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Park Shi Hoo Concludes Police Interview as New Leaked Text Messages Add More Lurid Facts to the Case

The police investigation into the alleged Park Shi Hoo rape case has concluded its preliminary interview phase a full 2 weeks after the allegations were raised, finally interviewing Park Shi Hoo and K (24 year old actor Kim Hee Jun) on March 1st at the Seoul Seobu (Western) Police Station. Park Shi Hoo’s interview lasted 10 hours and he left the station well after sunset. Upon exiting, it was clearly evident the interview took its toll on him as he was seen with visibly red-rimmed eyes and a haggard demeanor. The reporters camped outside rushed to interview him and he respectfully said that he had provided all the facts to the police and the truth will come out in the investigation. After that he was assisted into a car and left the police station. Police have made a statement asking the media and the public to not speculate on the case, due to the recent leak of supposed Kakao texts between A and her friend B which appear to indicate that A has ulterior motives. B tells A that she can get 1 billion won out of this or else ruin him, while A replies that she will do her best acting to the police to make herself seem like the most pitiful victim. Police have now said that these texts, as well as others leaked earlier between A and K, are all taken out of context and there are many more collected in their investigation. Some are favorable to Park Shi Hoo while others are favorable to A. So there you have it, the classic rape case of he said-she said. Let me say that even if an alleged victim turns avaricious after the fact doesn’t in itself prove a set up or that a rape didn’t happen. Similarly a victim that eschews any type of settlement isn’t proof that a rape did happen, since it could have been consensual at that time only to turn unwilling after the fact. That is why sex between two adults is never as cut and dry, even between spouses and lovers, much less between two relative strangers who just met and got interested in each other, as Park Shi Hoo has claimed was what happened.

A spokesperson for the precinct came out after the interview and gave a short statement saying nothing of import other than the interview was complete and the investigation will proceed accordingly. These are some truly inept cops, I wouldn’t be surprised if evidence gets misplaced and the interview is transcribed incorrectly. Honestly though, the incompetence of this particular batch of cops what with the delayed interview and the info leaks left and right, is no better or worse than many high profile celebrity investigations I’ve seen in many other countries. Cops are just employees of the government of a particular country and with that comes the competent and incompetent ones working cases. Add to it the celebrity factor and chances are the tabloids are going out of their way to dig up dirt regardless of the cops or either side deliberately leaking info. I’ll leave this case with the cops and the parties involved to sort out, whether it be an indictment or a settlement to come. This has been an exhausting two weeks following this truly disturbing and scandalous event – either Park Shi Hoo raped a girl he just met, or some girl he just met is setting him up for an epic fall from grace. Either way, pretty hard-to-swallow stuff, no?


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  • And the plot continues to thicken...

    Whatever happens at the end, I truly hope this girl wasn't just in it for the money. That would just be a disgrace to real rape victims in the out there (at least, in the entertainment world) who are branded as gold-diggers and sluts when they reveal to have been raped.

    • True that! But its getting hard to say which is saying the truth, and harder to take sides. If he really rape her, I hope it comes out and his career ruined (so atleast in the entertainment industry ppl will not feel like they're above the law) but if she's lying.. well he'll have to be careful Not to sleep with Strangers!! Either way, I don't think this would help her get anywhere in the industry in korea, if she still wants to.

    • It does continue to thicken, and it's getting tiresome too, with the police's incompetence and unprofessionalism... If she is just trying to extort money from him, well, she just ruined his career with her antics. If he sexually assaulted her,then justice should be served. Whatever the outcome, both their lives are completely changed, and not for the better.

  • There was info that netizens uncovered the real identity of A and that she is a trainee at CCM. If it's true this becomes even more convoluted because that company's CEO has a reputation blackmailing people to get his way, trying to ruin people in the media and for hiring young trainees with questionable pasts. 

    If it's true, that opens up a whole lot of very nasty possibilities. The plot, as they say, thickens. 

    • OMG, CCM.... this is getting really bad. I just wish things don't get completely messed up for the people indirectly involved with this case (i.e. rape victims in general, the staff and actors of PSH's dramas)

  • I'm not very familiar with any law-related things, so just wondering... Why is it legal for Park Shi Hoo and K's names to be publicized, but not girls A and B?
    Hope someone can clear this up for me and satisfy my curiosity!

    • Hm didn't a girl called reporters saying she was being bothered by the media and some crazy fans telling them she wasn't the A girl but someone who shared the same name?

      The netizens also found where she works, which company she is from and found some pictures...

      • That's what I read, too.
        Meanwhile, on fansites for the actor, some of the comments ask for "find the girl and torture her". Which, I am sure, some fans will do, seeing the mob mentality of fans.

    • I think the reason why the identities are kept from the media is because with Park Si Hoo being a celebrity, a lot of fans will be after A and may end up doing bodily harm to her especially if it turns out that she falsely accused PSH of rape. I won't make any judgement in all parties involve and will just wait when the whole results come out. If PSH is guilty then by all means he should be punish but if he is innocent then this girl just ruined this person's life not to mention hers also. This is turning out to be one big drama. Let's all keep an open mind and not cast a stone at either one of them. This is clearly a case of he said/she said and we will never know the whole truth....

      • Let's face it, whether PSH is innocent or guilty, all their lives will never be the same. And the last thing we want to hear is someone died because of this unfortunate event.

    • As far as I know, the names of rape victims are almost always with-held from the press. This anonymity is, I believe, to prevent further violation/exploitation of the person in question, but also to encourage other women (or men) to come forward, secure in the knowledge that their identities won't be made public.

  • So the investigation continues.
    Text messages are not the sole and only evidence in this case.

  • This case keeps getting more complicated, but I honestly think it will end with a settlement. In either case scenario - if she was raped, or out there for money - I think she will get the money. Its probably the fastest way. Unless she is seriously determined to send him to jail, or that PSH is seriously determined to prove he is innocent - that he's ready to wait a few months or so.

    But if this is really to ruin PSH, I have a feeling thats already been accomplished. Its pretty hard for him to rise up from here, even if he were innocent. Which is a tragedy, if he is...

    • He is already ruined, for the fact of being accused of raping a victim. Everyone nose rape is a serious matter and seeing that no one knows the whole truth yet shows that no one would probably want to work with him anymore. Just being accused of it if he is proven innocent still will damage his career. Most companies takes scandles seriously and they do not want anyone to damage their image either.

      I do not want to jinx, but in some cases a person could be innocent, yet he or she was announced guilty and vise versa. No one can possibly know exactly what happened except for the beings who were actually there. Let alone if they were also in a drunken state, then some of the actions and words could have been done or said and doesn't remember it.

      If he is innocent, then hopefully there will be someone and some company that will take him in and try to restore his image and etc. And also hope that he learned from his mistake.

      But, if he is found guilty. Then he can probably tell his career goodbye.'

      • Two words: Roman Polanski.

        To elaborate a bit in case somebody doesn't know: Polanski is a world famous director, acclaimed for his movies and has won many prizes. He's also a possible rapist of an underage girl who's been running from law for decades now. He was arrested in States but fled to Europe and has been living in Europe directing movies.

        So if Polanski can make a successful career even after being accused of drugging & raping a 13 year old, why would PSH's career be over? We don't know.

      • Judging by previous sk celebrity cases, he will be acquitted and a small settlement change hands. After a brief spell for reflection, he will be back at work . His guilt or innocence will never be thoroughly resolved, but it wont matter; his fans will always believe the best, regardless. It will remain as a little asterisk in his bio. The girl will be forgotten. Think I'm cynical? Look at lee byung hun.

  • One thing interest. why A,B, text message like that really they don't know the text is an evidence have been hit them after back i think A decide already before text with B for ruin PSH why she has choose send text in stead of call just savety than show message

  • I have to say that this is really like a K-drama unfolding itself before our eyes...Although I was never a fan of PSH, I kinda feel bad for the guy because his career was just starting to pick up after CDDA, but this will totally damage his image even if he's proven innocent later on...

  • at this point I understand why PSH's team wanted transfer to another police station (wanting and being able to request for one is two issues)

    i cannot believe that all the "evidences" etc were even "leaked" out by the Authorities before any serious investigations have even taken place. This cannot benefit either party because the previously leaked messages, CCTV footages, "interview" with the friend etc did nothing but pour water on hot oil. i can't believe (in the age of modern technology) the police didn't even think of going to message service centers to seize phone calls, text message records etcetc from both parties and PSH's lawyers had to do it. i thought these "evidence" usually present themselves IN COURT during a trial and not even before a proper investigation is complete.

    i think it's justifiable that the victim's (A) identify was never disclosed (obviously, the K-netzitens always have their way - the power and horror of internet) - i think it's for the respect of the victim and to be honest sexual abuse/assault/rape etc is such a terrible ordeal to go thru, one doesn't need more "judgement" from the general public. potential victims will never make their voice heard if they know that they will be harshly judged/criticized by the media and public.

    PSH will in fact have a really impossible time to clear his tarnished reputation even if he is innocent. Let's remember that this is Korea, where the perceived moral standard is very high and Asian society is in general ultra-critical of celebs/public figures who have had high profile cases, lawsuits or scandals (or even disputes) to their names.

    if this is an actual drama i would throw coffee at the TV screen and complain at how poorly scripted and badly produced it is! except it's not.

  • @Kandiboo yeah exactly they are in Korea. Some say PSH's sex life is his own business, yes correct too! who would bother anyway.
    What's private should have been protected by all means, specially by that person who has more at stake. If he was a Hollywood actor, such behavior would not be such a rucus, but there, really, cmon how can that be overlooked when one's reputation is everythng.

    • @zenia i don't know whether people critical of his sex life (assuming this was "consensual" where his fangirls or his haters. either way, he's not the first person (or celeb, or public figure, or even a lay person) to have relations with someone younger & vice versa. a younger lady (assuming >18 yo, with a sound mind) having consensual intercourse with an older male should also not be automatically be labeled as a kkot-baem either. what was the wrong bit - premarital sex, sex or relations with someone much younger or the very public one night stand??! there are probably examples of all three in the Korean entertainment world (maybe except number 3).

      that's assuming it was consensual intercourse of course. honestly if a mature adult has decided to do something especially something "out of the norm for self/society", s/he has to be fully aware of the potential consequences that follow, so think carefully - being tipsy is not a good excuse (completely intoxicated is another issue)

      this applies for people/character bashers on the netziten world too. i hope people don't think that there is no consequence to whatever is written on the internet (even in forums, etc) as we are all anon. look at the Tablo case and the hurt that it did to both parties.

      i pray that PSH is indeed innocent and this thing was a whole big joke because sexual abuse/assault/rape should not be tolerated under all circumstances.

    • It is because they do not care for his reputation even if they are ruining it. It is sad to have some evidence be overlooked in a serious matter as this.

      Any evidence should be considered and taken seriously, so they can understand the full affect of what's going on. Even the smallest piece of evidence can be a help sometimes.

      • it's so tempting to just completely unload our feelings, our view and hatred or perceived love for someone (we don't even know!) on the internet because we don't think that it will get to the person involved and it's going to affect anyone - but what if it does and it's not true?! of course everybody has been guilty before but we probably be wise enough not to write something if we don't have the guts to say the same things to the person in real life.

        i hope that the Western police station and staff are taking this very seriously because too much damage has been done already, even before a proper trial has begun. to come to think of it, if there is enough evidence shouldn't the suspect be properly arrested, given a court date and trial instead of having all the things leaked out when the summons "to assist investigation" and before a proper (condemning) investigation? maybe the law system is different in SKorea...

  • This incident is very sad and bad at the same time for all the parties concerned. Someone out there must really hate PSH so much or envy him so much. When we are young, our parents often remind us to never talk or receive candy from strangers. As adults I guess this reminder still holds true. The people we become friends with does not necessarily are true friends, so we are reminded too by our parents to choose our friends as these friends can make or break us. Being of age or an adult does not necessarily equals maturity. Age is just a number. At any moment in our life, especially when we are feeling very low or sad, we are the most gullible, so it is very important to have the right (real, true) friends and the right place to let go of that sadness or if it's happiness one is feeling the same goes in celebrating with the right (real, true) friends and the right place.

    • @strawberryshortcake agree. the older i get (so sad! the age! getting wiser and more cynical!) the more i realize that it's very difficult to have a "just friends" relationship with anybody (i'm not even talking about a bf/gf/one night stand, i mean exactly just friends, with no conflicts of interest and no ulterior motives). "real true" friends are hard to come by nowadays - especially true in the entertainment industry where most people want to stick with and eventually be the top dog/A-Lister.

      which i guess that's why most (seemingly?) very eligible people in the entertainment industry either date within, or not get married. (i might be wrong, don't shoot me). some of them must be so lonely, especially if they have to judge the motive of everybody approaching them. sad sad business.