
Injured Selina Jen Finally Ties the Knot While Surrounded by Family and Friends — 29 Comments

  1. I love SHE. All 3 have truly great personalities that shine through their music, and I admire Selina’s courage and optimism. Wish her all the joy in her marriage!

  2. She looks gorgeous pre and post accident, but her bridesmaid dresses have got to be the ugliest, most unflattering dresses I have ever seen. I do love the shoes though.

  3. i didnt know her (i just know Ella from SHE) and anything about the accident, but she looks so beautiful, hope she can recover fully soon.

    and definitely agree to above comment about bridesmaid dresses!

    btw, you know the OG’s stallone’s real life gf who plays wei mina in OG, when i first saw her, she reminded me of Ella:D i think they look very similar now i saw Ella here:D

  4. and offtopic BUT today’s header is one of the best:D i dont know if any drama couple could pose so natural:D my favorite is the middle pic:D Jihwan kisses Eunhye and the look on her face is so cute:D

  5. Thank you for sharing this! Every tidbit I hear about her recovery and courage has never failed to leave me touched and my eyes a little bit wet. What a beautiful wedding (i agree about how in light of all that has happened, this wedding is especially poignant) and what a beautiful bride. Selina’s happiness really shines through. I look forward to more milestones on Selina’s road to recovery.

  6. I’m sooo Happy for her..I wished her the best and a long happy marriage. Her story is amazing of pure faith and perseverance. I might go out of the limn here, but I say she has retired from the entertainment world, in order to focus on her marriage and babies. I wish the couple happiness.

    However, is it me? or Hebe looks weird? Elle looks great but I swear I had to take a double take on Hebe.

    • yes, i think it’s hebe’s orange hair that is throwing us. I saw her on an episode of this season’s One Million Star competition where she was a guest performer and was totally surprised by her in, totally distracted me from her entire performance. definitely prefer her with black locks 🙂

  7. *tears*
    it’s great to hear stories like these coming in from the entertainment industry where we are so used to hearing scandalous and silly stuff…..wishing this lucky couple a beautiful and happy marriage!

    • sadly, media is very selina biased
      i never hear anything about yu hao ming and people don’t seem to care except in mainland
      yu hao ming updated his weibo 3 months ago, he seems to be recovering
      but not ready for activities

    • He’s still in rehab and recovery. He had more severe burns than Selina, but had less burn areas on his body than her. The C-media reports on him often, but news is scarce because he’s kept his recovery under wraps, whereas Selina’s recovery is pretty much covered by the TW-media because she lets them see her current state. I don’t expect Ham to emerge until he’s ready to be seen.

      • oh thank you for that koala :DD
        I’m hope he get well very soon.

        @bubujinxinaddict ; yeah , i try to search news for him but i only found a very few articles .

  8. While Selina does deserve praise for her courage, just wanted to also give credit to the oft-forgotten hero who shielded Selina during the explosion – mainland China actor Yu Hao Ming who was severely injured, maybe more so than Selina. Here we see the difference between Taiwan and China media where the Taiwan media tends to sensationalise things whilst hardly a word or picture has been heard about Yu Hao Ming.

    Here’s applauding both for surviving their ordeal and wishing them all the best in the future undertakings.

  9. Super Happy for her. S.H.E was the first TWpop group i listened to. Love her resilence. Also as previous commentators have pointed out a shot out to Yu Hao Ming who’s still recovering.

  10. I can’t help myself but to comment about the bridesmaids dress its like a flower that is dropping from the tree or a bell, it make them look like white mushrooms..I know that the bride might be worried that all eyes are not on her..but that is really bad taste…but all the best for the newly wed couple.

  11. thank you mz koala for sharing such wonderful news and pictures with us.

    selina is just glowing and looks absolutely beautiful 🙂

    wishing the couple the very best!!

  12. Congratulations Selina & Richard!!

    I admire her courage and strength and I continue to hope that she can have a good recovery. For both of them, HM and Selina, I hope they both can make a good recovery.

  13. I’m happy for her. I saw it in the newspaper that she got married. I am really really glad that her protector is doing well too. I am happy for Selina. S.H.E. was the first tw-group I ever heard. I love their songs, acting, and everything else!!

    Here’s to the bride and the groom!! Wishing them all the success that life can give them.

    The bridal party all look like white pears. (Sorry, but true.)

    Hebe looks darling with black hair, but the red just looks awful on her. I am a huge Hebe fan too!!!!! What is S.H.E. coming too???

    Still, everyone looks like they’re really really happy. I am really happy for them!!

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