
Yoo Ah In is Dirty and Broody for W Korea Magazine — 10 Comments

  1. koala asking who’s having a secret crush on Yoo Ah In?
    me with matching raising hands! hehehehe!

    I simply adore this guy!
    He’s not the typical uber so good looking guy but he got this charisma and the acting chops that can easily move you!

    Will watch out for his new movie!
    Hope to see him in small screen as well!

  2. The thing with YAI is that he’s so talented and charismatic that he’s believable in each role he lands or persona he’s embodying. And that comes across on screen and in photoshoots, no matter how crazy/weird/unbelievable/[insert adjective here] they are.

    In conclusion? YAI FTW!

  3. I love most of these pictures–he does scruffy like he means it, and that’s lovely.

    I don’t like the one with the words “A Walk on the Wild Side”, though, partly because, dude, it’s a frigging photo shoot, nothing about this is remotely wild, jeez and partly because he looks like he’s craving another hit of crack. Um. Is that supposed to be sexy? I don’t think it’s sexy. Interesting, maybe, and really indicative of his talent and transformative ability, but not…sexy.

  4. I love YAI and will gobble up anything YAI. Thankythanks koala! 😀

    Pic 1. Hot crazy hobo contemplating whether to gouge out your eyes out or just let you safely pass the street.

    Pic 2. Hot hobo sleeping in the middle without a care if anyone tiptoes around him or just steps over him.

    Pic 3. Hot hobo experiencing heartburn.

    Pic 4. Hot hobo just woke up and realized he’s sooooo hungry.

    Pic 5. Hot hobo went back to a fitful sleep trying to shake away the hunger pangs.

  5. Me. ME. Meeeeeeeeeee!
    My friends find me weird to be the only one who finds him hot whenever he looks tidy in SkkS, but for some reason, I find attracted to him when he tried to look dangerous. hahahaha 🙂

  6. Did anyone else notice the cigarette in the ‘A Walk on The Wild Side’ picture?
    Hmm, maybe that’s why he’s clutching his chest in pain…

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