Rainbow Sweetheart with Jimmy Lin and Cherrie Ying to Premiere this Week in China
This coming week sees the premiere in China of Rainbow Sweetheart, the C-remake of My Girl from the producers of Hi My Sweetheart and Meteor Garden, starring Jimmy Lin and Cherrie Ying. During the promotional circuit this week, Jimmy has definitively announced that this is his last drama, and will henceforth only do movies if the right script come along. He’s got plenty of other business ventures and his race car driving hobby, so acting is now his side job. In honor of Jimmy “I Never Age” Lin’s last idol drama, I will force myself to watch at least an episode of RS. The reason I say force is because the trailer almost sent me running away screaming when it was first released earlier this year.
While MG is a sentimental guilty pleasure of mine, no one ever thinks it was a great script, resting solely on the charm of Lee Da Hae. In fact, Lee Dong Wook looked so constipated most of the time in that drama I was hoping he’d get smushed by a zamboni and Da Hae could get with my Jun Ki. Anyhoo, Cherrie is channeling the “overact like I have ants in my pants” routine for the better part of the trailer, so I don’t think I’ll be able to last through the entire drama. But for those Jimmy fans out there, this will be your last chance to see the man on the small screen.
Opening credits for Rainbow Sweetheart:
Trailer for Rainbow Sweetheart (with English subs):
I just finished watching the trailer. I had no idea there was going to be a Chinese remake of My Girl. Honestly, I’m disappointed. Cherrie Ying exaggerates on her character and doesn’t even have 1% of the charisma Lee Da Hae had. I already know I’ll hate her role.
I’ve watched Jimmy Lin ever since I was little. It’s hard to imagine he’s past 30 years old when his face never develops wrinkles. Is he a vampire?! Jokes aside, I was really ecstatic when I saw his name on the blog title. As for the drama itself, he could’ve picked a better project. If you’re going to announce the end of your drama career, you’re going to have to end it with a “BANG!” Jimmy Lin deserves a better drama rather than a some mediocre remake. Why couldn’t he have picked a wuxia genre?! WHY??!!
Nevertheless, I’m also going to force myself to watch the first episode and maybe finish it. It all depends on whether my little sister will enjoy it. She’s seen bits and pieces of My Girl, but wasn’t interested since it looked non-HD [rolls eyes]. Maybe she’ll like this version.
oh no…. i have an ominous feeling. firstly, don’t sense any chemistry with the leads… secondly, a remake usually is a flop, not cos they are bad in general, but i think the original was so good that it is usually hard to trump that. sigh, i think chinese dramas [c-drama and t-dramas] should really be creative and come up with a new unconventional drama.
if not all the dramas will be: girl meets guy, guy is a jerk and girl thinks he is a jerk. but later on the girl finds that he is actually quite sweet and they get together. but the guy’s mother/father rejects the girl because the family is actually rich. and that naturally dictates that the rich marry the rich.
well, actually one unconventional T-drama would be Fated to Love You. but then again, the miscarriage was a bit cliched.
I hate cliched dramas too, but I still find myself being sucked right back into it. There’s just something about the rich-guy-poor-girl concept that I can’t get enough of.
The best unconventional drama would be if the male lead and female lead looks like they’re going to end up together only to find out that the girl chooses the second male lead near the end of the drama. OH YES!!! Let’s make that happen, drama scriptwriters!
Omo…I wish you luck watching one episode because I stopped the trailer after 1 minute and 6 seconds…I don’t even want to know what the other 12 minutes was about.
I saw a bit of the opening and saw how cute the second male lead was and wanted to watch the trailer to see more of him but couldn’t get past the scene where the lead girl smushes her face against the wall and slides down. Guess I won’t be watching this one.
Gosh, the acting. Gosh, her looks. But..how old is Jimmy again? What? 20? Are you sure? Isn’t he just 17?
35 years old with a wife and a baby boy. Yeah. He looks exactly did he did when he was in his twenties. The guy just never ages!
My girl is perhaphs my least fav Hong sisters drama…It just had a very nonsensical plot even though it was kinda funny….also LDH does nothing for me…I watched it solely for the guys….anyways power to the Hong Sisters for having another crack drama adapted.
Hm, I´m not sure if I´ll be watching this drama because of all the Hong sisters´ dramas that I´ve watched, “My Girl” is my least favourite.
It´s quite a shame because at the beginning I thought it had soooo much potential. Maybe this time they´ll be doing it right -or rather cater to my narrative kinks to a greater extent! 🙂
Oh, also “My Girl” is another case where I was baffled by the second-lead-shipping. Don´t get me wrong, I very much enjoyed Jun Ki´s character but whenever he was crying over the heroine – which happened a lot – or playing angry squash – which also happened a lot – I was like “Dude, where are all these feeling coming from??” because I didn´t believe him falling in love with her AT ALL. But yeah, he looked pretty doing it, so… *shrug*
I also hope they´ve chosen better music for the remake because I remember HATING most of the songs used in “My Girl”. Does anyone agree with me on this point at least? 🙂
Actually… I was always kinda obsessed with that song that was like “Is it new years eve in Kazakhstan?” I dunno whenever I think of My Girl that song just starts playing and I’m back to fond memories of my childhood x3
My Girl is my absolute favorite drama but this remake looks horrible. Guess the leading man is pretty famous but I’m not familiar with him and frankly I can’t picture anyone other than Lee Dong Wook as Seol Gong Chan. I also couldn’t get past the first minute of the trailer. The girl overacts too much and she lacks the effortless charm of Lee Da Hae.
Aww.. I’m torn… I LOVE Jimmy Lin in My Lucky Star and haven’t really watched any of his other dramas so I want to see this one. After seeing the opening credit it didn’t seem too bad BUT the 12 min trailer was a big turn off. Hopefully the main girl will tone down her acting once she is pretending to be the cousin? One can only hope…
O M G … *cringe*
I’ve never been able to get through an entire episode of My Girl(I’ve tried 1-16). I just don’t get the hype. I also don’t care for LDH as an actress(on-screen or professionally); as a person, she seems pretty fine.
But this drama, I was going to try for Jimmy but I ruined it by watching the first 2 mins of the preview.
Oh well. Enjoy Jimmy fans 🙂
The words C-drama remake (the recent slew of c-drama remakes of kdramas is annoying me) and Cherrie Ying (I can’t stand her acting!) is enough. Even the power of Jimmy Lin cannot make this not cringe-worthy. I knew about the remake for awhile, but didn’t know it would be Jimmy’s last drama. =*(
My Girl was a great drama – obsessed with it when it aired, loved the OST, and is one of my fave dramas of all time – but sadly, it also doesn’t stand too well for rewatching. The newness of everything made it easier to trudge through the last few episodes. But a rewatch should only be for the first 8 episodes.
Umm, I couldn’t even get through one minute of the trailer…. I kinda wish tw stop with their remakes of k-drama. I don’t mind their original stuff… just not k-drama stuff. I don’t even mind manga adaptions. Just… sigh… i don’t even know what to say.
Ah. My Girl 😉 So many fond memories. I think it depends on how the remake is carried out. I’m not familiar with those leads, but I would give it a try. I miss Lee Dae Hee’s silly acting. Now she’s like a lump on a log 😐 Not that interesting =X lol. Miss Ripley wasn’t that bad…
Now that you mention it.. He does look constipated most of the time. Even in SOW hahaha.
The whole time watching My Girl, I had to do double takes whenever Junki appeared. The beginning where he appeared on the bed… I thought he was a girl ;). My Girl is also a guilty pleasure. Love it, and hate it because it’s good.
The girl acts like a dumbass. Ugh. Just watching her makes me feel angry. Why do C-dramas always slaughter these remakes?
Doesn’t help that Jimmy looks more like either actress’s lil bro instead…
Also, Matrix parody? That is so 1999.
What’s his secret to anti-aging? D:
I know aye. Who the heck can tell that he’s 37?
Wow.. They could have found a younger actress to match Jimmy better. This one looks so old.. They don’t match and it’s not fun to watch.
Love how Ms Koala described Jimmy Lin and Lee Dong Wook. It’s true that Jimmy Lin didnt look aging. The last time I watched him in Star Luck? His hair is thinner. But I just can’t get why he starred in a role so young and immature. On another note, I wOnt ebe able to enjoy MG in the same way. lol constipated !!
I don’t believe the guy is 37… never seen/known him before but he just doesn’t look it!
Overacting heroines are just.. I can’t tolerate it. I would’ve watched a less than stellar version just so I can watch My Girl with different scenes but still same plot, but now… no thanks.
Rrrr. the music during the preview was so annoying!!!
NO NO i think i’m gonna have to skip this one even though I LOVE jimmy .. why oh why did he pick this drama?!
The heroine looks kinda OLD~~~~~~~~~ Oh no!!!
Totally umpftttt!!!!!!!!!!
One more thing, the lead and second actress are not pretty at all.. They sure look like older sister for the second lead!!!! O M G… Totally ruin My Girl!!
uh…didn’t like my girl
lee da hee overacted so much i skipped most of it
didn’t see the hype
… I made it through the 12 minute preview… And I guess I’ll try the first episode but I seriously have no Idea how far I can go with this. I have really fond memories of My Girl (though it’s been like 5 years since I’ve seen it) but this just seems… ugh. I guess I’ll try to get through it by turning off my brain whenever Jimmy isn’t onscreen 🙂
I watched the Korean version and enjoyed it but the trailer for this is unbearable. that main girl is way overacting. i tried to watch this for jimmy but don’t think i can sit through this, they should have picked another girl and jimmy should have found a better drama as his last one.
I saw all of those plot only for Jimmy. He is too cute and I don’t really care what happening with the other things on the drama, just melted again as usual. The main story is not too special, not surprising but overall, appreciate their best effort to create this remake. and look so forward to see Jimmy again in the other nice story!