
Flower Boy Next Door Episode 4 Recap — 19 Comments

  1. This story does not make much sense – well at least Dok Mi’s character. She is supposed to be a recluse but really isn’t? She is supposed to have a fear of people but if she really did, she would not be coming out of the apartment at all. I would have thought she would be like Salma Blair as Abigail Clayton in Colombus Circle?

    Now her reaction to the phone call from Do Hwi made no sense – if Do Hwi was her tormentor in school and the reason why she turned out the way she did, then she might have dropped the phone, or ended the call at least especially if her tormentor tells her she is waiting for her!

    Go figure.

    • She isn’t scared of people, she is scared of interaction. She doesn’t go out (unless necessary) because she doesn’t feel confident enough to make connections with others.

      That’s why Enrique who is friends with possibly every single person he ever met is perfect for her.

    • @ DramaQueen : Selma Blair’s Character in Columbus Circle is an heiress and she lives in a penthouse in a hotel so she can afford not to go out. However, Dok Mi’s character is poor so she definitely needs to go out if she wants to live. Also, she’s slowly coming out of her protective shell due to the E’s incessant yammering she even says a lot in this episode and seemed to smile @ JR in the preview of ep 5 so it makes sense that she’s a little braver when she answered DH’s call compared to how she fainted (from fear or shock, maybe) when DH first appeared on ep 2.

      Thank u 4 the recap Koala. This is the only series I’m watching now. Been reading recaps of other ongoing dramas but I haven’t felt any pull of interest to watch them till FBND. It’s just the lighthearted romcom I’m looking for. You’re right, it’s executed a bit like a japanese dorama, kinda like Nobuta wo produce, but with a kdrama touches and romantic interest whereas NWP is all about friendship and school life.

    • There are many different ways people with social anxiety or post traumatic syndrome deal with things. Doesn’t necessarily mean they all have to hide in their house or not talk to anyone just because they have that fear.

  2. Thank you Miss Koala for the wonderful recap. I’m on board with you there by the cast being fabulous. Even if Dok Mi and Kkae are the central character but i’m also enjoying the interaction of all the cast. Dok hwi’s annoying presence seems essential as she is one key to unlocking Dok Mi’s past and there’s more to Jin rok than meets the eye. I horribly suspect that extreme bullying of Dok Mi is not a cause of her condition rather it is one of the results of an incident which she blames herself for.

  3. I agree that this episode was by far the best since it aired because the first loves are out of the way and now we can get deep into the relationship between the characters we so lovingly wanted to see to begin with. I don’t know why but I love that Jin Rak is the third leg in the love triangle because his character is so mysterious and in this episode I get the feeling he is a rich son or something because the mean girl keeps trying to find him. Still all the characters were beyond cute in this episode and ending with that accidental kiss was exactly what I needed to officially be glued to this Kdrama. I just hope it keeps on getting better. <3

      • Oh, that one in You Are Beautiful was quite unique, because she did something else, besides landing on the guy’s lips. LOL!

      • Unique indeed 😀 It was SO gross but so funny! Thank God she isn’t drunk this time. Poor Enrique doesn’t deserve such uniqueness, lol!

  4. “I do hope Jin Rok doesn’t end up with a redeemed Do Hwi because that girl needs to get smacked around a few times for being a generally revolting person.” I absolutely agree with you!!!

    In truth, most bullies do not reform and never get their due comeuppance in real life, so I hope-I hope-I hope-that the writer will not try to appease us with DH making a turnaround. I would much rather see her failing at all she attempts/desires and ending up with her just dues!! A failed business, money troubles, and certainly no man!! I despise bullies of all ages!!

  5. Adorable as always! And man, I do love me some Enrique, but how exhausted must YSY be after his shoots? Guy is in perpetual bubbling mode! I’m Team Enrique all the way and back, but IRL I could never stand a person like him around, lol. I’d be like “Sit!” after 5 minutes :D.

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