
Gu Family Book Episode 1 Recap — 35 Comments

  1. Thank you so much for the recap! I have already watched the episode RAW and while i did not understand much, I was pleased with the quality of it. I am looking forward to this drama (Why do all the good K-dramas come close to exam times?)and you awesome as always recaps! XD

  2. Im waiting for this Ms.Koala..^^and then voila its HERE!!Thanks super!! I LOVE ur introduction..^^ ur introduction just got me more excited on how the story will begin and evolve around our hero KangCHi..^^
    Im an Airen supporter of SeungGi cross fingers high hopes for the ratings ;D
    ok.. off to read now.. 😉

  3. Great first episode. I agree that LYH was just amazing, as was Choi Jin Hyuk. Never have seen anything with him in it and now I want to. I also really liked the head ginseng. She didn’t come across as a good person, but also I couldn’t hate her because I felt she was conflicted and knew what had to be done even if it wasn’t nice. The actress really fleshed out the character even though she wasn’t exactly given a lot to work with.

    The suffering of the characters was plentiful, but I never got the feeling it was done for no reason or that it was unreasonable that the bad guy got away with or that he did it in the first place. While it was fantasy, what happened was pretty ground in reality. There are countless real people who probably experienced something similar (minus being saved by a hot gumiho that is…)

    I’m not sure I can watch 23 more episodes of evil guy being an evil jerk (especially to the cute Seunggi and Suzy) so I am curious about what’s going to happen and Kangchi’s journey. Becoming human is well and good, but for now I’d rather KC use his super power strength to go kill Kwan Woong.

  4. Good ep, but I am still worried about the freaking makjang writing. If anyone here has seen Baker King Kim Tak Gu, his story is as depressing as Lee Yeon Hee’s character. If you think the character has already suffered enough, the writer will make him/her suffer more in the next episode. Hopefully, this won’t be the case for the next episodes. Too much suffering without any sort of redemption is a total turn-off.

    Also, that english song is so freaking jarring. Imagine you’re watching Game of Thrones then suddenly a Korean folk song starts playing.

    • She’s gonna die, her hubby’s gonna get captured and mind-controlled. Their only redemption is their son. Anticipating a torn Kang Chi, between revenge or becoming a human.

      • LOL plus Kang Chi’s grandfather being framed, Kang Chi’s uncle being hanged, and Kang Chi’s family’s servant girl being raped, plus whatever is gonna happen to Suzy and Kang Chi’s foster parents.

        Prepare to pull all of your hair out. Revenge plot plus love story plus becoming human? At least we’ll get to watch different stories unfold.

        BTW, the special effects look really nice, and the cinematography as well.

      • …and she’s going to be forced to betray her lover (she’ll have to make a choice between him and their baby that he likely won’t know about?) I predict TEARS.

  5. Most hated sageuk villain of all time. You kill her father in front of her, sell her to a brothel, then plot to be the first client. Revenge can’t come fast enough.

  6. The recap is so sad! I feel bad for the maid the most! born as a slave treated like one, raped horribly and eventually commits suicide… Though I shouldn’t be surprised Baker King was pretty hardcore too.

  7. A wow premiere. I liked the maid and I feel bad for her. RIP Dan-ah.
    Now I’m looking forward to seeing Kang Chi’s journey. Thank you for the recaps Ms. Koala.

  8. Thanks for the recap.
    I like the pilot episode as well but as seungi fan i’m worried about ratings . It started with low ratings at last place 🙁

    • The difference is 0.01%. 11.2% is pretty on par with the highest rated drama right now on the Wed/Thurs timeslot.

      I’m really impressed with Lee Yeon Hee’s acting and so curious about the actor playing Kang Chi’s dad. His voice is <3

    • The ratings were fine…? The premiers for both dramas were good, especially compared to how most dramas seem to be premier in single digits nowadays.

  9. My thoughts exactly! Lyh was superb. Episode one had me wondering why she wasn’t picked as the main lead actress and hoping that Suzy will bring up the game.

  10. Lee Yeon Hee nailed her role as Seo Hwa! And I love the maid! So loyal and passionate! Don’t have maids like that nowadays! (Just joking!) Found the story gripping and exciting, but a tad too tragic. Did the brother AND the maid have to die? I was hoping that at least one of them would live to help Kang Chi in his quest later. That would have been so comforting.

  11. Thanks Ockoala…you recap and base on your first opinion ,I’ll watch since I find the story interesting..Okay I like LSG,so going to follow this.Thanks again.

  12. Thank you Lee Yeon Hee for nailing it! And Gu Family Book is turning into a greater addition than I could ever imagine. Yes it has its over the top plot line, but boy is it compelling!

  13. Kumawo kumawo for recapping this! Just watched King 2 Hearts over the easter break and boy, am I a rabid Lee Seung Gi fan now! I also like Suzy so this is just perfect!

  14. A great start to the spring offerings. Very exciting and beautifully executed first episode. GFB, keep it up. Fighting!!!

  15. thanks so much koala sis for the great recaps! this is certainly a very solid fast paced episode. gripping and tight! just can’t wait for episode two to air.

  16. Honestly at first I was just going to watch this because of my Love of Lee Seung Gi, but OMG the first episode was such a emotional built up that I’m actually okay waiting a few more episodes before even seeing him because I’m so in love with the parents background story plot. It’s something to see the actors act off their characters emotions, but to automatically make me hate you within a second and love you within a tear it just astonishing. I really hope this drama keeps up the beautiful acting and story, I’m looking forward to tomorrows episode and the rest of this Drama’s journey. <3

  17. awesome recap! Watched it last noght via LS. Oh boy! This drama is so thrilling that it gave me a lot of emotions last night. I hope they get to keep up with this great story until the evry end.. Seo Hwa did great. Even her servant should be given proper credits for sacrificing herself and sticking with Seo Hwa and her brother. The scene where the brother was hanged gave me goosebumps. All in all, I will watch this drama til the evry end..^^ I just can’t wait to see our Kang Chi in action. ^^ Way to go Gu Family Book! Looking forward to your next recap koalab..^^

  18. Not the only one, I admit I’ve always liked Lee Yeon Hee but here. Wowza, she was just utterly amazing. She is truly a ethereal beauty and her look really fits the drama. She really was Seo Hwa. And her chemistry with Choi Jin Hyuk was wonderful and now I would be happy to have a whole drama based on the lovestory of the parents. I know I’m going to cry buckets.
    Thanks to this amazing start I might not want to even see Suzy and Lee Seung Gi just because I’m now so into the parents story.

  19. Will be watching this in a few minutes…Im just wondering and hoping that from what I see from the scenes of Seunggi and Suzy, there’s a lot of romcom-iness that often ruins everything. And I really really hope we don’t get any hammy acting from the two…especially Seunggi. I like him but I observed that always in the first eps of his dramas he has this tendency to overact. Suzy…I only hope she gives in a decent performance..not even expecting anything from her

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