
Fun New Stills and Fourth Teaser for To the Beautiful You — 8 Comments

  1. Yes! Loving it! Hana Kimi is one of my all-time favourite shoujo mangas and neither the Taiwanese or the Japanese version has done it justice, but I’m very hopeful about this one. I just hope they don’t introduce too much melodrama.

  2. They did it, the kiss! I was wondering how they would manage to get that in in the K version.

    Totally unabashedly really looking forward to this, and my love for idol worshippers’ quickness to sub increases every day.

    Thanks for the delicious tidbits!

  3. Look like the perfect drama to watch with my 16 year old daughter. She loved YAB and BOF. I think she’ll love this… I’ll label it, “Bonding Time.” 😉

  4. Im really looking forward to this version of Hana Kimi simply because I thoroughly enjoyed the Japanese [Hanazakari no Kimitachi e] and Taiwanese [Huā Yàng Shǎo Nián Shǎo Nǚ]versions, including the Japanese remake. The story just doesn’t get old! Among the female leads, I think Ella Chen pulls off the boy look perfectly. But I loved Sulli’s belligerent role in Punch Lady, especially when she ate glass. She’s a really good actress, so I can’t wait to see what she does for this role.

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