
Monstar Episode 11 Recap — 48 Comments

  1. I also felt like the pacing in this episode was super slow. I ended up ffing through parts, which I never do for this show! Still, there were good things there, it’s just that it lacked…urgency. I have a feeling next week’s finale will rock. *crosses fingers*

      • This was roughly how the clothing store “date” went..

        SW: Are you buying me a shirt? You dont need to.
        NN: Its not for you but for the ahjusshi (at the room saloon) who thought me how to play bass.
        SW: You should give him something you made, then.
        NN: I tried to but he kept refusing it. He said he will turn it into rags if I keep insisting in giving it to him.
        (NaNa hands him a black shirt to try on.. SW comes out wearing it.. *commence drooling me*)
        NN: It looks good. We’ll take it (to the saleslady).
        SW: Ahjusshi is the same size as me?
        NN: No. (coz she’s cool like that)

        So shirt is SW’s (undeserving as he is)

  2. Thanks Ms Koala for recapping. I love the pace of this ep, though no cute OTP moments but many questions answered, its like the PD and writer is taking their own sweet time to tell a story and we viewers just need to sit and wait patiently.

  3. thks a million … you are the best captainK!!!
    I still love the eps … It’s nice of Se Yi to give her final sweet memory to Seon Woo and remind him again whr he stands in this relationship.
    I’m expecting lots n lots of fluff from SeolYi next week … pleaseeeeee ….

    • i do! haha. mostly because i’m a seonyi shipper. but they’d actually be cute togeter. like in the soccer scene… it had all my favorite couples- kyunam, seonyi, seolna…..

  4. Am I the only one that thinks the scene between Joon Hee and Se Yi had some chemistry. But nothing beats Se Yi and Seol Chan!!!!

    Fighting Se Yi and Seol Chan

    • You’re not the only one. It sizzled so much. I thought I was going crazy. Still I will ship my babies Sol Chan and Se Yi to the end.

    • Nope, me too! I loved how the school prez showed a little interest in sheep girl, even doing her the great honor of allowing her to call him by name, *snerk*, only to be shut down cold! He then reacted as only a true egomaniac can, by getting royally pissed that she didn’t appreciate his magnanimous gesture. His sister is only slightly better in that she doesn’t pretend to be anything but a snob of the highest order. Not that it’s anything to praise her for. It’s pretty bad when even JR is embarrassed by your behavior!

    • I totally agree! I hope they can build on more episodes with that! Even in the beginning I thought Joon Hee was going to be involved with Se Yi somehow??

      • Yea i hope that they add at least one or two more episodes to explain that joon hee se yi scene too. Besides the last scene, this scene is the only one that really caught my attention i guess

  5. Im not going to lie, I’m really disappointed in Seol Chan and Sun Woo’s backstory. The reason they have so many problems is because of one phone call to his adopted mother? I get him being mad about that, but thats something he should have gotten over a long time ago. I was expecting something so much bigger, especially seeing the way Seol Chan reacts with his mother. I guess they didn’t have much time left in the story, but it still could have been better. :/

    • well just like you said judging with how he still acts around his adoptive mother, like she’s this stranger that he owes a debt to, I can buy that he’s held a grudge like that for so long. Sunwoo is the only other person he told about a very private matter and even if it was his mother, he still told someone else. Seol chan already feels like an outsider in his own home, it really all comes down to Seol chan and his trust in people around him.
      It wasn’t really a huge revelation or something big plot wise, but personally it was just a nice reveal of his character.

    • I think seol chan’s back Story isn’t disappointing. This breach of trust really hurt him a lot. The only Person who knew that he got adopted was Sun woo and it was a secret between them. It still hurts seol Chan that his Real parents abandoned him and he didn’t want to trouble his adoptive parents maybe out of fear they would leave him too. So don’t take his issue lightly.

  6. I think I’m one of the few not bothered by the pace of this episode. With this writer I kind of expected some things to be left to the final episode, so maybe my expectations were different going in. I have never been interested in the parent love triangle except for how it impacted and paralleled the kids, but I have to say that the scene in the park between SY’s parents left me teary-eyed. I also think this episode helped me understand why the SW-SY-SC triangle has gone on as long as it has. Because of her own situation SY’s heart is softening towards her mom and she’s able to understand and maybe even empathize with her, setting the stage for their reconciliation.

    • I agree with your take on the SW-SY-SC love triangle. I think it’s really necessary to drag this issue in order to resolve other things, such as SY’s reconciliation with her mom, SC’s issue to whatever he and SW had in the past, and other more things involving the three. It’s like there’s an invisible knot that connects the different strings of their issue. Ande when all is resolve it’s like the knot is gone and the strings are finally free. So yeah..

  7. I kinda expect a lot in this ep but this much will do. But if there are more scenes between SC n SY it wouldve been better coz I like them soo much. I never really like SW so I dont want him to be with either SY or NN. NN happen to be too good for him. N his one sided love for SY is a little bit too much despite knowing dat she likes SC.

    • I agree..I was hoping this episode could have more deeper scene for seol chan n se yi together..but i love the teary moment of seyi’s mom n dad at the park…n yeah, I don’t like sun woo, nana is too good for him i kinda hope for nana to get closer with kyudong…hihi…I hope next will clear it up n happy end

  8. This is crazy! I’m so sad right now we only have 1 episode left! It is coming to an end now, I wish they will do specials EPs huhu. This drama had me all, it will be hard to let go. T_T

  9. Thanks for the recap, koala!

    Here’s some of the songs from the drama which are not part of the OST.

    I really like a lot of the music that they have on Monstar, so I decided to try my hand at splicing and editing some of the music to sound more like a complete song. There are still some artifacts in there as unfortunately, I didn’t have access to the original sound tracks. Hopefully, people enjoy them as much as I do.

    For some reason you have to load the mp3s twice on 4shared. I’m not really sure why.

    Ep 5: Donam/Kyu Dong

    Ep 6: Sun Woo

    Ep 1: Seyi/Kyu Dong

    Ep 7: Sun Woo/Nana

  10. It was sad love triangle … But i stilll having a little hope that Se-Yi will choose SunWoo. Love this two so much. Seolchan should end up together instead. T_T

    Thank you for the recap. Koala, you’re sooooo kind.

  11. The pace of this particular episode was a bit slow.I hate it that they dragged out the love triangle for so long.Seyi should have come clean about how she views sunwoo as a friend and nothing more way back, so that by this episode sunwoo would have atleast seen nana in a new light.I think the sunwoo-seolchan fallout reason is a pretty good one,imagine your best friend betrays you and spreads the secret even if he tells it only to his mother,frankly speaking even I would have held on to the grudge because at that age you believe that everything is bright and gay and nothing can go wrong,when such things happen they leave a very deep mark.

  12. The highlight of this ep for me was hye rim . She is so beautiful and I love her facial expressions . Especially when that min se yi said its a bin . And she just looked at sun woo like “what the fuck is up with this girl it’s not funny “

  13. Hi… I am really curious what the ending song… it’s none of the ost… looking around utube and found nothing… really curious…… it’s been used for the ending of episode 9 to 11

  14. At last she made a choice. poor SW, but if only she told him sooner. i thought it was kinda mean to ask him out on a date then, break his heart at the end of the date. i was hoping for more SW & NN. they have so much heat. I just hope the have a good ending. im shipping the so much.

    • Yeah, i agree w you. really like the couple SW-NN, they create chemistry when they are together. hope that the final ep will have more romantic screnes btw them. :))

  15. Am i the only one who loved seol han singing that song falling in love with a friend’s friend? I love the song and i loved his rendition of it. Like some here, i have no problem with the pace or the story thus far. The song choices and how they have been woven into the stories in the drama really enhancethe emotional content of the show.

  16. I’m really hoping for an extension of episodes!! Like this isn’t going to be enough to fit into one final one. An I the only on interested in the School President, and him possibly being romantically interested in Se Yi?? This could become a whole new awesome storyline to cover up the sad over dragged one from earlier. I live for love triangles lol. and I’m so disappointed in the fight over Se Yi, it’s like nothing happened but something did?

  17. wow, that mini scene with joonhee and seyi. it was only for a minute but man, i felt the chemistry.

    and wow, hyorin is just a whole new level of nasty. you know you’re terrible when even jaerok is appalled by your behavior.

  18. I’m rooting for Kim Na Na and Sun Woo. I’m always anticipating scenes between them and ended up not liking the OTP. :)) Anyways, I love the songs in this show. Na Na and Sun Woo forever! <3

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