
Amazing Long Trailer Released at Arang and the Magistrate Press Conference — 32 Comments

      • @aliz:

        I’ll say that SMA is versatile. She pulls off different looks in her photoshoots with aplomb. Could there be anyone more cuter in dramaland than her Miho?!

      • I know!! They’re both practically glowing together…i’m seeing another major shipping vehichle coming our way

  1. i cannot wait til this premier..both leads look lovely and looks like this drama will have it all, mystery, romance, action and comedy…nice

  2. I want this drama so bad it hurts. I think I’m already in love with every character, even the bad ones. Not to mention it’s going to be gorgeous. And amazing. And I want it NOW. ~flails~

  3. Why is wednesday so far??? I love their outfits, Shin Mina and Jun Ki, I mean. And I am trying to cool down my excitement just so I don’t crash and burn but it’s not working..

  4. Holyyyy $hieeett!! THIS looks awesome. I stared at the first pic far too long…completely bedazzled by LJK. LOVE everything about him esp. his hair and SMA looks spectacular, as always! I’ve only seen her in MGIG and that performance alone will make me check out her future works. SO GOOOOOD! YSH is just tooo adorable and omgahhhhh I JUST realized that the actor playing the reaper was in Prosecutor Princess!! *soooo excitedddd*

  5. Why isn’t this happening now?! This really looks soo good. The Faith trailer made me a little nervous that it won’t be as awesome as I was hoping, but at least I still have Arang. XD

  6. i am bothered by how more beautiful junki is compared to minah…haha XD
    but i just love how junki acts…he doesnt have to go all weird and method actor-ish to get a character right..

  7. WOW…daebaaakkk!!!love the chemistry between LJK and SMA.
    miss koala, which one will you recap?TTBY or AATM?since both aired coincide.right? I really wait for both drama.
    thanks miss koala.

  8. beautiful couple… ^^
    it’s a good move that arang and faith have different TV day…
    this year summer-fall drama is look so fun! ^^

  9. Ahhhhh I want to see this now and Koala please recap Arang it looks like another addictive drama that we can all spazz about.

    Promising story line Yes!
    Main couple with great chemistry Oh Yes!
    Hilarious Gods who just happens to be brothers Yes and Yes!
    Our fave Hot and sexy actors Hell Yes!

    Note to the drama director seeing that LJK is just out of the army remember to include LJK post-army Abs for fan service a river bath will work for me.

    I think that is enough reasons to watch Arang next week don’t you?

  10. this is definitely the next drama I’m going to watch!! I love Shin Mina, she is the one that also play in my girlfriend is a nine tailed fox drama….:)

  11. Too Epic trailer!! The must watch drama with the most perfect couple, great acting from all cast, and superb cinematography & action scenes. What an over-glowing drama this is!!

  12. OMG! This will be the Korea first No.1 best qualified Fantasy production^^ As I wasn’t interested the fantasy dramas with many cheap CG effects and plots like Tae-wan-sa-shingi, and also for the 6min trailer of faith. “A&M” is not like those, very nice cinematography & great acts! Too Epicccc~~~!!!

  13. lee jun ki is sooo pretty… while shin mina is gorgeous! love love love them both!!! i”ll watch this drama for sure!!!

  14. this is an OTP that reminds me of the My Princess OTP, so visually and celeb-status-wise perfect…

    SMA and Hwang bora look like sisters… & this trailer gives me a honggildong-RTP vibe…

  15. It’s so nice to see familiar faces in an unsual and different story, the scenario, the special effects, it’s all very charming and appealing!

    Definetely my next drama, I can wait to watch it!

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