
The King 2 Hearts Episode 6 Recap — 73 Comments

  1. THANK YOU!!!! I love how HA’s vulnerability cuts thru JH’s defense mechanism. I wanted to take a baseball bat at him for making my girl cry again! It hurt so bad…what added to that scene was how he himself got a bit teary eyed!! And, that hug!! And, that sweet kiss–HA’s inexperience really showed and i loved how he pulled her in *sigh le sigh*

    JH really likes her & the look on his face when she courageously acknowledges her feelings for him publicly…PRICELESS!! And, when she takes responsibility of the broken engagement and he refuses to shake hands with her….we as viewers knew it really ate at him for letting her go….if the writers continue to write in the same manner….it’s gonna get sooo good!! *off to daydream*

  2. All i can say is this is one of the best k-drama I’ve have seen after Secret garden Forget the ratings.I’m on pins and needles of what the next episode will be.As i say again Ha ji won is a great actress and her face lights up on the screen.I was amazed on how Lee seungi has improved on his performance.He is very funny.He grows on you as one of my friend said.And the kissing scene OMG.

    • omo! I thought the same too! This is the best after secret garden! Haven’t been following a kdrama like crazy after secret garden! 😀

      • Yeah, same happened to me! I’m so in love with Prince Jae Ha/ Lee Seung Gi and have been drawn into this drama since ep.1!!Been re-watching each episodes many times to relive the cute n animated scenes of our adorable Prince. Really no interest in the Korean ratings. Oh, can’t get enough of Prince Jae Ha!!!

      • me too :)) i really love secret garden and now I’m going crazy with this drama. I need to find a new word to describe my obsession with this. WOOOAH, way to go TK2H :)))))

  3. Oh, thank you for the recaps.
    The barefoot running hug is sooooooo sweeeeeeet.
    I can’t wait to watch ep 7 which seems going to be filled with some angsts.
    I love this drama to bits.

  4. Big thanks for your recap~
    I always enjoy reading yours~

    Honestly speaking, when I’d read news that RTP and K2H were going to air at the same time, I chose RTP over K2H, basically because I love historical-style of story. But, despite of each has different characteristic that may bring joy to each fans, I finally realized that I prefer the latter to the former. I’d love to see and enjoy the progress of K2H week by week, and hopefully the screenwriter would be able to maintain her/his awesome original story without changing it just because of the so-called rating pressure.

    Anyway, looking forward for the next recaps of K2H~
    Have a nice day~

  5. What left a deep impression on me is when he called himself garbage. He knows himself well that he wants to pick a easier way and avoid the far harder path of getting together with her. His jerk mechanism is actually to allow himself a leeway out.

    His motto in life has always been taking shortcuts with his intelligence. His heart is getting in the way in this case.

  6. I haven’t read the recap yet as I’m saving the ep. for tomorrow, but I cracked up when I found that you’d written not one, not two, but THREE posts (in a row!) about ep. 6. Now I’m salivating even more…

  7. Koala, I might as well camp out in this playground. Between YZG and TK2H goodies, your blog is the first thing that I check on my phone all the time. You are really spoiling us, thank you!

    As for this ep, what can I say that hasn’t been said already? Love everything about it. Its so refreshing to watch a K-drama that doesn’t use the usual machinations of love triangles, moping and whining, evil families, and noble idiots for the sake of separating the OTP. Like you said, all the families are actually *gasp* normal. Even the Queen Mother being wary and hesitant about Jae Ha marrying a North Korean girl is a perfectly normal reaction, especially if said girl is a trained assassin.

    Its too early to tell but I just really really hope that the writers won’t give in to the ratings pressure and just tell the story that they want to tell. *crossing fingers*

    Thanks again for the multiple TK2H posts! You rock! 😉

  8. For me, the scene when Hyang Ah runs toward Jae Ha hits me harder than when they are kissing.

    I am definitely noticing Lee Seung Gi’s acting has improved. While he was never bad, i thought his acting needed a little more subtley in his previous dramas. I feared that his acting ability would remain stagnant as he took on similar characters, but through this drama I can definitely see some growth.

  9. Thank you Koala for your awesome recap! Your description of all the scenes makes this
    drama spring to life before my eyes.

  10. This drama is sooo good~!
    Love its storyline and the characters are just sooo real~!

    JaeHa and Seung Gi oppa is making me confused over who is real!!!
    And the struggle of feellings between JaeHa and HangAh without having unnecessary third party involvement is making overjoyed! (I hate third parties!)

    TK2H is just getting better and better each episode! Beautiful cinematics, touching osts…
    Love the hugging in the snow scene which I think is the scene that makes JaeHa realise his and HangAh’s feelings for each other~!

    Oh, the phone call after the piano playing is from HangAh’s dad, not JaeHa.

  11. Lovin’ your recaps. Thank you, Ms. K. This drama’s cast, writing, and production value is priceless. Wishing y’all a Happy Easter.

  12. I’m done for. I am officially in love with K2H. It’s been a while since I’ve felt like I couldn’t wait for the next week & new episodes to come! The chemistry between our leads is off the charts. K2H is a rare & unexpected suprise. It’s already on my list of favorite dramas. (Hopefully I’ll feel the same way after the halfway point!)

  13. yeah, I’m so glad that there’s no love triangle, evil mom in laws, whiny and annoying siblings! The secondary characters are interesting as well. Just special and interesting people (except crazy psycho antagonist) who are caught in difficult and interesting situations.

    I really really hope they keep it thus and not change these lovely characters midway just for some cheap conflicts to court ratings.

  14. Don’t have anything else interesting to say on Jae-ha/Hang-ah chemistry nor the writing and directing that has not already been said. Pointless. Let’s just enjoy! 😀

    Am glad to see Lee Yoon-Ji as a princess again – remember her as Ju Ji-Hoon’s noona in “Goong”? I find her very endearing and her interaction as Jae-Shin with Shi-Kyung is going to be so much fun and endearing to watch.

    On a sidenote, I read a spoilery comment on DB and our hearts are gonna be so ‘crushed’ if the supposed cruel turn of events does happen. :-/

  15. Daebak daebak! Have been squealing over the OTP. First, when I knew that lee seung gi was partnered with hajiwon, I doubted the fact that they’ll bring up chemistry on screen. Despite the fact, I’m loving both of them. However, look! They made me gone all crazy from the morning and it seems that I won’t get over it till ep7. What make them knock it on the screen I think it’s also because of the beautiful written character. though, there’s one thing that’s been bugging me that the rating has fallen, and RP has exceeded k2h, hope that it doesn’t bother the otp and wish them to keep fighting! Thanks miss ockoala for the recap and the other 2previous blog entries 😉

    • i swear if that donut will be the cause of ruining this wonderful drama, i will eat all the donuts in the world until they can not use even a single donut for props… but if lee jae ha will also give me a heart shaped donut, i will eat my words instead. kekeke ^_^

      • Well…what’s wrong with donuts!?
        For me, narcissistic prince+donut craze is super cute! 🙂

      • hahahaha! point taken. they should have used that donut on the bubble bath scene too! topless seunggi eating donuts while playing with bubbles , i would’t complain anymore. 🙂

  16. first thanks alot for recap and comments you are really awsome koala
    my heart exploooooooooooooooooded with that hug i couldnot breath
    I apreciated writing and characters of the drama so much that i need more
    this is a drama i cannot forget in my life.

  17. What a beautifully written recap, Koala!
    Love your commentary so much.

    My watch-o-meter puts this ahead of RP, too. I watched Ep6 K2H twice before checking out Ep6 RP. I love both dramas, too.

    Female director for this…hmmmm… are we enjoying a whole different viewpoint as a result.
    Not a male’s idea of what feminine might feel like, but a female saying, “This is what I feel like.”

    That kiss, with JH’s vulnerabilities sticking out, was wonderful.
    NOT that he doesn’t remember every line she has EVER said to him, even the throwaway ones.
    He so doesn’t CARE about her marrying someone else.
    But DON’T become the third wife of an Arab.

    I love that his “그래서?” (“Geulaeseo?”) is now romantic dialog; the final syllable putting his lips in perfect kissing position. Such nice soft lips…sigh…

  18. My small contribution to the awesomeness that is this site. 😀 I hope you like it Koala!!! I absolutely live for your recaps of The King 2 Hearts. And I squeeeeeeeeeeeeed so much about this episode that I watched it raw. O_O Didn’t understand a thing, but I got the flow and the emotions… gah. :O *melts*

  19. love your recaps and how quickly you post them koala.
    i love this episode. i never rewatch them but this time i did couple times. I dont even bother looking at the ratings. a lot of the dramas that are popular online or outside of Korea did not fare well in korea. Like Lie to Me, haha.

  20. Dream High teacher Shi Kyung Jin meets What’s Up? student Kim Byung-Gun. I can’t wait for the princess and the body guard to start the romance. They both have a flirty vulnerable demeanor that will be fun to watch.

  21. I cant get over how seunggi’s acting improves for every drama he is in. He’s always been one of my favorites but i was a little worried since ha jiwon is such a great actress and thought he may be overshadowed by her. SO happy that he is kicking butt! K2H is my new crack!

  22. i honestly haven’t watched an entire drama since M3/MSOAN …
    i’ve been surviving by reading your recaps … (i.e. Lie to Me, My Princess, Drunken to Love You)

    but then you didn’t recap ep 4 of TK2H & went on to ep 5 …
    but at that point, i couldn’t resist any more && caught up on all 6 eps just now .
    love the journey so far =]

    && i was screaming during the entire ending kiss scenes LOL

    it’s been a while since i’ve been like this xP

    you’re the best, koala <3

  23. I could NOT sleep after watching ep 6 last night….I was way too giddy about their confession (it’s not all that direct but I’ll take it) and hug scene and THAT LAST SCENE!!! I don’t think I’ve been SO giggly over any OTP since…ever! Loved the way he would stare at her lips, gulp, and half-assedly try to put in the last word right before they kiss.

    • I know his gulping made me squeal b/c he’s supposed to be the-prince-player, but Hang ah is so under his skin that he can’t help being nervous. This OTP is going kill me!!! Until discovering kdramaland I haven’t cared so much about fictional tv couples since my middle school days of watching Dawson’s Creek and Felicity.

  24. MBC will air the episodes back to back on Thursday.I will rate the kissing scene as 2nd Best K-drama kiss with Party Kiss as the 1st, of course because of Hyun bin.I’m obsessed with this drama. Never been like this after Secret garden.The anticipationt is killing me.K2H fighting.

  25. What else can I say?
    The mutterings before the kiss bring back the glory memory of Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman!
    Like jomo said earlier, Jae Ha remembers everything Hang Ah ever said. He just cares so much. And when Hang Ah gave him the way out, he’s like, really? REALLY?! you give up SO EASILY? but! BUT!!!
    Ah, Seung Gi plays him so so well!
    I know Seung Gi can be bold – but to throw in such finesse of a true player, being so tentative and suggestive at the same time?! Where did he get that?!
    Just cannot get enough of this drama! By the way, am still searching for 720p version of ep. 5 & 6 (raw will do as I am sure I can get srt files too). Anyone has any idea where?
    Oh, thank you so much, koala, you are doing a great job!

  26. hi ms. koala,

    while waiting for episode 6 to be subbed…i experimented a little and tried to create a header. see if it fits your style and i hope you like it. ^_^ this is my first time doing things like this and i don’t think i have the talent…but what the heck, i’m so in love with this show.

    PS: By the way, I’m also on vacation so i think i will experiment some more…I may flood your site with more pictures and i hope you don’t mind. ^_^

  27. Just to say a lovely, beautiful recap – thank you. So nice to enjoy and savour again. Waiting is deliciously hard…..

  28. This is the first time I’m leaving comments to every blog site which have TK2H. This is also the first time I’m rewatching episodes and rereading recaps of a particular drama, rather than watching other dramas while waiting for new episodes to come. This is a bad symptom of drama addiction! I’m more afraid of drama withdrawal after this show ends! I’m dreading that time! I’ll enjoy being in love for the time being. Thanks Ms Koala.

  29. hi,
    i love King 2 hearts
    i love this drama especially lee seung gi….

    any body know the song in usb that sent to the girl?
    i love the song …beautiful

    if you know let me know.thanks

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