
The King 2 Hearts Episode 18 Recap — 58 Comments

  1. yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy it’s here, omg thank you so much
    Awesomeness, deabakk.

    Happiness to our OTP’s JaeHa&HangAh and JaeShin&Shi Kyung
    Cant wait for next weeks episodes, such a long wait “sigh”
    Off to read the recap….

  2. For two days i cried so much because of this perfection, i passed my limit 😀 Even tough the script is kinda realistic but, when they act flawless, and when i hear the soundtrack and seeing them crying, i was like ” oh noo :”””( ” hope that next week there will be a great ending that will be permanent in my memory.Thanks Koala 🙂

  3. Thank you as usual for you awesome recaps Ms.Koala…

    This show keep me drop my jaws, and I think after this I need to lock it with screw, being prepared for next episode…
    Chun-hya! Chun-hya!!(Don’t know if it’s right romanji) I know it’ll come handy..but never expected in this way…

  4. OMFG…. holy shit!!!!! episode 18……….. like a tsunami of emotions mix with a typhoon made of shattered tears.. EPICNESS OVERLOAD………… Korean people, you have no idea how frickin’ lucky you are to have Lee Seung Gi, Ha Ji Won and the whole entire EPIC TK2H team as your fellow Koreans…

    BLESS YOU ALL Korean people!!!!!!

    ( a Netherlander )

  5. Thank you for the recap.Thank you for your thoughts.They mirror so much of what I felt.It was gut wrenching and yet beautifully done at hthe same time.No matter what the ending, this has been such a worthwhile drama to suffer through.I might just have to stop live streaming dramas for awhile. Last night just went numb at all the suffering and torture my poor for beloved leads and characters.The OTPs were stupendous but my heart bled for Shi Kung. So. Much.

  6. Thank you for the recap Ms. Koala.
    This episode is all heart; heart breaking, heart wrenching, heart tugging, and heart thumping.

  7. Eeeeep! I’ve only watched a quarter of the episode and my heart feels like its about to burst already! Its too much. I can barely stand it.

    What have you done to me, Show?!!!!!

    • And I am so worried about the letter that Shi Kyung wrote. Dang, please don’t let that be a farewell letter for Jae Shn to read later if something happens to him. I want these 2 alive and well in the end, singing to their royal babies!!!

  8. Thank you as always Ms. Koala

    Really like this episode, and of course your recap.

    I was watching eps. 18 live last night. Did it for the 1st time just for this awesome show.

    TK2H, Hwaiting~~~~This drama officially owns my heart and soul 😀

  9. Dear Koala,
    In the middle of watching but taking a break for my poor heart…Anyway, some eagle eyed fan pointed out the Chinese official with glasses (in the thick with Bong Gu) was the same guy on the WOC panel who sided with the US in the judgement of the final outcome. Very neat tie up. And I have to say of the three people in the first scene, the other two supposedly Chinese, HJW’s Mandarin is the best! She is really amazing.

  10. Thank you for the recap Ms Koala. As you and everyone else expressed, this drama owned our hearts. Not looking forward for it to end but I would prefer to see the last 2 episode just see how the writer bring it all to an awesome conclusion. Season 2, anyone? Can anyone recommend a site where I can download the series?

  11. This was one very scary and emotional episode.. I was crying and my heart was literally coming out of my body when Hang ah was screaming and trying to get Jae Ha’s attention.. and then when she got shot and fell, you can see how much PAIN Jae Ha was going through, he couldnt hold his emotions.. he was terrified of what he was going to see..

    Wow, I have to praise the two main leads on their incredible acting abilities.. making everyone who watch the episode literally feeling like you are in their shoes experiencing EVERYTHING one by one bit, tearing your eyes and heart apart.. YIKES.

    It is going to be one crazy last two episodes.. I am REALLY hoping for a great and happy ending… Can’t believe I’m feeling extremely nervous after watching this drama.

    Thank you for posting and Need to calm myself for the rest of the day now. 🙂

  12. Thank you for your hard work. Is a routine now for me to read your recap before I start my work. Cos you around make us all understand and appreciate more of the drama not only the cast but also the ppl who work hard behind the scene. Thank you, thank you.

  13. Thank you, Ms. K., your recap alone is enough to put me on pins and needles. I don’t think I have the stomach or heart to watch episode 18 right now. Hope you have a great weekend.

  14. Wow!! I just have no words to describe what I feel cuz this episode was just beyond AWESOME!!!
    I felt terribly sad when SK talked to his dad in the lake …. because, to me, it felt more like a farewell…also, when SK piggybacked JS and told her that he would comeback to her … only if she could finish/make her “homework!” That freaking letter just gave a bad feeling!! Seriously?! Was he writing something to JS? Oh no!!! The more i think about it….the more aggravated I become…it’s just that it gives me a bad feeling…more like a tragic one -just to be specific- I’d say. I don’t even want to think of SK having to sacrifice himself just to protect The Royal Family…although the chances for this event to occur … are still high. In every war the innocent is the one to die. Indeed, sacrifices are always needed especially to stablished peace. And that’s reality…and one must cope with it.
    Although, I wish The Hong Sisters could please avoid a fatal ending for JH, HA, SK, JS, MQ and the parrot but still…..they are very unpredictable! This is probably the very first drama in which the HONG sisters (not the other Hong sisters from My girlfriend is a Gumiho, you’re beautiful, Best Love etc…) have completely stole my heart away! (despite some flaws in their writing XD) *Bows to their EPICNESS* and what can I say about the actors? Huh? The are just DAEBAK!!!!

  15. Haven’t seen the episode yet. Your recap is always the first stop in my TK2H trip. Now that I know that I have to go through an emotional wringer (again!!??), I almost dread watching the show now. But of course I am also highly excited and almost anticipating the coming pain and crying bout. Does that make me a masochist? What can I do? I’m an addict!

    • Pardon me, I forgot to thank Captain Koala!!! Unthinkable!! Again, merci, komsahamnida, arigato!!! You’re the best, boss!

  16. OMO! Omo!!! been waiting for this Ep 18 since last night, but i fell asleep… huwahh… But thanks to you Ms. Koala, got to read the recap ^__^ and my day is now complete(can start my work now heheh, btw. i normally open your site for updates..).. will watch the video again later..

  17. Not even gonna lie, The King 2 Hearts became my all time favourite Korean drama. Everything about it is just so heart breakingly delicious.

  18. All I can say is I am terrified for Shi Kyung. Please, please survive! Don’t let this be a City Hunter ending where the second lead guy dies!

  19. thanks so much koala!

    in tears while reading your recap. it was great acting by both LSG and HJW on the prison that got me shouting to sobbing. the facial expressions – daebak!!! these drama deserves all the accolades, no words for it.

    it will come to end next week…but please drama (crossing fingers here) limit the heart attack and give us some sugar after the pill moment from our OTP and the STP 🙂

  20. Finished watching the episode! DAEBAK!!!! Super duper and hands down the best episode ever in the whole drama! Gushing over Shi Kyung! Jae Ha! Hang Ah and Jae Shin. In that order. My four favouritest people in the whole wide k-world. Love the bromance of SK and JH – that scene when SK was shouting to his king over a closed door and then switching to banmal and calling his king Lee.Jae.Ha! The king bursting out of the door saying “how dare you…” hehe… and then SK switching back to honorifics with a promise… “I will return.” awwww.
    And the earnest bot finally got to kiss his princess. yey! he stole a kiss and then promptly got flustered… for a loooong time. hahaha! seriously, it cracked me up.

    *sigh* I’m losing sleep over this drama. Just when I am head over heels in love and truly, deeply addicted to the show, it ends next week!??!! waaaaahhhh… what will I do???

  21. thanks Ms Koala for the recap… This drama is amazing… Two more episode left, but please let everyone get their happy ending, except for Bong Gu off course.. The writers please, don’t let Shi Kyung die…Please let Jae Shin get her happiness also..

  22. Thanks Koala…
    You nail it with ” Jae Ha is worthy of being King not because he’s capable, but because part of his heart belongs to his people.”
    If may add, he is worthy also because he loves his people and value the trust they place on him.

  23. Am I the only one who thought about Terminator 2 with Hang Ah working out in jail and then hallucinating Jae Ha? Because that’s what happened with Sarah Connor in the mental facility (she worked out like a badass… then hallucinated Kyle Reese). XD;

    Thanks for the recap as always, Koala-lady. 🙂

  24. Thank you Ms Koala for the recap.
    To me even if Shi Kyung goes renegade on Jae Ha it is very understandable. (Though obviously to me it is a plot against Bong Gu). In military terms, cooperation under extreme duress is valid.

  25. You think Yong-bae is a cutie? Me too…. he was so cute when he was scurrying to find Hang-ah and when he looked away after seeing Jae-ha hugging Hang-ah, I just awwww-ed…I’ve loved him after swallowing the key during the WOC. I missed Kang-seok too. I just love how even minor characters are given their time to shine!

  26. T.T
    I cried again as I rewatch the scenes when JH heard HA adn went to find and rescue her…
    Desperation from wanting to get HA back, slight relief when finally saw HA, shock from hearing the gunshot, disbelief and terrified of possible HA’s death, relief that HA is NOT dead and finally grateful and happiness of getting HA back, wishing to fold her into himself… TT
    I love JH~!

  27. koala unnie,thanks alot for recap.
    this episode is just too painful and these actors wonot be the same persons after that as that is too much and aperson has only one little heart .how can they deal all this.
    Iam sure k2h will be alegend drama like winter sonata and others.
    sk and Jh have this trust in each other and there will be so much faith test but iam sure sk is protecting jh till the end.
    you remeber the first time jh met sk ang told him to shot him ,this last scene is the same.
    I am afraid the end mean that one of our good guys will die and if its sk that will be sad and horrible and that letter to the princess which she acts so dam good will be pain.
    waiting for the end..thanks unnie again for your journey with this story.

  28. Your final thoughts… so spot on. And the first paragraph, ditto. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster ride that kept going up and down and upside down. This is the FIRST k-drama that I’ve watched in over 30 dramas where after the halfway point, each episode kept getting stronger and pushing the momentum ever forward.

  29. Someone’s missing in this equation: DONG HA. Do you think he’d just up and
    leave his bro ESK in this mess? He must be watching from afar and hopefully
    he’ll have his other bros helping him to at least save the King, if not both. How
    HA helps with her injured leg is still a mystery to me because if not for her leg,
    I’m sure she’d be ass-kicking, butt-wiping her man out of this dangerous situation.
    What a ride this episode was!

  30. Wonderful recaps! I think Jae Ha probably know Shi Kyung is planning something cos remember they had a secret code? 😀

  31. wow koala, just like the feeling when i watched the raw ep…your summary recap is awesomely the best! no words can say anymore because u have said it all…thanks a lot!~^^

  32. Dear Ms Koala,

    Having finished watching episodes 17 and 18 I went to read your comment at the end. It’s such a great reflection on the difference between Jae Ha and Bong Gu and what being ‘Royal’ is all about. And thank you so very much for that!

    It’s something that I keep thinking whilst watching K2H, is that what’s scary is the fact that Jae Ha and Bong Gu are actually two people who are both equally intelligent in a crazy way that they can somehow figure out what the others are actually thinking and keep trying to surpass one another. I always get worried at Jae Ha and the fact that there can be an actual ‘demon’ inside him that he can end up being ruthless like Bong Gu.

    I guess what makes them different is the ultimate fact that Jae Ha has his people and Bong Gu had only money and can never win anyone. Jae Ha at least has the heart and discipline stemmed from being simply a ‘Royalty’ and has a sense of morality that Bong Gu lacks. And what’s more is that he has grown so much since his early days due to the influence of his brother’s death, and Hang Ah. Without Hang Ah he can never become what he is now and will be like you said, in a really big mess. Bong Gu on the other hand, never really ‘grew’, so to speak, and never worked out what it really means to be the rule of a nation. All he did is just wanting to become Jae Ha with his money and power and never realised that it’s much more than that.

    So thank you again for your recap and reflection 🙂

  33. Dear Ms Koala,

    Having finished watching episodes 17 and 18 I went to read your comment at the end. It’s such a great reflection on the difference between Jae Ha and Bong Gu and what being ‘Royal’ is all about. And thank you so very much for that!

    It’s something that I keep thinking whilst watching K2H, is that what’s scary is the fact that Jae Ha and Bong Gu are actually two people who are both equally intelligent in a crazy way that they can somehow figure out what the others are actually thinking and keep trying to surpass one another. I always get worried at Jae Ha and the fact that there can be an actual ‘demon’ inside him that he can end up being ruthless like Bong Gu.

    I guess what makes them different is the ultimate fact that Jae Ha has his people and Bong Gu had only money and can never win anyone. Jae Ha at least has the heart and discipline stemmed from being simply a ‘Royalty’ and has a sense of morality that Bong Gu lacks. And what’s more is that he has grown so much since his early days due to the influence of his brother’s death, and Hang Ah. Without Hang Ah he can never become what he is now and will be like you said, in a really big mess. Bong Gu on the other hand, never really ‘grew’, so to speak, and never worked out what it really means to be the ruler of a nation. All he did was just wanting to become Jae Ha with his money and power and never realised that it’s much more than that.

    So thank you again for your recap and reflection 🙂

  34. Great recap and love your thoughts on the drama. Can’t believe we are only left with 2 more episodes of this excellent drama!

  35. I love SK and JS the same as I Love JH and HA. I love the bromance between SK & JS. I cannot wait for Wednesday and Thursday to see what is the end of all BG’s lunatic ways. I hope Dong ha is still trailing SK, with the three of them I don’t think BG & BB will never stand a chance plus the ever loyal and dependable HA…. Can’t wait for the FINALE. Hope the writer will not dissappoint all of us.

  36. I’m praying so hard till i can’t sleep tight at night just because I don’t want Sikyung to die T T I hope nothing bad happen to the good characters 🙂 Plsssssssss Wed n Thus come faster. This wait is killing me -_-“

  37. I am also worried about the letter SK was writing, because from my experience with Korean dramas, the letters that are not immediately read, are farewell letters that are supposed to make the receiver “feel better” in the end. Or a way for them to get a closure.
    I seriously hope the letter is something about SK’s plan on how to deal with BG, so everyone will know that SK is still on the good side.
    Oh yeah, anyone else noticed that black dot behind SK’s ear? Any idea what that was?

  38. I cannot express in words how much I love K2H. Such a unique k-drama for me.

    Epi 18 has done it again! I am overwhelmed with emotions. I cried a lot in this episode, but sometimes can’t understand why my tears are falling. That’s how much I am affected by K2H. It’s making me feel emotions without me even realizing.

    JS & SK…their picnic scene was bittersweet. Why is SK talking like he’s not coming back? This scene made me cry the most! It made me fear for what’s coming. They have great chemistry. He finally showed his real feelings, but it seemed like that would be the last. Ahhhh stress….my heart aches.

    Now onto our OTP couple…love love loooooooved. He goes to fetch his woman in person! My heart was dropping lower and lower as the guards dragged HA further and further. If I had magical powers, I’d put my hand through the computer screen and picked JH up with my fingers and moved him quickly to where HA was. My nails were literally scratching the screen. The way he ran towards her…picks her up…and realized she’s alive…the look on his face…sniff sniff…I sobbed like a baby.

  39. I just realised something. The password between Jae Ha and Shi Kyung was “now is a good time to talk on the phone.” When Jae Ha asked Shi Kyung that, he did not answer his qn and went straight to “I won Kim Bong Gu over.” I hope that was a coded message between both of them!

  40. miss ock,

    your recap is so much like watching the drama itself. ok, that’s a bit exag… but i must say — i do agree that the emotional rollercoaster in episode 18 was too tiring — it’s was like facing a deadline that you want to finish ASAP or else the momentum will be gone.

    crap. i wanna see the last 2 episodes so soon…. waaaaaaa!

  41. OMG!!! your recaps are the best 😀 hahha i just love to read about them….you’re sooo funny when it comes to writing reviews 🙂 Can’t wait to watch the last two episodes 😀

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