
Vanness Wu Drops Official MV for the Catchy Single “Different Man” — 13 Comments

  1. really??? vanness already have a gf?? oh my god im so happy to hear it!! aaaah its my dream since 10 years a go to see him walk in aisle…

    Now off to read. I just had to say this after seeing the pic.

  3. Okay, I am back now and much calmer. Congrats to Vaness Wu for showing you can be sexy and classy and spiritual. Also, congrats on the wedding. I am hoping there will be lots of pictures of that when the time comes.

  4. This man is gorgeous and can do no wrong in my eyes after watching Autumn Concerto. I like that he’s a changed man too.

    • Btw, he’s giving me major Taeyang vibes in this vid. That dance, that Chrome Hearts shirt he has on, etc. It’s a good thing cause I like them both.

      • Being a big Bigbang fan & a VIP, I was soooo about to comment that his video & dance moves remind of Taeyang…but then since Vanness attended their concert in Taiwan he probably got tips :)…Vanness the older he gets the hotter he also looks,glad he was able to step out of the shadows of the other more famous F4 members (although still love them as a group…hope they make another drama together…)

  5. Excellent video! The only distraction I felt was that the belt (a la heavyweight champion) appeared a little too big on him, but other than that
    it was celebration time that he’s back with a newfound faith translated into his music and videos. Amen!

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