
Im Joo Hwan and Kang Sora Lead Script Reading for Daily Drama Ugly Warning — 9 Comments

  1. I am currently watching Crazy Love, one of the few dailies to be subbed. I find it incredibly simplistic, with over-the-top acting, and coincidences that make me smile. I fast-forward through lots of it, and find that I can still follow it perfectly. So why am I still watching it? I have never been a daily drama watcher, no matter which country produces the stuff, so don’t ask me why I’ve glommed on to this one. I think it’s the Sad Sack lawyer. Everyone says I Live In C… is the best of the bunch, but where is it subbed?

  2. OMG I LOVE Choi Tae Joon, he was definitely my 2012 find. Might check this out if someone ends up subbing it. I love the cast!

  3. Be Strong Geum Soon is the only daily drama I have watched almost to completion lol That is also where I discovered Kang Ji Hwan as well as Kim Nam Gil (though he only appeared for a short time). I can’t watch daily dramas anymore, but I will tune in for Im Joo Hwan. Im Joo Hwan <3 Also, I Live In Cheong Dam Dong is so much awesome!!

  4. Lee Min Ki was also in BSGS…but I didn’t dare to waddle through a daily even for him…I almost couldn’t make it through the longish I Really Really Love You. But I miss IJH so much that I might, might just check out a few episodes….

    And yay for ILICDD being a the awesomest daily I’ve watched…

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