
First Look at Upcoming Lucky 7 with MatsuJun, Eita, and Matsushima Nanako — 21 Comments

  1. Eita FTW!!! And for some reason Naka Riisa keeps growing on me. This dorama is on my to-watch list of this coming season for sure. Yay!!

  2. I can’t wait. Looking forward to Jun and Eita kicking ass. I love that we get a Domouji reunion. Plus a new Arashi song 🙂

    I also loved Nazatoki wa Dinner no Atode. Sho was freaking adorable and I always love Keiko. Hopefully if we get a special she will actually solve her own cases instead of Kagayama.

  3. argh!!!!!!omaigod!!!super nice combo!!

    matsumoto- super love in gokusen!
    eita!- love him in nodame and last friend
    naka riisa- love her in yankee to meganechan

    top jdrama list 2012

  4. Omg Matsujun and Eita are looking hawwwttt lol can’t wait to see this one! I loved Tokyo Dogs so if this is similar fare, bring it on!

  5. Matsushima Nanako was awesome in Kaseifu No Mita. The best Japanese drama of 2011 with final ratings over 40%. It will be hard to see her as someone other than Mita the housekeeper.

  6. I know Matsumoto Jun and Eita are the eye candy of this drama but I find Oizumi Yo really attractive. lol. /Unpopular opinion

  7. Matsujuuuunnnn!!!! I LOVE HIM! He’s right up there with Yamapi as my favourite J-actors.
    And Eita looks so hot here, especially as I just rewatched Nodame recently, he looks so different!

  8. Um, Eita has always been hot. He was incredible in Soredemo, both acting-wise and super gorgeous, even with a bad haircut and looking like he never bathed, wearing the same horrible three outfits. Guy makes me swoon in a major way.

    Agree with you on everything else. Nanako is amazing, it’s like she never ages!

  9. Omg! I’m soo looking forward to this! All great casts! Aside from Jun and Eita, can I say that I look forward in seeing Oizumo Yo more? Hiihi. I just love him in Ogon no Buta. XD

  10. Eita<33 I've been a big fan of him since VOICE (so cute and hot) and more so after Soredemo, he showed his talents in acting. Matsumoto Jun is great in acting but it's always his looks that bothered me, i'm getting used to it now though =p
    Speaking of Tokyo Dogs, i kinda love it but i love it mostly for Hiro and the female lead<333 great cast. I miss Hiro already… please let him comeback to small screen!!!

  11. You got me baited for this drama. Am on to episode 7. Excellent ensemble acting of a perfectly cast group of characters. This cast deserves a reunion. How is it that jdramas never last for more than 1 season? In the US,police/detective dramas can go on for several seasons, nay, years.

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