
Nam Sang Mi Starts Filming Goddess of Marriage with Kim Ji Hoon and Lee Sang Woo — 15 Comments

  1. Lee Sang-woo is the most wooden actor i’ve ever seen. He always have this same blank face in every drama i watched of him(eg. I believe in love, The Road Home, A Thousand Day Promise ).

  2. good actors, hope the storyline would be good too.. i used to skip some dramas just becuz of the storyline, even.. i love the actor so much… yunho’s drama for example 😀

    so, goodluck LSW and KJH also NSM 🙂

  3. And… the bashing starts 🙂

    I know some friends will definitely watch this being rabid Lee Sang Woo fans- me? We will see, scared of weekend dramas these days. Following 3 50 episode dramas is seriously bad for my angst quota.

  4. Lee Sang Woo or Kim Ji joon? Wow. How do I choose, depending on the day? The waning of the moon? The color of my shoes? Let’s just hope that the writers make BOTH characters equally compelling so it will be as difficult as it should be to choose.

  5. Interesting… Rich guy vs starving artist? Know which I would pick already and has nothing to do with my bias! Can’t wait to see what really happens. If this was Japan, she’d walk into the sunset alone (and possibly pregnant). Lol.

  6. I have such a soft spot for Nam Sang Mi 🙂 I like both male leads, so I am super excited for this! If it is anything like Can We Get Married, I will probably enjoy it 🙂

  7. Please have Kim Ji Hoon as the first lead. I don’t think I can survive to see him as the 2nd lead again after Flower Boys Next Door. He is too good looking and charming ♥♥♥

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