
King Flower Episode 19 Recap — 37 Comments

  1. Terry!!!! I love you so much… Let’s just say episode 20 doesn’t exist…. And we got ourselves a giant happy ending!!!!

    • I’m cool with that. But for the sake of my recapping duties I will have to wear a hazmat suit to watch episode 20 just in case it ends with Dumb and Dumber riding off in the sunset in his stupid flower truck.

      • Hahahahaha! I almost dropped my phone reading your amazing comment on the screen!!! Love it! This Sunday… I might skip to the ending first, then watch the rest… Or not watch the rest of the show!

  2. Thanks for the recap! I was waiting for the scene where Terry was cutting fruits for Dahua in the hospital but it looks like that it got cut. Anyway, Chris really nailed it in the proposal scene… can’t help but stare at his side profile.. soooo attractive 😛

    • They cut a lot from some episodes I’ve noticed. I also know that the first episode engagement night scene between Terry and Liang Yen was MUCH sexier. He was in a bathrobe and they were making out on the bed. Prolly too hot so they went with the version shown. Sigh.

      • I was looking all over for the place for that scene. I thought I had seen it somewhere.

      • If you find that scene, can you share it with us? Purely as an academic pursuit, to make sure our research is complete and that we have the footage necessary to make an optimal evaluation of this drama.

      • I saw a picture of that scene!! And of course since I didn’t see it before I totally thought it was Terry with LY….

        Terry Lover all the way!

  3. Your description of the last scene…. Terry’s reaction… is as simplistically poignant as it could be in written form…. thank you~~~~ Terry-happiness all the way!!

    • Thank you. 🙂 Terry is written and acted so masterfully it truly is inspiring to watch, and inspires me to write better so I can capture how he behaves with such beauty of the soul.

  4. I am completely bowled over by the purity of Terry’s love and his selflessness. I mean as much as I can’t STAND GJ and hate DH’s idiocy, they are caricatures for how a lot of people behave in relationships. I love that Terry rises above the fray and epitomizes what love actually is: an emotion that cannot be explained and just felt. It does not need to be validated by reciprocity. It just IS. And I think KF was worth it to be reminded of that and see it epitomized by Terry.

    God, I really do love him. I’ll be desolate at the end of this drama.

    • I need to start an TA Club – Terry Anonymous for people who have to quit Terry but can’t. First meeting should be next Monday. 🙁

      • I love your blog, please let us know if you really serious about the TA Club…. I really need to vent since I am sooo antsy watching this drama. If Da Hua won’t end up with Terry I will be up set for days …. ;(

    • I’m in, too. Should I bring snacks or just boxes of tissues? This is really bad. I am in meetings all day and mentally circling people, putting lines through them, and muttering, “not Terry, not Terry, not Terry . . .not Terry” “Why do I have to listen to you when you are not Terry?”

      Hmm. Maybe I need more than therapy?

  5. I wanted to point out in the last episode that Da Hua is the only the one who calls Terry “Terry” whilst everyone refers him as “Ouyang Tai”. In the last 18 episodes, everyone around Da Hua called Terry “Ouyang Tai” especially Jin Mom, Ah Xi and Da Li. I wonder if the transition/change has any significance at all.

    My heart hurt seeing Terry smile when Da Hua just woke up. It breaks my heart that he offers those sweet, genuine smiles to undecisive, mopey Da Hua. Also, I’m really liking Xiao Fei-Guan Jun moments. She may be annoying but she’s nice… in a way. I kind of like how Guan Jun stands up for her (though I don’t know if he’s faking it)

    BTW, what happened to the secretary? like… O___O where is she? I haven’t seen her since… maybe ep 10 when she was eavesdropping on the stairwell. She’s on the poster, she’s in the opening lol did they cut her out????

    • Everyone on Terry’s side has been MIA for episodes now. His parents. Johnson and his bitchy mom. Secretary Kai Le. Even President Du served his purpose and exited stage left. The entire substitute princess bit was resolved so quickly and no know one even thinks its weird that Terry loves a girl who he made to look exactly like this dead fiancee. I mean, SERIOUSLY? Yeah, the plot derailed the moment Terry took over this entire drama and carried it on his amazing shoulders.

  6. If in episode 20, Da Hua chooses GJ because she wants to hurt her future because she is a masochist then why don’t we pretend episode 20 never exist?

    The ending of episode 19 is so perfect with Terry proposing and Da Hua embracing him back. We can just pretend that Da Hua chose Terry and that episode 20 never existed.

    Ep 19 The End: Terry and Da Hua forever!!!

    • LOL, we’re not the only ones.

      This picture has been circulating since episode 19 ended, and I did not photoshop it. I swear.

      The three words in the lower right hand corner reads “The end of the drama.”

      • That’s so incredible! Thanks Koala! I just smiled. I am so ready to delete episode 20 off my mind if my fear comes true. I’ll even tell my friends who are planning to check the series that there are really only 19 episodes and that episode 20 was created by a fanmade GJ&DaHua Shipper Rebel.

      • XD

        God I love my readers. You do that qn, because that is what I would do as well if I didn’t have to recap 20 come hell or high water.

        I can already see myself HULKING out if the ending is straight out of horror movie….GJ-DH…….I can’t.

  7. I’ve barely been keeping up with this show, just reading the recaps and not watching the show at all, but when I watched that short scene with Terry’s confession (that you earlier posted) my eyes just teared up and my heart broke for the guy. He really doesn’t expect anything, he’s just silently giving all the time, and the very fact that its the rich guy who does this and not the poor one (as is usually the case in dramas) just stuns me. I’m already invested in Terry; this guy needs a happy ending!!!
    On the other hand I actually find it kind of tragic what happened to GuanJun’s character, he was actually quite charming and likeable initially as the ruffian character, but his character has been so butchered that I just can’t….

    • I agree. His character was initially quite charming and free spirited. Lots of potential for upside. I don’t dislike James Wen for doing this, and my hatred for GJ doesn’t rub off on him in anyway.

      Word on how Terry bucks all rich chaebol heir conventions despite in episode being as interesting as a slice of white bread. He truly shines under pressure.

  8. OHEMGEE Im thinking maybe this episode was a give away to the Terry- Dahua fans because I mean the last segment could stop from there already but then since we have 20 (?) of course it must be already a hint to us (terry admirers) that in every good thing comes an unexpected jolt of depreciation, the most unawaited ending the Guan Jun and Dahua ending in the next one to come 🙁

  9. LOL Terry Anonymous!Trust u to come up with that! Like everyone else, I like Terry for his power to fill up the small screen every time he comes on. Let’s hope we see more of Chris Wu as the intended male lead in future drama. See u all at the first TA meeting:)

  10. I haven’t even read the recap yet, but that first screencap of Terry had me wanting to give him anything he wants. What was that Terry? You need a job? You want my job? My house? My kidney? okay. I’m fine with it. Sigh. Off top read.

  11. I’m not actually watching this show because I know Guan Jun would drive me nuts (a passive-aggressive, tantrum throwing baby? ugh, no thanks), but going by drama rules, the end couple is going to be Guan Jun/Da Hua, right?

    In most dramas: the family and friends finally come round and realise just how awesome the second lead is, the f/lead moves on with a heavy heart and accepts his proposal… before running off with the m/lead in the last ten minutes. 🙁

    But the thing is, in this particular drama, it seems pretty clear that Terry – even if he began as the second lead – became the lead and that the natural evolution of the story would be Da Hua putting aside her crush and falling in love with the man who perhaps seems wrong for her at first, but is actually perfect (for her. or just plain perfect).

    Every writer knows that sometimes a story doesn’t go exactly as originally planned – sometimes the characters change and interact in a way you wouldn’t have imagined and that changes the story. Sticking to the original ending just because it’s what’s been pinned up on your storyboard doesn’t make sense, and does the characters a major disservice. *shrugs* But that’s just my opinion.

    Thanks for the lovely recaps, MsK!

    • You’re perfectly right.
      However, the writers for a drama would have to live with the “He was bought in as first male lead, now He should be the one who gets the girl” from the station. Of course, if they would have played it clever, they would have Guan Jun come out of this with his own character developement, and the actor would probably be thankful if it was a meaningful plot that allowed him to act. But unfortunately, that wasn’t done here… which is such a waste.

  12. LMFAO! Koala, you crack me up! All of your insightful digs through out your recap are HILARIOUS!

    Anyway, the writers and producers will royally pee me off if after building up all of this romance between DH and Terry, DH runs off with mega-loser GJ at the altar. Riot!

    This ending just might traumatize me. Please don’t make me put Terry in my box of “1st/2nd male leads that I loved but got the shaft at the end”.


  13. The worse possible ending would be her not ending up with Terry…oh well it’s looking that way now…the predictable tripe…I’m mourning the end already !!!

  14. I hate the fact that they made DH reluctantly love/like Terry. It feels so much like she is being forced to accept him, and Terry doesn’t deserve that.

    In what fooking universe does a girl who spent all that time with Terry in his house, feeding him meals, having so much fun just hanging out with him, learning about business suddenly, reluctantly love him back?

    It is insulting to women that she would harbor this crush for so long and be so petulantly against looking at GJ in a different light. It would naturally happen, even if Terry weren’t MAN from heaven, which he is. Girls grow up – they see their old crushes differently when there are real men to compare them to.
    (I am afraid – I can feel it coming– I am going to devolve to using only SHOUTING SOON…)
    /rant over
    They may even feel embarrassed that they even had those feelings back when they were 14. AND DH is perpetually 14. Ughhhhh!

    I am one of those who now believes she doesn’t deserve him either.

    Pabo! Baka!

  15. Just saw episode 20 without subtitle, so don’t really know whats going on, but for sure there will be episode 21. Argghhh …. a got antsier and antsier now …. ;( … can somebody tell me what’s going on here 🙁

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