
Musical Drama Whats Up Scheduled to Air on Cable Channel MBN — 32 Comments

  1. Is No Min Woo confirmed for that vampire drama? Think he’ll be a perfect vampire but does that mean he is 100% confirmed not gonna be in Full House 2? Not sure how I feel about that. Was looking forward to seeing him lead a fluffy rom com.

    • Hi Justine, actually Min Woo pull out of Full House 2 and has signed on to Vampire Idol, which I think it suits him better and sounds more fun and original.

      • Just heard No Min Woo has signed on for Full House 2 now with Hwang Jung Eum. [Source: allkpop article]

  2. Oh my god, yes! I’ve been wanting to see this drama ever since Im Joo Hwan opened his mouth and made hot, hot love to my ears.

  3. Well I can’t understand what they are saying but What’s Up looks awesome and I’ve heard good things about the writer. I’m looking forward to watching this musical.

    • I’m glad that this will at least make it to air before IJH comes back from the…at least this will be a way to stop us from missing him way too much…Team Park Kyu FTW!!!

  4. Woo hoo! Song Ji Na is (in my opinion) one of the best screenwriters! Since her previous works have been so popular I was surprised when this drama didn’t go on air right away. I’m excited it has finally got a slot. Go MBN! This network hasn’t even launched yet and already it’s lookin’ amazing! I just hope the fact that similar dramas which have already aired (Dream High, Heartstrings, The Musical) won’t make this one seem repetitive. I will have faith in the writer!

  5. droppin by for Daesung.. Happy he will be back soo. Just wana see my BB completely 5. 2011 is a not- s0-good year for my boys. hwaiting for the drama

      • hmm if you want to see them together sooner just vote them for MTV EMA,they won the first election,now they are against to Britney Spears.

      • Done and is still voting. Dont worry Im a Filipina Blackjack and VIP . You can always count on my /our support for them. I can assure you for that keke.

      • Taeyang has confirmed they are going to the EMAs AND Big Bang is going to reunite on stage as 5 at the YG Family Concert…though that was probably Papa YG’s troll plan all along

  6. WOW! Finally! I’ve been on the look out for this cause it’s been dangling in the air for months. I can finally see Im Joo Hwan acting again. I’ve always been waiting for his next project after falling in love with him as Park Kyu. Haha! Saying/hearing his name never fails to make me laugh. XD

    Yea, too bad he’s having his military duty now. 🙁

  7. Preview looks AMAZING. So excited for this! Im Ju-hwan is love. And Oh Man-seok, yay!

    Is that girl in the red woolen hat Jiwon from High Kick 3?

    It kind of makes me sad to watch the actors being so hopeful and excited in the BTS knowing how they were screwed later. JHJ mentioned that this is the first musical kdrama, which if it’s true kind of sucks that it’s airing now after others copied them and/or got there first (DH, YFFM, Musical).

    Still, I’ll definitely be watching.

  8. Glad What’s Up is finally up, I had been waiting for it like an eternity to be picked up… and MBN can later enjoy its decision for picking up WU, it is such a good drama, and will surely be a hit with the ratings.

  9. It’s a miracle! I can’t believe that this drama didn’t get picked up given the resume of the writer. So unfortunate. But what’s more unfortunate that IJH is still in the army. No promo pictures then from IJH. Boo! :/

  10. The preview made this drama look amazing so I was anticipating it for so long…then gave up when the Daesung controversy hit. I thought this drama was going to be tossed in the storage closet. I’m surprised this is going to air now. I’m gonna hold out, though, on getting excited until this thing actually airs. Crossing fingers.

  11. Im Joo Eun is really one of the new actress that i really like especially from Hon.
    It’s too bad that it seems like her character is not the main love interest. The long-haired talkative girl is a rookie actress who is currently in the sitcom Highkick 3, it seems like she’ll be rising~

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