
That Winter, The Wind Blows Episode 3 Recap — 24 Comments

  1. is secretary wang oh soo’s biological mother? may be next she know the truth n keep oh soo’s disguise, so oh soo will get the inheritance…? btw thanks for your hard work ockoala 3ep in 2 days…

    • Nope secretary Wang isn´t blood related to Oh Young in any way. She´s just a secretary of her dad, who he trust more than anyone else and also divorced Oh Young´s biological mother for.

  2. Thanks very much for the recap.
    I like this episode too.
    They had me laughing out loud –surprisingly, crying,being very nervous and saying “Ooooh!”
    I am a happy melo viewer when it is this well done.

    • I love when a story like this has so many layers and possible twists and turns that feed my brain.

      I woundn’t mind a bumbling Jae Shik-type “threat” but I love ths shivers ruthless Moo-chul is providing me. Plus I can’t wait to see how these two grown men loved the same dead girl that neither appears to be over.

      I am making a guess that the apparently failed razor swap was actually a swap swap.
      Iroke: Hee Sun had two envelopes. One blank and one with the company logo. The one she dropped when she bumped into Myung Ho didn’t have the TrueSoo razor in it. So when he came back and demanded she switch back, she gave him what he THINKS is the original, but it isn’t. That way, MH is doubly assured he has the right DNA, and is proud that he avoided a mistake.

      • Jomo, good point! I was thinking maybe Hee Sun or Jin Sung broke into the testing lab and switched the sample a la City Hunter, but that would be too much of a stretch.

        I’m really curious about the relationship between Oh Young and Secretary Wang. Are they blood related, mother-daughter, but Oh Young doesn’t know? That might explain why Oh Soo was taken away by his mother? I can’t tell if Secretary Wang is completely evil.

  3. wah im glad u r liking this as u r the most updated source of recap that i know. i really appreciaate ur effort. im loving this drama, such a solid start.. em just asking, so 3 episodes this week or 4? and next week will it come back to normal as 2 per week. sorry i tried researching it bt couldnt find any answer. anyway i look forward for moreee. have a joyous weekend evryone!

  4. Yeah, I think theres something with the secretary and Oh Soo. His past life has to be resolved sometime along the way right? She would be the likely candidate .. plus her line ‘That I should leave and create a different life? But I have already created a different life.’ Or somethinggg like that after talking to the lawyer. Aish~ Im anticipating the next episode!

    And Eunji is supposedly getting some negative review on her acting without her satoori and how she’s “so much less attractive than the other leads.” So Koala, I like that you like her because I like her too ^^ .. I think she’s playing her character well and this is only her second drama~ & I think as the story goes on, her part will increase and her acting will shine through~ also, she’s beautiful!

  5. Thanks for the recap, Koala! This drama is so visually stunning it reminds me of a film noir sometimes. I’m not emotionally invested in the characters yet but I can’t seem to look away either. Aside from the obvious pretty (seriously, how gorgeous are these people?!), I really like the camera work. I just hope that the live shoot system will not affect its quality for the coming episodes.

  6. Thank You for your hard work in subbing this drama I love it!!!
    The scenery is breathtaking and the actors are all so beautiful.

    Thanks again.

  7. I actually disagree with the con taking a complete backseat here – Oh Soo seems smart, and perhaps smart enough to realize that his way in to eventually get the money is to break through her shell. It seemed like he planned the outing because he could sense the friction between Oh Young and Secretary Wang, to show that he is on her side with her caged bird/independence issues in order to get her to let him in. Of course, we’ll see this theory that plays out soon lol

  8. I really can’t decide if Secretary Wang is good or bad… gaah!! I really want to know the background story of the divorce and why the mother took Oh Soo instead of Oh Young mm. There’s gonna be lots of secrets to be revealed it looks like lol.

    Btw, Koala. You wrote “I don’t think Oh Soo needs a brother or a lover, she just needs a good person she can trust in her life who isn’t going to abandon her and will put her first.” I think you meant Oh Young in that sentence?

  9. Agreed fr ep 1 to 3, there is not much of romantic chemistry between the two lead, both trying to size up and discover more….cant wait for ep 4

  10. I’m rooting for passionate chemistry btwn JIS & SHK. I’m a bit of a sucker for fauxcest. My favorite TW drama was The Rose, and I shipped Maru Oppa so badly in Can You Hear My Heart. So bring on the mind games! Btw, I know Kim Tae Woo is the bad guy here, but I can’t help but love him. I know he shanked ol buddy, but he is in possession of such a sexy mouth, I light up whenever he slides on screen. This drama fills me with bad girl feels. I was supposed to give myself a 6 episode head start. * sigh* Thanks, Koala, for the recaps on this guilty pleasure!

  11. And here comes the fauxcest. I can totally see the guy falling for her, but the girl… At least, in this one I don’t think she believes that he is her brother. She wants to, but somewhere in the back of her mind, she has an inkling of the truth.

    And seriously, I don’t believe Secretary Wang’s sob story for a second! She is such a manipulative person! What she said was totally to get the Lawyer’s sympathy so he doesn’t write the will…

  12. Thanks Koala for doing a recap! This drama delivers so far!
    The leads are so pretty, the camera and light makes them even more gorgeous! I was awwing and oohing for the prettiness all along! =D

    And I’m gonna sit back and enjoy the drama! I don’t think the plot is that simple.
    What’s the chance that OS was abandoned and OY is looking for her long lost brother? Maybe……… they are really sibling?
    -If the DNA is positive, maybe JS did successfully switch it.
    -If JS didn’t do anything… then they are really related?
    -Or they weren’t really related but someone (the family lawyer?) knew all along OS wasn’t the real deal but decided to help/fake the result and make everyone think (even OS) that he is the real brother?
    -Or simply, the DNA from the shaver was too little for analysis!?

    OH! The endless possibility! The suspense! K-drama land! I’M BACK! XD

    • OR… DNA proved he is the real brother BECAUSE JS switch it. But at the end, OS is really the real brother (and by then, he’d fallen for his biological sister?). He’s the real brother because at birth, he was switch with another baby (thus him abandoned when he was a baby, out in the winter, under the tree <– yeah, I was like WTF?) … and the OS who died in Ep1 was the switch baby (who's not biological related)?

      Ok, I'll stop now!

  13. Thanks ms koala for the recap..

    @soulgirl if Oh Young and this Oh Soo turn up to be real sibling… I’ll yell at my screen and stop watching mello!!!! It’s a big waste if they turn up to be sibling.. Cant approve that!!!! Hehehe

  14. Now I’m confused. In your recap, Secretary Wang tells the lawyer to change the will as Oh Young asked and that she will stay by Oh Young’s side until the day she dies. But from the translated episodes I watched, she tells the lawyer not to change the will like Oh Young asked and to wait until she can ascertain whether or not Oh Soo really came for his sister’s sake or for her money. If it were the former, I’d readily believe her sob story. But if it were the latter…

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