
James Wen, Nikki Hsieh and Chris Wu Meet the Media for Miss Rose Follow-up Drama — 9 Comments

  1. OMG!I feel really bad for Nikki Hsieh, that horrendous buck tooth, It’s quite an exaggeration though I believe that someone in this world really look like that but probably they’ll be minority. I never seen Nikki Hsieh in anything before but she look quite sweet and spunky, hope that translate on screen!

  2. Bwuahaha. Have they been watching too many 7 Brides for 7 brothers? Look at the last few posts. I feel like I am in Oklahoma! the musical set. And look at the way James Wen is sitting.
    * dying from laughter *

  3. This is off topic. Please delete the aibu saki jmovie post. It is false. Someone made it up. You need to check your sources before you post.

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