
Mike He and Chris Wang Pair Up for Snappy Biore Skincare CF — 8 Comments

  1. come to think of it, Mike ought to be enlisting soon since both Joe Cheng and Ethan Ruan have finally enlisted.
    And I was gonna say: abs galore when they get back. But then I scrolled down the page and I concur with your comment below the pic:
    That’s, uhm, a whole lotta naked chest on display. Not that I’m complaining. No sirree.

  2. i’ll choose Chris Wang..
    well..i knew Mike He for a long timeeee since his debut but i fall for Chris since Inborn Pair.. both are super smexy and hawt.. but i found Chris with his ‘black’ outfit looks sooooo awesome! haha.. bias bias bias 😛

  3. On a total sidenote, I have just watched MR raw and squeeeeeeeeeeee! Stolen glances, chemistry, the fake pregnancy scene which had me go bwahaha, longing hearts, an almost-kiss, sweet gestures… All I need now is to understand their dialogues. Looking forward to your recap, again, Mrs Koala! 😀

  4. Man.. I wish I could be that girl… they’re fighting for her.. I dont know who to decide!!! but I’m a Chris wang fan more than Mike He.. but in these ads.. I think I choose both! HAHAHA.. Thanks for posting such Lovely PICS!

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