AJ. But my heart bleeds every time when I see how Pil Joo aches for AJ. If YKS didn’t execute this role so well and with so much subtlety, I would have feel less painful. But darn…why do both male leads have to be this good? And of course, GHJ is just simply amazing.

    I think this probably will be the best Hong sisters’ drama ever because of these three actors. They have brought the rom-com to a different level!

  5. omo omo omo..
    Thanks koala…
    this was a nice episode, made me cry at the end. and i thought all my tears were dried up from 49 days!!!

    • just realized something. the “two” PENS scenario was already done from Delightful Girl Chun-hyang with a necklace scenario. Like in this episode, the necklace created a great rift and misunderstanding between the two leads. hahaha the Hong sisters are starting to make the story move in a very fast phase..

      anyway I just realized something…
      I know i have mentioned this before, that I am having the 2nd lead syndrome. but then again DokkOJin seemed to have sneaked up when my defenses were down cause now I am wavering.
      *shakes my head* must not succumb to however cute DokkoJin is with a red ribbon tied in his neck or however adorable he shouts “PANTY” or however lovable finds my chickens and however much i want to kiss him, I will not betray my PILJOO!!!
      or maybe I will just to see him out just like that…

      • czak, I am all for Team AeJin. If one thinks about it, Dokko Jin needs AeJung. Gawd knows Dokko Jin not only needs to be brought a few pegs down, he also needs to start growing up and with his insecurites he needs someone who sees him purely as a man not as a star! Where else Dr PJ can have any girl he wants. Dr PJ is sweet, caring and tender. Dokko Jin is outrageous, passionate, full of virility, they are 2 very different characters. I hope Hong sister will be kind to Ae Jung and Dokko Jin because I like to see sparks fly and a tough journey but a rewarding enriching ending for having had such a tough journey to get there. I want to see AeJung being redeemed and have the good guy wins , we all know she richly deserves. I want to see Dokko Jin be affected and made a better person because of Ae Jung! I want to see Dokko Jin be a good man because of his love, because of his woman!!! Im such a hopeless romantice but aish~ its a d-r-a-m-a so I really hope all this comes to pass. All sweetness, tenderness of Dr PJ is all fine and well but it would be boring after a while. I wouldnt have enjoyed this drama without Pantyman’s antics ! Team AeJin Fighting~

  6. yay! the stalking paid off. Now I can watch the raw, thanks ockoala. The look on CSW face every time he leans toward Ae jung’s face, I love it! I don’t know about Ae-jung’s heart but mine beats faster.

  7. this episode was the best…my eyes actually watered at the end, which is amazing cause it doesn’t happen very often. best love is officially the best drama i’ve ever seen.

  8. I love all phase of this drama. It’s difficult to choose between AEJIN 0r AEJOO…
    Hong sisters, you are rock…!!

  9. I don’t know… I just can’t seem to figure out exactly why CSW seems to be a misfit for the Jin character. His voice is pretty annoying I stopped watching at episode 2. Just relying on your recaps. Thanks a lot!

    • indeed, his voice is a bit strange. my opinion is that this is his voice and he will change it during the drama…hopefully 🙂

  10. wooowww.. once again.. wooowww… what a love triangle here… I can’t wait to see what will happen between the 3 of them.. please share the preview of next episode ockoala, If I am GHJ/AJ I will be very confuse to pick one of these georgeous man.. they just so adorable..
    Thank you.. thank you.. for the wonderfull recap, I can’t say enough “Thank you” for you Ockoala…

  11. I feel bad for Pil Joo. Everyone knows he is better for Ae jung. Why does good girl falls for a bad guy and ignores the good guy. I fear that Ae jung will suffer so much in the following episodes. Bae Seul Gi’s character holds the key to clear Ae jung’s bad publicity.

    Thanks for the recap!

  12. It is such a pleasure to read your recap!! I am so in love with our characters, plot and its pace and the emotions that this drama bring out in every episode!! I wished there are two days in the week (wed/thurs) so that we can see how this story progresses it!

    I am pondering over the two scenes where both guys made AJ cry… Are they any different? And if so, what is the difference? Maybe for DJ, AJ’s feelings are getting more complex…and for PS, her feelings might be changing as well but at the slower pace?

    Thank you, Ockoala!! ^^

  13. Thank you! I agree wholeheartedly… Its going to be a hard week. I now have to watch 49Days and cry and then wait for D2LU and probably tear up there too! How on earth am I going to make it?!

  14. thanks for the recap… i was thinking all the episodes (except the first one when Jin ended like “what the F i’ve just done”) ended with Jin’s misty eyes, why do i always end suffering for him?. tonight i cry and keep replaying the sad ending not only for Jin but for AJ too. i want an episode that leave me smiling!!!! pleaseeeeeeee Hong Sis
    today episode was amazing, it was fun as always but so romantic… i keep swooning over Jin’s grabing AJ, Jin’s leaning so close to her face… my heart went like 120, i’m sure… and the potatos Aj is so sweet i love her
    Jin+Ding Dong is the cutest thing ever… love the pororo micro and loveeeeeee Jin with a red bow, ha ha so hylarious
    one last word, PJ really is a Prince Charming…. he’s cute and adorable… still my heart is with childish, petish, cute, selfcentered, manly, caring, sexy, topstar DJ. i even almost forgot he shaved his cow (but i keep praying for his cow to return)
    good night!!!

  15. This episode was so fantastic! It had me laughing at the part when the “ding dong” went off when he rattled on abt how he used her nephew to lure her to his house. CSW is amazingly funny! This is starting to look like the Hong’s sister’s best drama yet. Thank you so much for your recap, Koala! You are really the best!

  16. this episode was amazing but
    did Best Love pick TODAY to have a very emotional ending??
    I’ve been crying in sporadic moments all day thinking about 49 Days the before, the middle and the after of the drama and I was praying Best Love comes out for some zesty hilarious moments. I really love the turning point it took i do but it shouldn’t have been TODAY!! T__T I’m really emotionally exhausted so I’m gonna watch 1N2D now 😐

  17. So far I’m in love with the doctor! You cannot get any cutter than that! I can’t wait to watch this episode!

  18. OMG!!!!! i havent even watched this episode and have kept telling myself that i will NOT read Koala’s recap until i’ve watched the episode (waiting for subs!)… but noo! the temptation to find out what happens to Jin and Ae Jung is too strong!! hehe

    and holy crap, that was a good episode! not just because of the interaction between the OTP but the stakes have been raised! and it can only get better as we go along (hopefully!).. i cannot wait to see how and what Pil Joo and Jin will do to ‘fight’ for Ae Jung!!

    gaah! i’m so excited about this drama, i am restraining myself from jumping up and down and cheering them all on!! i almost want to not watch it on a weekly basis, so i can marathon the entire series in one go & not have to agonise waiting for the next episode – but i doubt that will happen. i cant even wait until next Wed/Thurs to see what happens next!!! hehehe. i’m officially addicted!!

    Thanks again, Koala!! I appreciate all the recaps (of all the shows) you do every wk!! *big hugs!!*

  19. I really like the fact that Ae Jung is quickly realizing that she’s starting to develop feelings for Jin and that she’s starting to put down her guard… and at the 6th episode no less! And let’s not forget the fact that Jin revealed his feelings for her just an episode ago!I especially love the fact that Jin finds out that he was being a jackass at that very moment because I don’t think I could be able to handle 4 more episodes concerning this pen misunderstanding…

    Also, is Best Love seriously going to make me cry at every episode? I know that this drama was never pegged as a melo but it is seriously making me tear up (especially at the endings). Like in the last episode, when Jin thought that she ditched him and he sat there with all his knick-knacks and a very vulnerable look on his face. Then in this episode when Jin seriously tells her to spend the night with him plus having Jin see what he did affect Ae Jung in the end… Or maybe it’s just because I tear up easily?

    Can I just say I love Cha Seung Won’s acting in this drama… He is totally making me feel for him. The same goes for Gong Hyo Jin. When she hurts and starts crying, I start bawling… So far I haven’t gotten that in touch with Yoon Kye Sang though, but he is definitely being adorable!

    • i feel the same, since episode 2 every episode end is heartbreaking, in a way or another, but episode 6 tops them all
      GHJ is so natural i really love her but CSW moves everything in me!!! he’s a Great actor

  20. i have never left a comment in any other post because i’m a closet dramaholic but this just takes the cake i just hope that Ae Jung doesn’t turn into those pulling out my hair because you’re being unreasonably dumb and helpless type leads.

  21. Ockoala, will you recaps you’ve fallen for me ? havent seen best love but it sounds a good one. i will read your previous recaps 🙂

  22. was travelling so read only this recap now. (read your 49 days before I left home!). Waaaaaaaaaaah! So angst-y! The ending broke my heart. Poor sweet AJ! How could the first lead (aka butthole) be such an emotional moron? He needs to grow up quick or he’ll kill her.

  23. Koala,

    OMG!!! DJ was such a jerk, but on the other hand AJ’s brother is no piece of cake, man… why does he have to mess things up? I wonder what will come next, what will DJ do to make up for the bad things he said to her. I don’t think he will stay still and let PJ win her heart. Another thing that I find unlikely to happen is SR fight over DK, I believe she will fight over PJ – She seems interested in him – , althought at the begging she might seem to fight over DK but that is due to her pride, since she wouldn’t like to lose to AJ. What do you think?=^.^=

  24. I did not follow this drama at all but you just moved me with your recaps…I always have a soft spot for rom-com but the actors in BL is my first time watching .I am the type of person who are very choosy in picking drama to watch,it all depends on whom acting in it.Thank you again Mz .Koala….I think you are very witty and awesome in your reviews.Now you taught me to see who are the good writers,a must see drama.Thanks.

  25. thanks much for this recap.really need it since im watching the eps without subs .. love ur recap. keep up the great work!!

  26. oh btw… im rooting for Pil Joo coz im having an awww, poor u ..feeling each time they were in a scene together. anyhow, im loving the drama and applaud the fast pace storyline n the humor n wit of it. I never paid much attention to u r beautiful before.maybe ill watch it again… i need to keep myself occupied coz nxt thurs will feel like forever….

  27. Loving this drama…I can’t choose between Dokko Jin and Yoon Pil Joo. Every time there’s a scene between Ae Jung and Pil Joo I can’t help but smile. Pil Joo is just so sweet…absolute boyfriend material. On the other hand, I find excitement between Dokko Jin and Ae Jung…I’m always in anticipation of Dokko Jin’s moves to woo Ae Jung and Ae Jung’s reactions to his “butthole” statements. They have great comedic timing and chemistry. But the last few scenes really got me teary eyed. I can’t wait to find out what will happen to this love triangle.

  28. Oh, Cha Seung Won, how do I love thee, let me count the ways! You’ve captured my heart with your character of Dokko Jin in this drama! It is all kudos to the writers of the show for making such an arrogant actor suddenly lose all dignity for a woman, and have the audience feel sympathy for him. But kudos to CSW for pulling off the amazing feat in nailing this character. I am glued to this drama!

  29. Hi everyoneeeee Apart from this episode do you know any other scenes or episodes with the Yoon Pil-joo’s clinic (Choonwondang Museum of Korean Medicine) in please please! I would love to watch ANY of the scenes with the clinic is in. Thankyou so much!

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