Cast of Office Girls Holds Sold Out Fan Meeting in Taipei
The cast of the hottest TW-drama at this moment Office Girls held a fan meeting yesterday in Taipei that was apparently sold out in minutes and had people flying in from other parts of Asia. It was a very casual event with the cast playing games, discussing the drama and filming, and signing posters for all the attendees. I want! Apparently Alice Ke is dying to eat a pork chop since she’s been on a strict diet for the last month because she needs to develop a six-pack should OG break 6. Poor baby. Roy Qiu was asked to demonstrate how to measure temperature using the forehead, and he demonstrated with Patrick Li. Then the MC made Roy sit down with his eyes closed and touch foreheads with the cast, and then he was asked to pick which one was Patrick. Roy was correct, but even funnier was Roy answering correctly as well which one was Janel Tsai, and her RL boyfriend Patrick was all pretend angry wondering how the hell Roy knew. I would love to be a fly on the wall of that cast.
ZOMG, they are even holding their his-and-her bears during the fan meeting. *dies of the cute*
Video of Roy playing forehead temperature game with his co-stars:
Omo, way too cute. Office Girls warms the heart and makes my sides hurt from the laughter. Im si hsppy that the show is getting such great rating and love from the audience.
Playin field ball, cya mates later
OG Fighting!!!
Cute! I like how Roy when asked how it knew it was Patrick Li said that he knew from the disgusting sensation from before. LOL.
I love the good rapport and friendly vibe between the cast.
Ahhh this cast is so adorable! I’m glad they’re doing more promotions stuff. I so wish I’d studied abroad in Taiwan this semester, just so I could go to this, hehe.
wish i could understand what they were saying
but i love the comrade feeling between all the cast members XD
i don’t know if it’s just me but the only thing i’m noticing is Roy’s freaken metallic jacket…it hella stands out hahah
Not in love with that jacket. Nor with Patrick Li’s shoes and socks.
the cast is just way too funny, i want to watch the next part.
If you close your eyes and listen to the crowd’s reaction, you easily get to guess whose forehead it is.
They are adorable. Wish I could be a mouse in that wall. Yup, it’s completely idiomatic for that’s what we’d say in my native language.