
Black & White Episode 4 Recap — 10 Comments

  1. Love it!! Thank you so much Koala for recapping the show~
    ARRGH I’m so restraining myself to spoil anything but that girl (that Pi Zi ish chasing) ish kinda important XD
    And Gao Yi… there’s more to him.

  2. Thanks for the recap 😀
    I always thought of Kingone as ‘the guy who always plays the secondary actor in Rainie Yang’s dramas’ but this drama is really showing his range. He is so totally different here that I didn’t even recognise him at first.
    I hope Pi zi ends up with Chen ling.

  3. I totally ship Pi Zi and Xi Ying together. But then I change my mind and want Xi Ying and Ying Xiong to be together, because let’s face it, Mark and Janine together take hotness to a whole ‘nother level. But I also feel so much for Xi Ying already, even though we’ve barely been introduced to her. I think Janine plays her coolness-with-a-hint-of-vulnerability just right, and I really want to know more about her character.

    I loveloveLOVED the Pi Zi-Ying Xiong scenes in this episodes. In fact, this is actually one of my favorite episodes in B&W, for that reason and also for the action (which is awesome). I love how fast-paced this episode is, too, and how it introduces the beginnings of many future plot arcs and mysteries.

  4. I watched till ep 8.. And the weird love triangle (with no Xi Ying) is a little messy. I do love a romance story line within a drama like this but this one is all over the place. Watching Pi Zi, it seems he has feelings for Chen Ling but because he knows abt Ying Xong’s feelings, he doesn’t let it show. I don’t see a resolution at this point. I’m totally shipping Pi Zi and Chen Ling because Xi Ying is dull and the only time I felt something for her was the scene when she leaves the bar.

  5. This is the episode where all begins: Pi Zi is not just a lazy womanizer cop, Ying Xiong has a dark side that it’s slowly showing, Chen Ling is a girl that sometimes (not always) love to be saved and Yi Xing begins to exposed her feelings (subtly but we definitively know who she likes) . But what is more important is the set up of a friendship, because Pi Zi helps Ying Xiong with the “little” lie, and even though we see that Pi Zi likes Chen Ling. A love chair game, it’s true but what a great game….

  6. Love love love B&W. It’s my new crack.

    Of course, Zai-Zai and Mark do awesome jobs at the bromance, and kuddos to Ivy and Janine as well but, please, isn’t Kingone simply AMAZING as the Dreamer dealer? This is SO different from the Kingone I’ve seen so far (always with Rainie, in DBY, WWL and DTLY) and I am SO pleasantly surprised. He rocks in this creepy role.

  7. I like this drama.I’m going re-watch it. Just hoping the ending will be better or more romantic. Hihi. Love both hero. =)

  8. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I remember replaying so many scenes from this episode – Ying Xiong’s jump onto the train, Pi Zi hitting the brake in time, the chase up the escalator, Pi Zi embarrassing Ying Xiong, and Pi Zi’s painful chase after that girl. And I remember being so pissed at Ying Xiong for lying and for not noticing Xi Ying (at this point of the series, she’s boring compared to Chen Ling, but I still liked her)!

  9. That scene at the end was so awesome…
    I have to say that I adore Pi Zi! Ying Xiong is great and all, but I honestly don’t ship him and Chen Ling, and there is just something about his upright-ness (except for that lie about saving Chen Ling) that feels annoying. Totally adore the show, though!

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