
C-news Speculate about New C-couple Han Geng and Kiton Jiang — 10 Comments

    • They’ve never been together in a drama before, actually – or at least, not as leads and not as a couple. The header’s picture was shot for the poster of a Korean cinema festival, I believe. Can’t remember the exact name, though.

      *goes back to drooling all over Jung Il-woo*

  1. He stormed off?? Bit extreme isn’t it? Way to fuel further speculation. He could’ve just politely declined to comment.

    • His storming off was a drama-like moment.. I didnt think it happened in real life. He just admitted everything by doing that.

      I haven’t seen him for ages it seems! And I dont know the girl.. Good luck to them both!

  2. This is pretty inaccurate. He left the set because they were asking him about multiple rumors, not just Kitong, plus, Sun Le already said they weren’t in a relationship. The Chinese media is crazy, especially when they speculate about couples who haven’t even met each other!

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