
The King 2 Hearts Episode 13 Recap — 78 Comments

  1. This is such a nice thing to read before I have to go mow in the atrocious heat, although maybe I should have mowed and then rewarded myself with this; seriously grass should just die after it hits 90 degress.

  2. ooh, this was indeed quick! i didnt even have to abuse my refresh button as much O.o I liked this episode and the way that the stakes are being raised gradually but believably and the fact the the OTP are together…i actually dont mind that jae ha used tara collateral damage, it makes sense that he is fighting dirty like bong goo, something that jae kang couldnt do and i think that is what sets both brothers apart and that may be the reason why ones alive and the other is dead. ;( I’m looking forward to how things will progress from now as i think we are finally getting into the more exciting part of the drama.
    Thanks for the quick recap, Ms Koala!

  3. O Koala, I literally cried and laughed during episode…I watched it raw but it looked so wonderful.
    Why JH and HA making things hard for him self…, don’t promise anything..keep your mouth shut and merry.
    Why JH mother didn’t take her queen roll…she’s not pure blooded or something?

    p.s. I predicted what was on USB…

    • i know!! Didn’t even realize that JH had raised the stakes higher by promising that our OTP wouldn’t get married if they didn’t advance further until I read this recap!! aishhhhhhh….but obviously we KNOW the end-result so it’s all good, ne?!! 😀

      • To be truth, ‘the spoiler’ just makes me wondering, HOW??

        I’m pretty sure that Jae Ha will pull some trick/strategy with his brain, but how then???

        Argghhh…stress…..episode 14, counting 17 hours more (if counting Ms. Koala recaps, then it’s 24 hours more)

      • @Reglest: Thanks to spoiler I’m not pis×ed right now…
        Who made that kind of promises…maybe JH is looking the way out…he,he…

    • Because she was the Queen Consort not a blood Royal. I actually felt kind of bad for the Tara character. It was rather cold to send her off to be killed like that. Oy! But I guess it shows that maybe being the mistress of a maniac isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Who could have predicted? 🙂

  4. This was a good episode wherein they laid the foundation!! It was very engaging and more rel’ps were developed!! Like you I kinda felt bad that T-ara was collateral damage b/w the two adversaries….in hindsight it led me to think that Jae-ha has totally figured out BG wherein he knew that if anybody even talks smack behind his back he’ll kill them. It was one of those testing if JH’s theory worked and it did which must’ve irked BG even more.

    I like that we get more insight into the reason why JH became soo cynical of his title. That kiss was soo sweet & totally captured the essence of the moment b/w our OTP!! Since I watched it raw I didn’t realize that the draw was sabotaged as well….hmm, is that the reason why they had him wear that ring to clue us viewers in?! Also, I’ll raise my hand…whenever the Queen Mother and our OTP cry….I automatically start crying!! When he hugged his mum….ooof, he looked like a little lost boy!!

    ickkk, and tommorrow’s preview has me a little uncomfortable….SK it seems will come face-to-face with crazy assassin lady…excited!!

    ps: As of a couple of days ago an insider reported that the script for Ep 19’s done so I’m kinda self-assured as to where this drama is headed.

    • @Saima: I love reading your posts…
      I love Mayer/JH war thru technology…look classy. Mayer is now gonna act with all he have, this will lead him loosing followers, assistant.
      But this with USA is to heavy and dummy…so they will defeat the best in 1st round…remind me on Karate kid and stuff like that.
      O I love every time they are together…made me cry today.
      As we further go, I see Hang Ah is the one who set her mind in the right way…
      that’s way Mayer gonna be obsess with her…

      • aww, thank you!! <3

        I'll be the first one to admit I used to comment occasionally and then I fell in love….with TK2H & Lee Seung-gi!! Just yday I had an 'incident' at work: which embarrassed & mortified me! This love is the worst and it is the best!! I've heard from others their love for certain dramas and in my almost 2-year K-drama watching this has been the first time where it is all-encompassing!!

      • Re the 1st round game with the US, I have a feeling that it won’t be a straight win or loss situation. Just my hunch and my faith in the writers, as I don’t think they are that blindly patriotic – look at the ways they treat politicians and military bigwigs of both sides, very cynical and cold-eyed.

  5. Thank you so much for the recap Koala. As usual they are a pleasure to read^^ I am so looking forward to watching this series once my exams are over! Until then I pretty much stalk your blog and dramabeans ;D

  6. i want that royal flash drive and once again *you smile i smile* whenever the bot or the king smiles my mouth just goes with them. i am also worry about the preview, i always wince when hang ah moves her hand away from jae ha’s loving grasp( badd omenn)

  7. I enjoyed this episode very much.The king and the queen’s mother scene is very emotional . Why does the king always get the raw deal? Well, it makes the next episode more exciting.

  8. Me too. I was feeling uncomfortable to know that Jae Ha sacrificed Tara but I agree with what all of you have said about him being different from his brother and having to play dirty along with the psychotic villain. Guess that’s why this show is more special – it doesn’t have a typical all-good one-sided hero and this is no typical romantic tale. He’s just doing what he can to protect his loved ones. Ha, I suddenly recall that my history teacher once said that no great leader can be a saint. In fact till now I think that Jae Ha is the most well-developed character in the show. Just my two cents.

    • Yeah, it’s a tad hard to watch Tara die like that. And I was trying to think of an alternative way out for her. What if Jae Ha told her about what he’s going to do and stash her somewhere, like a witness protection program? But then as long as BG sees the video, her fate is sealed. I mean if BG cannot find Tara and take his revenge, he is no longer BG. So, poor girl, you really should have known better to mess with someone like BG. RIP.

  9. Ms. Koala, thank you for a REAL, FAST RECAPS (today seem faster than usual, isn’t it?)

    Reading your reaps, I found some flaw, like how Hang Ah know the song played to initiate her memory? But that’s ok, maybe I’ll found the answer…later?

    As you do, I’m also breath a sigh of releve when I know that WOC team will be back, but never thought to be this fast!! o.O, this show playing the pace really good! Next time we know, there will be that ‘mayor-spoiler-event…and it just next week? ottoke??

    All I can hope now…please…please god..give your continuing inspiration towards the writers, never let them fall because of writer’s writers block. Raising hope is easy, but fulfilling is not. I’m enjoying this drama so far, and I don’t wanna let it down. So please, writers…get your hold!

    • I’m guessing because it’s been known to her that she had reacted to the piece before when she was with her mother in the garden? They probably made the link that anything that is linked to her lost memories might trigger her nausea.

      • Hmm, that makes sense.
        That’s something interesting I found about this drama. It makes us think of what happened rather than showing us every details and ‘explain’ to us what happened.

      • Now I watch it with subs.
        I think the royal family including HA knows about the music because when the queen mother talked with JH, she said something like (I forget the exact sentence), ‘she (JS) keeps hallucinating that song’, and JH didn’t surprised or something like that. So I assumed they know about that piece.

    • It’s something you just know in drama… 😉
      Writers almost completed script… that means more spoilers to us 😉

  10. ah, the second thing that I do after woke up is reading ur recap Ms Koala. I dunno how to thank you!! but thank you! 😀

  11. Thank you for the recap Ms. Koala. You’re really fast. Me too, seeing our OTP together makes me happy I can cry.

  12. I am in love with the writer nim for how the stake is raised each episode. It is so gritty, mixing hard to watch reality and emotions. I am not one to cry watching dramas, but the scene with the Queen Mother and Jae Ha got my eyes moist.

    Then you throw in a little lighter hearted moments to lower the tension a little to make it bearable, with cute little Jae Ha’s appearance and back story, and his conversation with Shi Kyung.

    And Jae Shin’s struggle with her pride and her devastation at her disability is so well done. This show is not for the faint hearted and those who cannot take controversies. The two fronts of “war”, one at the Jaeju peace convention and the other at the WOC is so well developed. Bravo.

    • And how can I forget, thank you Miss Koala for such a fast recap and a playground for us to hang out.

      “sex addict attending a celibacy retreat”. Pfffffftttttt.
      You are awesome.

  13. everytime jae ha looks back at the camera, an intangible sound escape from me, a normal way to describe it is a squeal or chuckle of exhileration, but then… my friends took photos and videos of my face, let say i had to bribe a lot of money not to let it loose on the internet

  14. Dear Koala,
    So so grateful for your insight! I typed this really quickly, just after reading your summary. Felt relieved that the daring brilliance of the script was appreciated. Like you said, nothing is easy. The dodge and forget approach preferred by a worried mother, the pity-me-cause-I-am-broken plea from the princess, and the fervent wishes to get lucky of the united team…No. None of it. Everything is set up so nicely. Cannot wait for the story to charge ahead.

  15. “It’s been so long since I’ve watched a K-drama with genuine stakes. Not just the OTP getting past whatever obstacles and getting together, or the leads conquering whatever their hang ups and bottle necks are in life, but real stakes where a solution isn’t just a matter of when. I have no clue how Jae Ha and Hang Ah are going to finally vanquish Bong Goo. Will he end up dead or in some maximum security prison? Who will be collateral damage in this fight to the end? If it was only as easy as sacrificing an annoying twat like Secretary Eun to appease Bong Goo’s vanity and call it a day.” – I am so with you on this. Those reasons above are why this drama is so freaking addicting & also the OTP. The stakes aren’t the typical your mom doesn’t like your girlfriend/ boyfriend so you need to break up but you don’t want to & in the end they end up together.
    Knowing the writers writing style, I’m very scared about how the story will end. Will our cutie photootie Si Kyung have to make the ultimate sacrifice as collateral damage? As much as I don’t want him to die, I think that it would be more heartbreaking if either JH or HA died. The Lee’s have already lost a brother and sister in law, I hope that the writer doesn’t kill Jae Shin or our OTP.

      • No! Show, you can’t do this to me! If there’s a tragic death at the end, I won’t watch it! Up till now, I still can’t bear to watch the prosecutor’s death in City Hunter. Watched every part but that scene, and cos of that, will probably never watch CH again.

        I so want to watch this drama again and again! Please, please Show!

  16. Ms Koala,

    you are simply the best! Love your recaps and love the commentary and afterthoughts even more.

  17. Thanks for the recap Ms Koala.. Hehehe.. It has really made up my day 😉 I’m anticipating for tonight episode… Will just sit there early a few hours before the show start… I love the backyard romantic camping made by JH ;p heheheh… Will ask my boyfriend to sent up a tent for me too ;p HAHAHAHA.. Anyway, King 2 Hearts writer did a great work.. When you watch this drama from the beginning.. You will see how each episode develop every characters even the supporting character.. The WOC events and the love between the King & the Queen really made the story line more interesting in comparison to other drama.. I have been loving K-Drama since I was in highschool.. This drama is definitely a turning point to make K-Drama evolve into a more complex storyline and character..

    Still showing my 100000% support to The King 2 Hearts ^^

  18. 7 more episodes!
    i’m happier to let Ha Ji Won’s cuteness go away in coming eps. She should be more confident, bold girl ..

  19. ….tnx for the recap Ms. Koala….i’m just think how it gonna be end and i hate thinking that their would be someone to…!enough when hyung die….exciting

  20. thank you so much Ms. Koala… i almost skip watching BG killing Tara.. it freaks me out really… the tension really is increasing.. and really love AhHa couple on action together..

  21. Wow!!! What a relief that we have the spoiler engagement pictures and videos for next week or else my heart will go gaga(crazy) waiting for next week to come. This is romcom kdrama right?! And we already lost a beloved character which is JK I hope no one has to die just that villain to be captured. I love our OTP so much even if i know they are getting engage I’m still freaking out on tomorrows episode I think they were fighting on the preview I do hope they will win! Fighting! I cried a river watching the scene of the queen mother and JH! I love it… I like the development between JS and SK I do hope that they will get a royal wedding and babies too like JH and HA will have must have (out OTP will make beautiful strong and smart babies). I love the camping scene so much that I kept on replaying it again and again and again… Thank you Ms. K!

    • That’s the thing, this is not a typical rom com. So we really don’t know how things can turn out. But really hope that no one dies (except for BG of course!). The fact that jae ha keeps saying that he’ll love hang ah till he dies & vice versa is all swoon worthy. I just hope it’s not meant to be ominous.

  22. Don’t feel too bad for Tara. I’m sure Jaeha has researched her background and suspected she was the one who carried out Operation-kill-king-and-queen. Can’t imagine Bong-goo getting his hands dirty skulking around to set up the vacation house to be a death trap. Maybe I’m sick but I got goosebumps when Jae-ha did that. Such awesomeness! Sort of reminds me of that scene in Legend where young Damdeok, played by a young Yoo Seung Ho, in such a calm, innocent manner confronted his evil aunt about the plot to kill his dad and presented her with the head of the physician who administered the poison (“You want to see him? That’s going to be a bit hard….” *presents severed head*). SOL, she killed herself.

  23. I’m soooo glad to see a drama where the characters TAKE ACTION instead of always reacting to outside forces, or for a drama to have real stakes! Way to go, Show!! It would be redundant for me to say how much I love our OTP. (group squee, anyone???) Initially I thought WTH when I read it LSG & HJW were the leads, but now….I can’t imagine any other pair who would nail the emotional, political, and family beats so perfectly.

    Pure drama-heaven! 😀

  24. I see everyone talking about Tara…she was there for the money and awesome life…enjoyed to the end.

    Lesson to us all; don’t insult man with magic powers…you see he can make you disappear. 8)

  25. I am all for characters that aren´t black and white, but our supposed “hero” sacrifices an innocent woman to teach the villain a lesson and I, as a viewer am supposed to squee over our couple holding hands and smiling at each other moments after she died??
    I´ve thought the show lacked heart for a while now, but this is honestly the worst!

    And don´t get me started on people on the show labeling a disabled and traumatized woman “weak” for suffering and not being like she was before! It´s like telling her to “deal with it”! Ugh.

    I honestly feel sick now..

    • While I don’t applaud what JH did to Tara, she’s no ‘innocent’ woman. She sleeps with a man she despises simply because he’s rich. Furthermore, it’s not like she’s not aware of BG’s evil plots. She knew that Bon Bon kidnapped JS – BG and Bon Bon were talking about it while Bon Bon was curling her hair! Yet she did nothing! She didn’t try to talk him out of it. Even if that was impossible, she could have walked out on the relationship or even alert the authorities. It’s one thing to sleep with a man for mercenary reasons, but when that man is a murderer, and you still continue in the relationship, then u are an accessory to that murder. She knew that he was going to murder JK. She was in the room when BG was wondering which method to use to get rid of JK.
      For all you know, JH may have found this out while talking to her at the bar. She could have mentioned that her boyfriend killed someone.

      • I defined her as innocent because she had absolutely no part in the murder plot that is the reason for Jae Has wish for revenge. She didn´t kill anyone nor did she personally harm anyone if I remember correctly. So she´s clearly an innocent casualty in that matter.

        I may not agree with the choices she made for her personal life and she may even not have been a good person, but that the show expects me to not care about the supposed hero willingly risking her death or to even find her deserving it because of her loose morals is sick. Sleeping with someone because he is rich may not seem right for most people (me included btw) but it doesn´t make it alright for her to be killed.

        I feared I´d read a comment like the one from “Bali Dancer” below and that was honestly one of the reasons the scene made me feel so sick. Because obviously a gold-digger deserves death, right? Everything to justify the oh-so-dreamy-hero…

      • Bali Dancer
        “agree… she’s a gold digging wh*re…”

        Adding a * in the word whore does not make that comment any less repulsive or offensive. This comment is the exact reason why the fact that Jae Ha used Tara like he did made me so uncomfortable. He probably thought the same thing. “Tara is a gold digging whore so who cares if she is killed because of my actions.” F-ed up.

    • I kinda agree with you. Nobody gives a rat’s ass about Tara. We should just admit it that we don’t value her life and feel bad about ourselves (or not, whatever) instead of justifying it and acting like Tara deserved to be a pawn in Jae Ha’s revenge scheme just because she was greedy and slept with Bong Goo for his money. Jae Ha could have chosen to target the toupe guy who takes care of Bong Goo’s dirty work or better yet the lady assassin who actually killed his brother or one of the men that was with the lady assassin, but he didn’t. He went after the gold digger? Jae Ha knows who Bong Goo is sleeping with and where to find her, but he can’t pin down Bong Goo’s henchmen? I think Hang Ah or Jae Kang would be disappointed that Jae Ha had such a callous disregard for Tara’s life because the two of them have a moral grounding that Jae Kang lacks.

      That being said, if Jae Ha is going to be characterized this way he better lay the gauntlet down when it comes to Secretary Eun. If he just rolls over on Secretary Eun’s betrayal, revealing the Jae Kang’s location and the subsequent lies he told, then I am going to scream bloody murder! If Jae Ha’s gonna be ruthless, then he better actually be ruthless and kill somebody whose life and death actually matters to us, the audience, and to the other people in the story, instead of punking out and killing some random chick, not even tertiary character, just to piss off his enemy…rant over. Sorry had to get it out.

      I can understand that Jae Shin is traumatized, but I would think it would be more from not having her memory and knowing that she must know something about her brother’s assassination as opposed to her being disabled. Why is she ashamed to show herself to the press? I generally hate how disabled people are characterized the few times they’ve showed up in kdramas. I too want to tell her suck it up already and get a freaking elevator installed in that ridiculously opulent palace and then you can get wherever you want to go just fine. I would treat her just like Hang Ah did when she told her to get over the fact that she poops and then gave her a bath. Disability isn’t the end of life and you can mourn the loss of your ability, walking, without the pity party for one or being a complete terror to everyone around you. For someone with so much pride, she must realize how she’s acting only makes people pity her. I want the badass Jae Shin back, now!

  26. It’s killing me not to read everyone’s ideas, but I am still trying to stay spoiler free.
    Thanks for the recap. You filled in some gaps in understanding for some motivations.
    Crazy Man is definitely going after KA now that his girlfriend is swiss cheese toast, poor thing!

    I made my very first header for AKP! Is it the right size?
    I have no skills, but the subject matter has what it takes, and then some.

    If this worked, I have a tonne of M2F screen caps to play with, too. Half naked ones.
    Read you later!

  27. I hope the ending will be spectacular and won’t disappoint us. No death on either major characters pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. I don’t want to feel the same old feeling after I watched Memories of Bali. I will really cry to death if that happens. 🙁

    • Dear Elena: I broke my heart watching WHIB…
      I didn’t know man can cry like that…
      When HJW said: I love you…That was my end.

      • True! It was so sad. I wanted them to end up together but they had to die in the end. I just hope that doesn’t happen in TK2H cause I will literally roll over and cry. Hahaha.

  28. To be honest I don’t get this whole ‘WOC’ thing anyway. I mean, did I miss something? How is doing mock wars supposed to unite people?? South and North Korea joining forces is a nice theory, but this WOC thing I feel is a bit farfetched. Another thing that was hilarious was when they were entering the campus for the WOC participants. The U.S uniforms where so faded and looked like crap. I laughed my butt off. Only in Drama world. 😉

    Thanks for the recap!

    • I don’t totally get the WOC thing either. I get the idea that it’s really important to our characters, but why when in and of itself it doesn’t make sense. Mock competition wars between all the nations of world? Might as well spell out d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r. We can barely get through the Olympics without political controversy with people boycotting or worse the Munich Massacre at the 1972 games. And the Olympics are all about goodwill as opposed to touting your military prowess like the WOC is. I just don’t buy that any other country would care that much if the united Korea won, none-the-less passed the first round or how any other country placed. Some more back story of the importance of the WOC in this alternate world would help it make more sense as to why the WOC matters in the first place.

      Also I understand how tying our couple’s fate to how they perform at the WOC makes the WOC matter more, but it also doesn’t make sense. If my future husband told me he bet our future together on a freaking competition I would kick his butt! Especially after risking war between the North and South to get Hang Ah back now it’s a competition…

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