
You’re All Surrounded Episode 8 Recap — 15 Comments

  1. Go Ara is a filler and this drama is only worth watching for the involvment of Lee seung gi and Cha seung won !!!??? And i am Queen of england !
    Clearly your eyes and ears were shot when SS parts were on .
    SS wanted to become a singer ====> instead she became a cop
    SS is the only one who can identify the murderer’s scar ====> she is going to help DG solve the mistery
    What did SS do after the school incident ?
    What is SS back story ?
    Heck even what is TI back story ? What’s with all the medical and hyung mentions?

    You obviously only cared about the first obvious incident ( that is going to be solved in no time) and overlooked the details. With all due respect that is the dummest thing that one can do .
    Oh well what can i say to someone that likes recaping Lie to me and Playful kiss and loves Park shin hye as an actress , other than LOL

    • #1- This is a blog, Koala’s own personal blog. A blog, if you didn’t know, consists of ones own opinion regarding various subjects, in this korean dramas.
      #2- Because this a blog, you are not supposed to call an individual and their opinion dumb(or in your dummest).
      # 3- Koala unni doesn’t have to blog things if she doesn’t want to, and if she feels like telling her readers what she doesn’t like about this drama, she has every right to do so, because this is HER blog.
      #4- I love LSG and Go Ara, and I love them together and seperate. I also like this drama, and I always do not agree with Koala unni BUT I do NOT put her down, and neither should you.

      • I think the initial comments was a little harsh but the com mentors should be able to express themselves freely too and talk whatever they want. You don’t have to agree with them though.

      • yep and people should be able to reply the expressions. and the cycle never ends! It’s weird how sensitive people are to her not feeling the show. Is it because of LSG being really popular?

    • @Truth
      Hate to break it to you but koala is not the only one that feels that way, many korean and international netizens are also voicing similar complaints. But, honestly, even if she was the only person in the world that felt that way, that’s her right. And ps – a lot of very intelligent, cultured people with good taste enjoyed lie to me and playfull kiss every bit as much as koala did.

    • @Truth – yes. calm down 🙂 Start your own little blog to tell your truth which is quite biased as well! See how many readers you can gather.

      • Lol. Clap clap.

        I can enjoy or dislike a drama. But being rude just because going to someone’s personal blog and disagreeing with the blogger’s opinion and calling that person labels is just unacceptable.

        And yes I am another viewer who likes PK and LTM. And am watching this not because of a certain actor or actresses but for all of them.

  2. Koala, I agree with you about the PS and SK relationship. I was kinda disappointed that she initiated the date and that they are starting over again so fast. I want them to be reconciled but I feel that this was done too hurriedly. For 11 years, she was bitter and angry, and now she suddenly wants to start over again so quickly? Not realistic. If the writer hadn’t shown her to be so angry – maybe it’ll be more believeable.
    I feel that plot-wise, the drama is not strong, but it’s also not strong in relationship-wise too. Neither is the characterisation stellar. To be honest, I felt that DG’s smile at the end of ep 7 was service to his fans. There was no reason for him to smile THAT widely at her dancing. Sure, it brought back memories of a better time, and she was comical, but I felt a little smile and shake of his head would have been more realistic. Just my opinion. However, as a devoted fan, I’m nor complaining about the beautiful smile… or the abs!!!

  3. My love for this drama keeps growing and growing. I want the writer to make the romance between Dae Gu and Soo Sun goes faster because that’s the part I love the most from this drama. I really don’t wan Pan Seok to have a crush on Soo Sun because he just said that his heart beat faster again for his ex wife and started to reconcile. But I’m okay if Pan Seok is used to make Dae Gu jealous and finally bring Soo Sun to his apt. Hehe. Dae Gu ya, you need Soo Sun in order for you to sleep soundly. 🙂

  4. I almost feel like this drama is trying to be too many things at once –a case by case mystery drama, a revenge drama, a finding oneself/group of kids working together drama. It just doesn’t leave itself enough time to excel in any category. Maybe the biggest weakness is flat characters. While not the best evaluation standard, I determine if a character is “fleshed out” depending on whether I can predict what she or he would do in a given situation (different from predicting what the writers would have them do to boost ratings). Here, I just don’t feel like I know the characters’ ticks, value systems, wants–at least beyond a superficial level. The characters are not driving the drama. It’s like we see the puppet master’s strings–our predictions are based off what we think the writers will not what the characters will do–if that makes any sense. I am not getting lost in the drama’s world. I’m thinking strategically why did the writers decide to do that etc. >.<" But I adore Cha Seung-won, Lee Seung-gi, and Go Ara so I'm definitely going to keep watching. I just wish my fav actors coming together had turned out better :'(

    • *Or it’s like we only know the characters as caricatures or cliché drama tropes–she’s the typically funny/hardworking one who will charm the hero through her dedication/comical relief; he’s the revenge seeking hero who has pissy tendencies; he’s the fallen hero who shoulders the world but carries an emotional burden etc. I only know their tropes; not much else.

  5. my worry with the sa kyung turning up is that she may now offer to house soo sun and we miss out on the roommate hi-jinks… soo sun has been openly idolising pan soek for a while, so that source of dae gu jealousy still remains to entertain viewers

  6. I like the drama. Reason why I watch it I guess. one thing I don’t like about is the way they’re making Pan Seok character about. He’s one hell of a confusing guy to watch. The love line of Dae Gu and Soo Sun is really cute but PLEASE DON’T put Pan Seok in it. I cringe even at the slightest hint he may be interested in Soo Sun. Thats just not right. Just weird. If using him to make Dae Gu jealous and acting on it then I’ll accept it.

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