
Preview for Episode 20 of King Flower — 44 Comments

  1. Oh finally… I can breath.. I know I’ll never meet a Terry in my lifetime. So I promise myself to go get him. Gotta go…

  2. I’m down for whatever ending has Terry happy. I could care less about Da Hua and Guan Jun. They can do whatever. I just want the last shot to be of Terry 😀

  3. if this was a dream then…..what a long, long dream it was! ENOUGH TO BE A 20 EPISODE DRAMA?! :))) Sigh…..if only I had those kind of dreams…. 🙁 Anyways, I hope will have a very satisfying ending (crosses fingers)

  4. I ABHOR dream endings. It completely takes the piss out of the whole thing. But like you, I will make the exception if it means Terry’s happiness.

    • Same here. I have always disdained dream endings as a juvenile writer’s cop-out – but for Terry’s sake…to have him get the ending–and the girl–he deserves, I would not only let it slide, I would watch happily.

    • Haha! So true. I’m 99.99% sure this is going to have a lame ass ending and I don’t care…as long as Terry is happy. He really is the only thing worth caring about in this whole mess.

  5. the very least i care is what would happen to GJ… as long as perfect Terry ends up happy, i am so into it, in whatever shape and form.

    and yes koala sis, it’s Terry’s jawline right there looking at DH. 🙂

  6. I have bad feeling that DH will end up with GJ.

    If so, those two inane idiots deserve each other and the writers need to get smacked on the head. Terry was too good for her anyway—I DESERVE TERRY! LOL!!! And if this was just DH’s crazy dream, that’d be the lamest ending EVER! What a cop-out.

    Anyway, I feel like no plot development has been happening ever since the Chairman found out the truth an that alone was very non-climatic. I think the producers are at a loss of what to do since Terry (Chris Wu’s awesome acting) totally stole the show away from DH and GJ in the drama.

    Well, whatever happens, I still want to smack DH on the head for loving her brother. They’re not blood, but that’s JUST NASTY! Lol!

    • No, in Taiwan there was a lot of adoptions after the war or re-marriages or combined families. There isn’t a lot of stigma with a sister marrying an unrelated guy that she grew up with. And here Guan Jun didn’t take the Jin family name so he wasn’t officially adopted.

      I do agree that whatever relevant plot evaporated for the GJ-DH moping show. With a lot of Terry awesomeness thrown in.

  7. I watch KF exclusively for the Terry moments and pretty much just skip the rest. You know what after all this I don’t want Da Hua to end up with Terry, she can have Guan Jun. She doesn’t deserve Terry after all this, he has been with her through thick and thin and she is just “accepting” her faith and marrying him for the heck of it!!! GRRRRR so angry right now, Terry deserves someone who recognizes his love and kind spirit someone who will love him even more for it. Dear God I can’t even remember a past drama that had such a spectacular character as Terry, Chris Wu is really amazing in portraying Terry, dude needs an award:).

    • Chris deserves an award for sure, but I doubt he’ll get it. The GBs are notoriously anti- rich/goodlooking male characters from idol dramas.

    • Our Terry-fest reminds me of another character who just stood out for his all-around epicness: Boong-Do from Queen In-Hyun’s Man.

      • Kim Boong Do. Good times, good times. If he somehow didn’t make a deux et machina time-traveling cell phone call with a zero juice cell phone, then I would have loved him for all time.

  8. I love all the fans of KF, some of the analysis and comments in the last few weeks have been hilarious or wonderfully profound.

    This comment recently made me crack up. So true:


    If Terry proposed to me, I would immediately, right away, promptly dragged him to the registrar’s office and register the marriage. He won’t even have the chance to change his mind. And I’ll hold on tight to the wedding ring first.

      • That’s a girl who deserves to be cast with Terry instead of the lame people around him. I mean we all ralized a long time ago that the only person in this drama that might remotely deserve him died nearly ten episodes ago.

  9. I haven’t watched a single episode of this show Ms. Koala, but your recaps and Terry rants have certainly made me a huge Terry fan! I hope he gets the ending he so deserves.

  10. Omg, someone have to cut Terry’s scenes for us replay it over and over.

    I can watch Terry forever and never get bored LOL.

    I’m now really sad his fiancee died. She was the right person for him… so lovely and awesome. Writer should kill her off if she wanted to make DH go back to GJ.

    • This is why I aid that SETTV should make “King Flower: The Terry Edition.” Every fan would by that dvd in a heartbeat because all we care about is Terry. It could end with the scene above of him smiling at DH in his tux. Frankly , Chris Wu could just shoot alternate scenes with him wearing that tux and that purple sweater, and I would be fine with that, too.

  11. First, thanks to Ms Koala for the wonderful recaps! They are hilarious and awesome and I really appreciate them, especially since I can’t bear to actually watch the full episodes anymore (I read your recaps and then go watch all the Terry scenes – like pretty much everyone else).

    I agree with many people that I could care less now about DH and GJ and whatever happens to them. I just hope that Terry gets a happy ending. I absolutely hate dream endings (such a cop-out), but if the writers can somehow manage to get their shit together and write a good ending for ep 20 even if this is all a dream of DH, then it just might make it ok. My expectations for this are low. Very low. Almost underground. That’s sad.

    I have to admit though, part of me doesn’t want the show to end at 20 episodes. Maybe Terry and DH actually DO get married and we start to see all those other characters come back into play (Kai Le, the Chairman, etc) and then conflict arises from all that. DH will see that Terry is perfect and realize she loves him, just when GJ realizes he is an idiot but now she definitely loves Terry (you snooze, you lose, Guan Jun!) While this works in my mind, it may not work for the drama, but given that the writers are definitely high on something, I think anything is possible.

    This all said, I can barely wait till ep 20. I can definitely say I will probably be eating chocolate to console myself for the rest of the week (and most likely after).

    • I need some therapy after this is all said and done. It’s been nervewracking like waiting for a slap that might never fall.

  12. I’m still going to think that DH ends up with Terry. 🙂 I will believe it when I see it (that DH ends up with GJ). Maybe she ends up with no one. And Terry ends up with someone different.

    Only one more week of Chris gracing my screen with new stuff. 🙁 Sniff, sniff… will miss you!

  13. Thank you for this preview Koala. I can’t wait for your recap next week. I have been staying away from viewing KF but reading your post and watching the clips keeps me contented. I just hope SETTV has a happy ending for Terry, I could care less for DH and GJ.

    On a rabbit trail… Check out ep 14 of GFB especially the last 2 mins. His hotness Wol Ryung did his magic again. He was so hot especially when he smiled…sigh… I could not believe my computer did not melt from heat. 🙂

  14. I think the opening is so misleading. In it, Xiao Fei is pulling over Guan Jun from Da Hua while Kai Le is doing the same with Terry. At first, I thought it was going to be about two nice guys who very much show love and affection to Da Hua. And, I thought Xiao Fei and Kai Le will be the one’s who will be getting in the way of Da Hua’s decision. That’s the only reason why I started watching this drama. Instead, Kai Le has mysteriously disappeared from the drama and Guan Jun’s noble idiocy got Da Hua conflicted. What is wrong with the writers!!!!!??

  15. I am totally addicted to your recaps and rants for this show. This drama has been cray cray and nonsensical but totally worth it for Chris Wu’s performance as Terry. Your recaps piqued my curiousity and I was sucked in by the awesome Terry/DH moments in episode 11 that I went back and saw watched the previous episodes (tried but couldn’t endure anything outside of Terry). Hoping against all hope that Terry does get the girl! I would swoon and totally forgive the producers/writers for DH’s lack of spine/maturity/intelligence if they spent some time showing happily ever after.

    Btw does anyone find it weird that Hu Xiao Fei is part of the wedding party?

  16. If you had an epiphany two weeks ago, I have my epiphany now through your words on the open and end credits! IT IS SO POSSIBLE and at present, I actually think it would be great if that’s how it ends up being – one elaborate dream. LY and Terry together as they were always meant to be and GJ with the ‘real’ DH would be a welcomed end too because at least we have the comfort of knowing that GJ really does love DH (regardless of looks!)

  17. I am trying to figure out who it is Da Hua is marrying at .21 of the preview. She is wearing a different wedding type outfit with a blue polka dot shawl.

    At 21 seconds in, you can see the right side profile of the guy’s face and if you watch closely or freeze it, the guy has a mole on the right side of his neck.

    I scanned though a ton of the pictures Koala posted for her previews and this is the closest thing I can find. What do you all think?

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