
Kim Tae Hee Dazzles in the Latest Issue of Marie Claire Magazine — 14 Comments

  1. I think she must have been itchin’ to do a sageuk after doing “Mishil” in MP. Even though the scenes were played for humor, she had the voice and attitude down.
    I also think she haa become more salf aware and is choosing her roles very carefully.

  2. Can’t say I want to watch this show just yet but I wonder how this pairing is going to work out…I do feel like this might turn out like another Moon that embraces the sun where the older, more experienced actress will get outshined and outperformed by the hero…However she does seem to fit this role better than HGI did hers….I was kinda hoping that his part would go to Kim Nam Gil

  3. The only drama I haven’t seen her in is My Princess. I find that she was more memorable in Stairway to Heaven although her acting was still terrible. She’s an okay actress for me, just not really the best.

    She’s very pretty for sure, but for me it’s incomparable to Song Hye-gyo. She kind of looks like Kitagawa Keiko here, although Tae hee is prettier.

  4. I would comment on KTH, but then you threw Yoo Ah In’s name in there and now I just can’t focus… How perfect is he?! *.* I won’t be watching the drama, but hope it goes well because my boy deserves a hit after that last train wreck that must not be named.

  5. Very nice pics. Too bad I can’t stand her an actress. I remember watching MP and thinking to myself, “DAFUQ is she saying??” Her dental work is horrendous. And turns me off from what I’m watching, so I can’t even comment her acting.

    • ^I thought I was the only one that noticed that her “dental work” actually need more work done on it. Maybe that’s why her diction is bad. But I have to say she’s gorgeous especially in those photos. MP was the only drama I’ve watched of hers and I’m looking forward to her new drama, but not for her…for Yoo Ah In. hehe

  6. I like Yoo Ah In, so I might be in…I like his intensity as an actor, and I love his asymmetric nose. He is simply gorgeous!
    I’m indifferent to KTH and I don’t find her particularly beautiful or captivating, so I don’t really care.

  7. she look very korean here. no wonder korean love her, she embodies every thing they look for to perfection. eye shape, nose, face shape, sweet and gentle demeanor, girl-next-door vibe. only with her scandal with rain that i realize how crazy people are about her.

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