Song Joong Ki Holds Fan Meeting in Tokyo for his Lucky Japanese Fans
Hot on the heels of Kang Ji Hwan holding his Japanese fan meeting, Song Joong Ki was also there this past weekend holding a more intimate gathering with his fans in Tokyo. So intimate, he managed to shake hands with every single fan who attended. O__O So. Jealous. The Japanese fans get the best stuff, whilst we elsewhere suffer. Joong Ki has been popular in Japan since Sungkyunkwan Scandal, but I reckon the Japanese obasans will do a collective jaw-drop when they watch his mindbogglingly splendid performance in Tree with Deep Roots. This was the year he went from cute boy with talent and charisma to bona fide actor with screen presence. His currently airing rom-com movie Penny-Pinching Romance with Han Ye Seul hasn’t done well at the domestic box office, but the Fall rom-coms have been a miss generally. Up next is the movie Wolf Boy with Park Bo Young. I’m so excited about that pairing its not even funny.
I know he’s sitting on what looks like a throne descending from the sky, which is all sorts of silly, but because it’s Joong Ki, I think he looks perfectly adorable being the prince of the party!
[Credits: all pictures of the respective news agency as marked]
WHY WHY WHY WAS I NOT THERE?!?!?!?!!!!!!!! Argh, I’m so glad I’m moving to Korea. I swear I’m going to comb eery inch of Seoul until I get to meet him. We’ll be best friends and then you all will be super jealous. ^_~
Oops, the system posted my comment twice…can you delete this one, unni?
What do the actor’s do in these fan meetings? Talk about themselves experiences and dreams?
I am very very jealous of Japanese fans. Kang Ji Hwang AND (my ultimate bias) Song Joong Ki?!?! Life is so unfair. I missed when he was in NY because I was in Korea -_____- I’ve always wanted to go to a fan meeting because it seems very intimate and the only chance to really see the actors. He looks adorable as always 😀 I think Wolf Boy sounds ridiculous, but I’m curious to see him with facial hair (I don’t really like facial hair though…sigh). I will patiently wait for the day he returns to the small screen… this time I hope he gets a lead role.
also Jang Geun Suk has been having concerts there too…*cries*
SJK’s fans are always the luckiest…I think it was like last year where he went on a trip with his Korean fan club members for like 2 days or something…..seriously so jealous!!!!!….really excited for Wolf Boy!…though idk how babyfaced SJK will be able to pull of all that hairiness….
Gosh, how is he so cute?! and talented?
damn good genes. So adorable. Wanna pinch his cheeks!
Why hasn’t Hollywood kidnapped these adorable Korean actors??? I pity my fellow Americans who haven’t discovered how crazy cute Joong Ki is and the many other hot, brilliant, and quirky actors over there.
okay. i just hyperventilated.
crazy fangirl on the romp here.
why can’t i be in japan? why???