
Who Are You Holds Press Conference and Releases New Preview with Cast Interview — 24 Comments

  1. Wow, 3 fashion duds as the leading figures in this drama….

    My eyes, my eyes!

    Also, I really dislike the nose job that Kim Jae Wook had. I thought he was better looking before when he was on Coffee Prince. Does anyone else feel the same?

    • I honestly did not recognize him. WHY WHY WHY do these actors and actresses get plastic surgery that makes them look like everyone else? He had such an arresting, unique face and now it is gone. And he was my last reason for having any interest in this drama at all, since I am highly allergic to Taecyeon.

      • I too almost didn’t recognize him. I liked his look before. Not sure what I think of the look now.

      • Errr……..actually I tried to find out about his nose job online but actually found nothing. And also as I draw portraits a lot, I compared his noses of his old and current photos and the proportion looks same.
        Honestly, I think he just gained some fat in his face which seems to pull his face towards the side. I think that plus lack of long hair is cause of your confusions.

        (I know, I sound insane. Yes, when it comes to KJW, I can be a freak)

    • LOL, I read Koala’s description first and then scroll down to see this. My reaction was like: “Those pants @@, you gotta be kidding me” 😀

  2. omo in 2 weeks time, MGY is going head to head with her besties (particularly with MCW in Good Doctor) & SYH in WAY?? …why not make them all three stars in a drama together after this..and make it something like..I need romance..ekekekek…(sorry a bit unrelated post)

  3. Ufff… from her dress to his pants, I think all fashion in this press conference is horrible. They can fire their coordis. Talking about the drama itself, I don’t think I will be seeing it, too much mellow, and too similar to 49 days, and I cried buckets of tears. And I must say that I dislike Taecyeon acting, soooo… I’ll start watching Godess of fire.

  4. I must saw KJW looks dour face in almost all the stills I’ve seen in so far. At least he’s smiling in ONE picture here. Is he already in character or what?

  5. Are those things KJW is wearing supposed to be hakama pants?

    I guess I’ll check this out for the flashback scenes, Taecyeon’s acting is too teeth-grindingly mechanical to watch even though I like So Yi-hyun.

  6. Taecyeon and So Yi Hyun look so awful together… it would have made more sense for Taecyeon to have been the ghostly boyfriend – although that part may be too demanding for his limited skills lbr – and Kim Jae Wook the new partner. Don’t know what the producers were smoking to be quite honest.

  7. Are Kim Jae Wook’s shirt collar & So Yi Hyun’s lacy skirt made of the same material? The shirt’s ok, but those pants! Did he steal them from a fatter, shorter man? Ugh for the fashion all around. Hopefully their personal stylists will have zero input in their clothes in the show.

  8. Maybe KJW is newly-circumcised…. boys in my country wear loose pants/shorts, sometimes even their mom’s skirts, after going through that procedure. could also explain his dour expression.

  9. Kim Jae Wook’s pants are so hilarious that I have no words to describe them.. What are those and why is he wearing them?!?

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