
The Talented Childhood Cast of Goddess of Fire Jeongi Starts Filming — 10 Comments

  1. Same here! Chemistry between the child actors is a key and then it’s important that the transition to the adult actors is also good. 🙂

    Not so excited about Goddess of Fire Jeongi because I’m still traumatized by MGY’s last drama which I didn’t watch after the first episodes were total f***ery. But anyways… I’m looking forward to see MGY again – just give her some bread while filming okay?

    Talking of child actors… I would give anything to see Yeo Jin Gu and/or Kim Yoo Jung/Kim So Hyun together. But Kim So Hyun is busy since IMY.

  2. park guntae over yeo jingu ANYDAY. hahaha. they seem to be the two in the spotlight often these days. park guntae and kim yoojung’s eight episodes of ‘may queen’ is the ONLY reason i refrained from spearing that drama in the gut. ugh. the adult cast. UGH. love park guntae, as well as so many of the other child actors.

  3. Hey, Japan has plenty of talented child actors that have succesfully moved over into adult roles.
    But in the recent years big talent stables like JE have been forcing their “talents” into every drama. Especially because the boys who get signed with JE are around 8-10.
    While in Korea you give young child actors really a chance to shine and even outact their adult counterparts.
    There is Yagira Yuya, who won the best actor awards in Cannes when he was 12 for Nobody knows (that is one heartwrenching movie)
    Oguri Shun (started as a child actor),Sometani Shota, Kamiki Ryunosuke, Narumi Riko, Hashimoto Ai etc.

  4. So agree about sometimes getting tired of all the childhood “meet cute” stories. Gu Family Book is an excellent example – there is absolutely no reason for the childhood flashback section (which even contains a totally squicky scene where the boy falls on top of the girl and they “feel the chemistry”…!) except that they need to prove that a)the OTP is really the OTP and b) the second lead woman is totally unworthy of the hero. The acting and the connection between the second female and the lead were much better, so they used childhood flashbacks to keep everybody on the right OTP groove.
    Other than that, there was something about a dog and a spider and it was totally ridiculous, forcing LSG to hop around like his feet were on fire. I was so embarrassed for show.

  5. sometimes I get worried for all those korean actors aren’t there too many around ? many of them look too much alike especially the girls and what’s more 50% of korean dramas systematically repeat the same clichés

  6. I am a HUGE lurker on your site (as in every single day)but this is my first comment!! Your site is amazing so keep up the good work!!

    I am just currently watching Park Geun Tae in ‘The Time between Dog and Wolf’ as the younger Lee Jun Ki and he is such a baby faced cutie pie in it, but also really likeable and a good actor as well I feel.

    His turn as the younger version of Yeo Woon in Warrior Baek Dong Soo was the only thing I liked about that drama and I think he has heaps of potential!! potential!

    I dunno if I will ever be able to deal with watching the girl who played the princess in ‘the Moon that Embraces the Sun’ though….. ugh ugh.
    I know its not the actress’s fault but I HATED her character with a passion!!!!!!

    anyway, I am hugely looking forward to this drama!!!!

  7. NOH YOUNG HAK. He was great in the childhood parts of GoF.
    MGY…eh. I’m not really digging the “worried” look that appears every other second. But there are def some personality changes I’m not liking (she’s docile almost…no more bold jung yi).
    Sorry Ms. Koala, but I REALLY like jin hee as jung yi! I thought she was amazing!
    And I was sad to see NYH off the screen so soon 🙁 He was great!

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