
Song Seung Heon Posts Picture of Him with Taiwanese Supermodel Lin Chi Ling — 19 Comments

      • Oh. my. god.

        I need bleach to scrub that image out of my head. And I think his fangirls would need to be intubated.

      • She is actually a smart funny lady. I only mildly loathe her bc she keeps getting prime parts in what could be epic projects and then royally ruining it. As a model she’s stunning and Da Bomb.

  1. Oooh! I like them together.
    I am watching WAML and THT is actually doing well…mostly…

    I watched that show with KT. EVERYONE should watch it, too.
    The begining was bad, and then it got good, and then
    she was bah-yad and then she went
    ✻POOF✻ and disappeared back to her land of buggy puddles.
    Even though they were in love.

    • It would have made more sense if she got ran over by a car and thus written out of the show compared to how they did write her off the show. That dorama is so weird it still baffles me. o__O

  2. I love SSH. That man knows his limits, never stretches himself (other than on the pull up bar to show off his ample assets), respects his viewers, knows what we love to see and delivers on cue all the time. Occasionally, there’s even chemistry with his female leads (but that’s a bonus not to be expected all the time). Not in WAML though. Chinless is an absolute killjoy.

  3. Pretty people with very questionable acting skills. 🙂

    I’m really surprise with Shin Se Kyung’s acting, she’s gone downhill. I guess I just have this notion that since she was a child actress, somehow she’d be at the least decent and really outstanding at most, but she’s not.

  4. She’s dreadful and with the latest turn of events in WAML, even SSH’s awesome abs can’t make me suffer another episode! Urggh! I think I’ll marathon on Gaksital this weekend instead.

  5. Lin Chi Ling was bad in the acting department, especially in Tsuki no Koibito but she was so damn sexy when she model with the furniture in that drama! That explains why KimuTaku character is nuts.. it’s not love, it’s lust!

    • They really did a good job showing him in lust, and I bought it, then, they tried to go all “true love” and stuff.
      It just didn’t work.

  6. Haha. Her picture with Tony Leung is so funny. He looks all awkward & uncomfortable. It’s like how do get the least amount of skin contact with this lady.

  7. I saw a photo shoot with SSH and Ha Ji Won and that famous model Jang Joon. Surprisingly, SSH and Ha Ji Won seem to have so much chemistry. I would like to see them in a rom-com.

  8. Seung Heon has a lot of Haters..which to me makes him a great actor. Loved the drama when a man loves. I prefer to see a tough guy image or maybe a villain (bad guy). Hope to see upcoming films or drama with Seung Heon.

    • wow! SSH’s does have a lot of haters. thank you haters. you make him more tough and i am a huge fan of him. you can hate all you want. ungrateful bitches..

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