Yoo Seung Ho Romances Park Shin Hye in So Ji Sub Rap MV for Eraser
It’s here! This might be the last thing we see Yoo Seung Ho in before he enlists in the military so savor it while you can. His enlistment is imminent and his agent has said that it will be low key and not open to the media. On one hand I respect his decision to enlist like every other 19 year old Korean male going off to the army, on the other hand, I selfishly want to see my baby boy off. So Ji Sub sure moves fast when it comes to his singing career – two weeks ago came word he was releasing a rap mini-album and had lined up his mini-me Yoo Seung Ho and talented young starlet Park Shin Hye to star in his MV (and make it into a mini-movie of sorts). Last week came the first behind-the-scenes pics, and this week the MV for “Eraser” drops hot and delicious right into my lap. So Ji Sub’s last rap foray was the endlessly mockable “Pick Up Line”, but I must say “Eraser” is pretty damn good. Great beat, solid rapping, and the song becomes infinitely better when you listen to it while watching Yoo Seung Ho romancing Park Shin Hye onscreen. The story revolves around two bar kids who fall in love (with the requisite boy beats up douchbag to rescue the girl bit) but then she gets spotted by a talent agent and her career as a celebrity takes her out of his orbit. Yoo Seung Ho’s acting and presence sells the falling in love sweetness AND the forlorn longing when he lets her walk out of his life. My prediction was right – this MV is crack and I plan to watch it anytime in the next two years when I miss Yoo Seung Ho. All thanks to So Ji Sub.
Si Ji Sub “Eraser” featuring Mellow co-starring Park Shin Hye and Yoo Seung Ho:
wow so fast… thank you so much
pick up the line wasn’t his last single. last year he made the corona borealis mini-album wich is really good. my fave song from it is corona borealis but it hasn’t a mv. so here’s the link for his Such a Story mv:
off to see his new one
Thanks a lot for your article…..good as always.
That was one enjoyable MV. First time the song did not register because I was my total attention was taken up by the beautiful PSH and the good looking YSH ( I just keep waiting for him to smile. The best ever hands down.) . But on repeat watch, the song added to the experience. It is a very good MV that is worth watching again and again. Waiting for the next one on 25th.
love the part of the song when he sings “don’t forget me, don’t hate me……bury me deep in your heart ” overall the song grows on you when you hear it often enough…….it seems I have done that quite a bit.
i think PSH saved her country in her past life…
When will part 2 come out
LOVE IT!!! Park Shin Hye and Yoo Seung Ho should pair up for a drama when he comes back!!!! (in the mean time she can pair up with Lee Seung Gi!!)
I’m more surprised at how good the song is actually…..
Second that about PSH and LSG pairing in a drama
We’re 3 on that dreamy OTP!
This MV is craaaaack!!! Such a consolation after the mess that is IMY. Now this pairing needs to happen after Yoo Seung Ho’s army stint
i loved the mv! hope these two will be in future projects together ;]
Wow it’s going to be a long two years without him. I was screaming like a fangirl when they kept staring and smiling and was all googly eyes with each other, I died.
These 2 need to have a drama together. I demand it
and just to let you know there will be 3 more mini mvs coming. The whole think was about 12 mins but he cut it to 4 different songs ( Milking this pair for all it worth and I am not complaining haha)
I love these kids soo much. Cutest couple ever, I really could not hear the song in the background..
Agreed. Cute, adorable, lovely MV, but I could not hear the song at all, LOL.
Me either!
Beautiful cast + Beautiful song = perfect MV
I have played this MV more than 10 times
luv to watch YSH here,,,moreover until the next 2 years,,,bt I prefer watch him as harry borrisen or KHJ’s character include his physical appearance there,,,so ms.koala when I miss him I just open your archives about YSH and YEH in IMY at early episodes while listening the soundtrack hueheheh cause I love the couple of YSH x YEH ^_* thanks so muaaaaaaaach for your archives.this boy is really a damn jailbait !!!!! (as you’ve said)
SJS is smart enough to useful YSH for his MV as onscreen goodbye from YSH to all his fans,,and,,for SJS’s rap popularuty,,thought,,,
I really love this music video, love So Ji sub and most of all simply love Yoo Seung Ho and Park Shin Hye..Thanks this is awesome and I can’t help imagining Yoo Seung Ho post army stint..Man with a most beautiful set of eyes that pierced through everyone that look into it.This will keep me entertain till he is out of the army.
It’s perfect! Though I couldn’t even hear the song, to be honest.
YSH looks so giddy and in love and PSH is just stunning. My only gripe is that she should’ve kissed him back, they were already living together after all. Haha!
Hahaha, was the song any good? I don’t even know because I was so focused on the MV the first couple of times I watched it, I didn’t even properly digest the song. Now I’m going to have to pay attention to the song itself, but goodness, what an absolutely lovely reflection of these two beautiful people.
The song is not bad when I just listened to it without watching the mv. But together with the mv, it completely get overshadowed and almost like non-existent. They don’t fit well together – the song and the video.
That aside, YSH’s acting and presence have a way that always capture me in. At times he still looks like a kid though, so I can’t wait for when he returns from the army, looking more suitable to play opposite older actresses or play older characters. He always has the chemistry with anyone he’s paired with and this one is no exception. PSH looks gorgeous here and she and YSH are lovely together. I especially love the scene when they look through the magazine both on the bed and on the couch.
It’s awesome, can’t wait for the next episode. Thanks!
Aw.. Poor puppy Yoo Seung Ho.. I loved his giddy sheepish grins when all in love with PSH, but I felt so sad for him when he let her go :’/
He’s awesome. Love him.
Now I’m sad to realize that his enlistment is almost upon us
Can’t wait for him to come back to us from the army. <3
it’s so good of him that he is enlisting like every other 19 year old boy
and totally agree with your last sentence”all thanks to So Ji Sub”
PSH and YSH so cute like puppies!.. So ji sub is maybe fullfil seung ho dream wanna kiss and paired with his ideal girl before he go to the army.. this could be one of his sweet memories to remember at night.. hehehe.. yeah.. thanks to So Ji Sub!
wanjong daebak!! This MV makes want to see them as OTP in somewhat rom-com drama! I believe it’s going to be awesome since they both beautiful, talented and start as child actor
Definately going to miss him for the next 2 years :’)
PSH has grown so beautiful! I love that she looks like herself and no one else. YSH has such a manly voice. And, while this obviously goes against the young lovers gets tragically torn apart plot, I couldn’t help thinking while watching the MV, why doesn’t YSH become a celebrity too? Blind photographer. They look so good together. Hee.
i’ll surely miss YSH… but anyways everyone of us has its own responsibility to bear. I wish him to be safe, healthy,happy and dashing as always and come back safe and sound.
Thanks Miss Koala for the video I’m really looking forward for the next part of the MV.
i’ ll surely miss Yoo Seung Ho… but anyways 24 months of absence is not that long…I just have to think that same with us he has a responsbility to his country.I admire him for doing MS early. All I can do now while waiting for him is to pray that he would be safe, healthy and come back dashing as ever! Hehehe…
thank you Miss Koala… I’m looking forward for the next part of the MV.
Park Shin Hye – a starlet?
IKR? she is def a star on her own with a very long history actually. But she is getting bigger this year, after FBND and the current #1 box office The gift of room 7
….and winning best actress award in the special dramas category for “Don’t worry I am a ghost”
wuaaaaaah…. i hope YSH and PSH can be in a drama as a pair coz, they are so cute together!!
Do you have any news of when the full MV with SJS is going to be released?