
Official Promotional Pictures of Mike He and Janine Chang Reunited for Happy Michelin Kitchen — 36 Comments

    • No, they are playing the same characters in Sunny Happiness, but filming a cameo for the upcoming Happy Three Stars, the third drama in the Happy trilogy.

      • Just like in SH, Ming Dao appear with his lead lady in the first ep for few secs?? (very short cameo??) Actually k-drama did it once that I saw, with My Girl. At the end The lead actor and actress from Sassy Girl, Chun Hyeong (did I spell it right??) appeared for few secs too.

  1. OCKoala…I totally agree. They look absolutely beautiful together. I can just watch them all day long. Now these pictures make me want to watch Sunny Happiness again which I loved.

  2. Yep. Pretty. But I’m afraid that now I’m totally aboard the Mark-Janine ship all the way. I hope they make wonderfully dark and gorgeous babies together.

    • LOL, exactly the same reason I don’t ship Janine-Mike (even as I rabidly adore Yong Yong-Yun Jie as well).

      In real life, it’s Mark + Janine all the way. Those two have chemistry to burn. I’ve seen some candids of them and it’s O__O hot hot hot.

      Aren’t you glad I lured you into watching Black & White. Now you have another man crush ——> Yin Xiong.

  3. Wow, they look great together!!! I used to really like him with Rainie, but now that he’s matured, Janine seems to be the perfect match for him ^^ She looks so sophisticated and elegant!

  4. yaay but i kinda feel weird seeing these photos while watching love keeps going ermmm it feels a bit wrong to see mike with both janine and cindy. lol nahh im happy for the new coming drama. LET THE COUNT DOWN BEGIN!

  5. I agree! I’m not very familiar with TW stars, but I recognize the faces and names of those that practically everyone else knows too (Rainie Yang, former F4 members, Barbie, Vivian Hsu, etc.). But these two really stand out to me for being particularly attractive individually, and even more so together. In some of those snapshots, they really look like a real couple taking sticker pics together. (Wait, are those still around, or did I just date myself?)

  6. Cuteness overload! :))) I’m so glad we’ll get to see them on screen again! Man, I miss them!

    BTW I can only recall one instance of an OTP filming a cameo in a kdrama and that would be Jae-hee/Han Chae-young as Mong-ryong and Choon-hyang in My girl. Were there others? *ponders*

    • There have been some. It was definitely more common in the past:
      Kim Hee Sun and Ahn Jae Wook (“Sunflower” and “Goodbye My Love”)
      Kim Hee Sun and Ryu Si Won (“Propose” and “Forever Yours”)
      Choi Soo Jong and Chae Si Ra (they did so many dramas together, some as OTPs, some as not. They were like the ultimate drama coupling that they just went back to again and again.)
      Bae Yong Jun and Choi Ji Woo (“Winter Sonata” and “First Love”)

      And there are others, but they usually don’t do more than three projects together. In the 60s-80s, the same couplings were recycled again and again though. But then again, there weren’t as many actors back then.

      • Thanks! I’m still a newbie and I have never tackled a drama was was filmed before the 90s.

      • There definitely was a lot more OTP recycling back in the 90s. Thanks for letting us know, blue. I also don’t watch older K-dramas, but I can understand how as the acting pool enlarges almost exponentially during the Hallyu wave, it’s better to have actors pair up with different people.

    • Yeah, that was the only true OTP cameo to happen in a K-drama, Mong Ryong and Choon Hyang randomly showing up in My Girl. But it was too short, and made absolutely no sense. Heh, Hong Sisters, you guys and your weird ways.

      HS also have their actors cameoing individually in their dramas, but never as the same character. I thought LSG should have cameod in Best Love as his Woong character and maybe be Dokko Jin’s stunt double.

      I don’t mind if Janine-Mike randomly cameo in every single TW-drama from here on out as Yun Jie and Yong Yong. See, I’m totally easy to please. 😀

  7. I totally have to rewatch SH now and anticipate the airing of Happy Three Stars… seeing them back together even for just cameo roles make me remember how long the journey it took both YongYong and YunJie before they were able to have their happiness… Ah, finally have something to occupy my time! ^^

  8. thank you for the post! i really miss yunjie and yongyong. Do you have good sources where I can find out more about janine and mark?

  9. Lovely! I totally agree they are the most matchy matchy in looks alone in all the TWdramas I’ve watched.

    I’m not touching Happiness3 drama unless u tell me it’s SH/MQ good, but I’m totally totally going to ogle at their cameo and FengFeng’s

  10. Hello Ockoala
    Do you know where I can download Happy and Love Together? I’ve watched Sunny Happiness and would like to watch Part 1 of the Love Series because you have recommended it.
    Many thanks.

  11. Is there another drama of Mike & Janine together after Sunny Happiness? I love this SH drama so much that I have been watching over and over again. Please let me know.

  12. i just love Sunny Happiness…. it’s just a beautiful love story… how it all came together… and at the end when Yong Yong released Yun Ji he wouldn’t let go of her…. as the saying goes..”If you love something set it free if it comes back its yours” and I love the fact when she said to him…. I worked so hard to get you out of my heart and throw you away, how did you come back so quickly…. beautiful love story, beautiful couple…. my favorite drama… my favourite OTP… a class of it’s own… I hope they do another drama together…

  13. I hope next time Mike He and Janine Chang will play again in other drama. They are very nice couple, I never bored to watch them.
    Their acting very natural and sweet.
    Hi…producers please give them a new nice drama…

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