
First Impressions on Sunshine Angel with Wu Zun and Rainie Yang — 22 Comments

      • Thank you! I saw 1 & 2. I like it. That’s the Rainie I love. I like her grandma’s voice when she spoke from the letter. Can there be a sweeter grandma? The story of the business part is too familiar. But I like Wu Chun & Rainie interactions. Light & fun.

      • which channel? Eng subs? I found one but is not subbed… plz let me know I am dying to watch it… I need something to take over drunken to love you that is coming to an end! :O)

  1. Yay, I’ve been waiting for ages for SA to come out, and for ockoala’s opinion on it 🙂

    Sad that you’re not recapping it though 🙁 as I realllllly enjoy your recaps for all my favorite dramas 😀
    But oh well.

    Viki has been really slow in uplodding this though, I think it’s because of the drama being shortened and edited.

    • It’s not that that the ViKi people are slow in uploading, it’s just they chose to sub the GTV version and not the Hunan TV version. You’d have to wait until it airs in Taiwan.

      • eh? seriously? oooh i didn’t know that, sorry…

        that’s even worse though TT^TT
        i’ve waited for this for ages, and i’m sure it’s not just me. i’ve been refreshing the Sunshine Angel ViKi page constantly since episode 1 and 2 aired on the sixth July, and no wonder they haven’t subbed it yet, because they decided not to. i guess i’ll just watch the unsubbed one, even though my chinese isn’t very strong.

        also i read that SA has some broadcasting/financial problems? (
        so yeah… …

        but i guess that is a good decision as the SA airing on Hunan TV has bits edited and cut out.

  2. I’m not going to watch it if its going to be shortened, plus its going to air later in the month and I just got caught up watching Hayate the Combat butler (which I am completely in love with.. i was literally laughing so hard my stomach hurt from watching ep 3). I dont want to get started on too many dramas other wise its hard to catch up.. so its a good thing you are not recapping, unless its the full version!!

    Thanks for posting! Can’t wait to see Wu zun on screen soon! 🙂

  3. Thanks for the info! I have been digging out news of Scent of a Woman lately so didn’t have the time to take note of when Sunshine Angel will air.

    I think on paper, even without watching video, Raine and Zun are sure to have great chemistry. As a contrast, I wouldn’t expect such great chemistry between Raine and Joseph, but watching DTLY proved me wrong and their chemistry is of a down-to-earth kind that you feel they’ll make a great and lovely married couple.

    Once in a while we need some no-brainer dramas for pure entertainment and relaxation purpose and am glad now I have one drama lined up for the summer (if I won’t spend too much time following and perhaps rewatching the upcoming Scent of a Woman, hmm =P) My to-watch list is so packed and it feels soooooooo good!! 🙂

  4. Yes I guess this validate my observation that he has unleashed his specks of emotions somehow in that sneak preview….for someone so wounded with life it was about time 😉

    Well he’s really more complicated than anyone but I won’t go into details….anyway he has Angels to clear the rough road….

    I dare not dip my hands in his business anymore…. 😉 Lotsa luck buddy….nothing more to say….

  5. i thought that “Successful Story of a Bright Girl” was a no good drama. i didnt like at all. i dont understand it, why people like it. will u guys explain it to me ????

    • Bright Girl was and still is one of the biggest hit TV shows ever shown in Korea, and the first Comdedy/Romance mega hit, with a viewer rating of 42% back in 2002. That is why people still talk about it even today. As for why it was so popualar, I think it was just shown at the time when Korean viewer where getting tied of the weepy melodramas that before Bright Girl were the normal mega hit TV dramas. Also Jang Nara, I know the reveiwer here didnt like her but she had a run of number one hits as a pop singer as well as playing herself in the very popular sitcom NonStop, so Korean veiwers instantly clicked with her character in bright girl. The korean accent and the way she talked in bright girl was that used by country folk and quite hard for a city girl like Jang Nara to act in.

  6. After watching it,compare to wu zun previous drama he’s bit better.I guess rainie help him in away because when they on screen togethe I feel he’s more lively,stiff but much better.

  7. Why didn’t I comment here? I thought I did! LOL Omg, I’m going senile! XD

    Want to know the truth? I haven’t watched the latest Material queen ep but I’m almost tempted to (momentarily) drop it in order to watch SA. There is just no way I can keep up with all the new shows. I really can’t.

  8. OmG!! I can’t wait for the Eng Subs of SA.. ! I can’t also wait for your recap !:)

    I haven’t watch DTYL with subs and Now SA is coming! I’m going to be So overloaded with all Rainie’s dramas! Can’t wait..!

  9. isnt this just the best drama ever<3…heehee I have to admit out of all couples I didnt think this couple would be my favorite at all….I love Chun he's my fav. actor and ranine has always been my fav. actress…so when SA aired I pushed it into my schedule…but your right I really like Rainie's character Yang Guang…I'm on EP.7 and oh my goodness…I'm in tears, laughing till I fall out of my chair…or I'm grinning like a little kid who just got candy?!<3

  10. yeah really awesome and agreed with everyone that rainie and wu chun’s chemistry is fantastic………. i can’t wait for the dvd to come out, though i have watched the whole 18 episodes on youtube, i will definitely going to purchase the original dvd when its out in the store……

    i hope there’s a sunshine angel 2…………..

  11. Love their chemistry onscreen and offscreen..they’re always bickering LOL…Rainie definitely has her charms that every co-stars that she acted together will always look good together. hope they still have a chance to act together, may be in movie? Since Wu Chun focuses his works more in movies now… Love SA

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