
Vanness Wu Drops Fascinating Teaser for New Single “Different Man” — 18 Comments

  1. So excited! I agree that VW was forgettable in Meteor Garden, but he totally redeemed himself (to me) in Autumn’s Concerto. Never made it past ep 5 of Material Queen – not because of him, but because of the lead female’s character. I could foresee her making lots and lots of really stupid choices and him always forgiving her, which would just make me mad. But it was MQ that introduced me to his singing and I quickly found the album with “Is This All” so I could play it on repeat 🙂

    Haven’t watched Chocolate though. Never found subs for it.

  2. Oh I remember him from Meteor Garden. He actually stood out for me when he cringed when Barbie played the piano at the party.
    The look on his face was priceless.

  3. I actually liked him in MG. The role suited him and I liked the long hair. Cannot watch AC because of him and the leading lady. I can’t even bring myself to watch Chris Wu parts because of the leading lady. At least Nikkie can act even tho’ DH is driving us nuts right now.

  4. Wait. I know both of these songs! I didn’t know they were part of dramas! Well I knew the Junho collab was…but I loved the song with Ryan Tedder. I don’t follow Vanness Wu but Material Queen looks good. Maybe I’ll give it a try.


    Okay, I am really not going to fangirl today. I am a grown woman. Why am I squeeling like a tween?!?!

    • I know that feeling all too well whenever I see some specific young guns (MBLAQ’s G.O., JYJ’s Yoochun, Shinhwa’s Eriiiic for instance). 😀
      I like VNW’s real persona but I’m not too fond of his acting skills and music style.

      • Thanks for the empathy. I am going to be in South Korea this summer to study, and my daughter warned me against trying to go the JYJ concert/fan meeting because she is afraid I would create an international incident. That Yoochun could stop a bullet train with that smile. Ooops, fangirling again.

      • Bwahaha. My mind has no problem picturing that scene tho I bet there’d be plenty of international Cassiopeia screaming from the top of their lungs and/or squealing as well. ^^ Fangirling is a safe means for your inner child to express her(?)self. 🙂 😉
        내 한국어는 어떻케 지내? Have you scheduled attending TV music shows to get a glimpse of some of your fave singers or visiting popular drama spots/shooting scenes?
        Would Taiwan be on your next travel list in the event of a VNW concert?

      • @denali. I would love to win the lottery and travel the world and be a stalker *cough* I mean an 아주머fan of everyone. I would just travel looking for drama sights. However, I am going to Korea to study the language for my research on college readiness. Sigh. I slept very little this year to get funding for this trip, so I don’t have money to go anywhere else. I will be trying to go to some drama related places in Seoul like the Namsan stairs and the cable car. Any suggestions? Maybe I will have more time during my sabbatical year (2015-2016) to take other trips.

      • @trotwood: I would recommend the Hongdae area, not just because of its fine arts college. In fact if you’ve seen the Coffee Prince drama starring Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye, you will easily spot it – and be disappointed, but that’s another storu. There is also the café shown in Flower boy ramyun shop with Jung Il Woo, amongst other places. Very often variety and drama PDs like to shoot scenes in this Seoul area. Also indie bands sometimes perform on the Hongdae Playground, which I seem to recall was shown in A gentleman’s dignity with Juniel and CN Blue’s Lee Jong Hyun as Jang Dong Gun’s son.

      • @denali. Thanks. I heard about the whole Coffee Prince shop thingy. sigh. The family gave me the dvd of Queen In Hyun’s Man for Mother’s Day (you should have seen the shameless hinting–every week for a month I had a different still from the show as my computer background). Anyway, I am getting some ideas from the show.

  6. I still remember Vaness Wu from meteor garden way back in early 2000s and I cringe every time I see him act before but autumn concerto changed it for me…. I could not stop watching Vaness Wu! Totally a fan girl for him 🙂

  7. yay, VANNESS WU!!!!!!!! i think he’s a fabulous musician, though i still find him rather ‘meh’ acting-wise. maybe i’ll try ti amo chocolate once i can locate subs…

  8. Vanness is unforgettable in Meteor Garden for only one reason– his lackadaisical acting only topped by his godawful hair that looked like a broom… Flash forward to Autumn Concerto, where his acting improved in leaps and bounds and his short hair further highlighted his sharply defined features 🙂 haha too bad there was a scene-stealing Chris Wu which left me torn between the two 🙂 Will try Material Queen someday…His “Undefeated” is really catchy!

  9. Is it weird that when I first saw him in Autumn Concerto…I said what they heck is U-know Yunho doing in a Taiwanese drama…and even in the pics above he just looks so much like Yunho it’s ridiculous. I think they should collaborate…musically…not in acting because I don’t think that will go as well…

  10. Ok, after the MV, I’m pretty sure MQ is the next tdrama I’m watching. Vanness looking so handsome XD(Idk why I can’t picture Vanness as poor lol)

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