
Jung So Min Attends Japan Fan Meeting of Bad Guy Co-star Kim Nam Gil — 16 Comments

  1. Its not a surprise if BG famous in Japan. The drama execution so jdorama. And they give tragic ending. I can see in jdorama sad ending is quite pupolar.

  2. You said :

    ‘After watching Jung So Min with Sung Joon in CWGM, I’m even more convinced she needs to star opposite Kim Jae Wook’

    I actually would LOVE to see Jung So Min with Kim Hyun Joong again. SHE really brought the ‘good’ acting in him. I hope they do work together again …

  3. Oh BG, I still can’t decide if it was the best kdrama ever or the worst one. Truly a study in contrasts – the good was so awesome and the bad just bloody aweful. It was worth watching for the acting alone, but the cinematography and the music were also stellar. I still have the main theme as my ring tone and get approving comments on it from strangers who have no idea what it is. I keep it a secret.

  4. Looking forward to seeing KNG on screen soon. After CWGM, I also hoped JSM will co-star with KJW playing a bad boy role. She’s starred enough opposite nice, next-door boys lately. In fact I would like a reunion with JSM, KJW and KNG.

  5. Ah Bad Guy, the drama that opened my eyes to k-dramas and KNG was/is my first k-love. I still like it despite the WTF ending. I remember being late every Thursday and Friday so that I could see the subbed episodes of the show as Viki would release them at that time. Then it led me to Dramabeans and finally to here. Good times!

  6. Kim jae wook and jung so min?Hmm maybe they could work,well he certainly has more chemistry with her than with han ga in,actually both guys had more chemistry with her than with han ga in which is why I didn’t ship either men with her.Side note: I just got done watching “nice guy” and now I’m convinced that moon chae won would’ve been the perfect jae-in. She could’ve perfectly displayed the inner struggle and complexity out of the jae-in character which han ga-in seriously failed to do..

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