
Official Descriptions of the Lead Characters in Goddess of Fire — 22 Comments

  1. Omg! Adorable and lovable. Just can’t get enough from them. Bummie is skip handsome I can watch him all day and night! The chemistry they both display are perfect for their roles. I will enjoy this show till the end. Love them!

  2. I am not good at deciphering all the nuances. Those tears and smiles- does that mean she loves him or not?

    I am so onboard for this ship and can’t stand the drama itself.

    • pienso que si lo ama, ahora entiendo el titulo de la canción, que las lagrimas son también de amor…todo lo dice la cancion

  3. Oh, good grief. Just when I thought I couldn’t love him more, he had to go and be so charming, beautiful, etc. Gah. I’m not a fan of saeguks (sp?) but just may have to bite the bullet and watch this one. But wait, he’s not the main guy? What idiot went and made that decision?! I won’t be able to watch his heart get broken”. Waaaaahhhhh! What to do?

  4. Oh my god…
    I’m totally totally ignoring this drama and even my affection for Bummie is not enough to interest me (not a fan of sageuk) but the character description of Tae Do is seriously swaying me.

    This looks like a drama which I will haev serious second male lead syndrome.

  5. The fact at the end of this story proves that someone sacrifices in order to get his love was not in vain & if the chemistry is there it’s not only b’cos they are the same age but b’cos i guess Mgy also seem interested in her co-star this time.

  6. I’m thinking the reason no one bothered with the translations is because the show sucks in extreme proportions. I wouldn’t watch it for MGY, or anyone for that matter. So damn boring -.-

    But more so, I’m a bit surprised at the lack of hype going into the show. Seriously, with the cast having a considerable fan following, it’s a little jarring that I heard almost nothing about this show. Even Jang Ok Jung was a lot more popular- and that was pitched against Gu Family Book who had Suzy and LSG…

    Anyway, you’re the only blog covering this show, and I think it more interesting reading about this show that bothering to see it. So kuddos to endurance!

    • No need to be sarcastic. Have you seen the ratings? It’s on top of its time slot. Subs are coming out fast which only means it has a great following.

      • Sarcastic?? Lmao, I’ve said out loud its lame. No sarcasm needed to hide that. As for ratings… Umm, yea. It’s top in its time slot hovering around 11; it’s competition? Hovering around 10 and 9. So no major advantage there.

        But anyway, my opinion’s mine. I don’t think it’s worth the time, if you think it is, it’s great for the show!

      • I totally agree with cleo’s comments, i feel like this show is really great and the rating and how fast the sub comes out does say alot, i just think that if people have negative this to say, then say it in away that does not sound rude ( this is directed at emil)Jang Ok jung didn’t have good rating as this show. if you find it boring, then why bother waste your time, commenting on a show you don’t like? only people who like this show or if you have a bad criticism about this show then say it in a way that’s respectful. thanks Koala for the update 🙂 love kim bum and moon geun young <3

  7. I’ll be honest…. I actually think Kim Bum has chemistry with Jung Yi and Jung Yi has chemistry with Kim Bum& Tae Do BUT Moon Geun Young doesn’t have chemistry with Kim Bum…. if that makes sense. I’m not really liking MGY in this… (doesn’t help that I can’t stand her character), I’ve always thought this but MGY isn’t really as good as an actress everyone makes her out to be especially on the small screen. Shes a hell of a lot better on the big screen.

  8. I think MGY and KB don’t have the chemistry that moves me but they make me interested to follow the drama.Sorry eventhough I know this is totally out of context,I am investing my time with Lee Yo won in EoG with Go Soo..which is also quite slow but this is because LYW is acting totally out of character she used to do..Back to KB and MGY I can relate to what BtY said the character with( KB and MGY )which is TD and JY have a very good chemistry but on personal level KB might have strong attraction towards MGY but not from MGY , maybe because she has this type of aura that she can act equally good in her attraction but it doesn’t reach to moves me as a fan of good OTP..any way that is my opinion .I love your point of view towards GoF so I will be following this drama just for the OTP ,lucky TD that he got the girl in the end.I love it when the second lead have the main girl just like the other drama FotG..Thanks Ockoala.

    • I do agree with you on Kim Bum seem to be attracted to MGY, in many BTS pictures and videos he’s always looking or smiling at her.

  9. I honestly love this show….it’s predictable at times and Jung Yi (the way she’s always helpless and needs to be rescue) annoys me occasionally. I thnk all the leads have great chemistry with each other. Having so many sweet moments of Kim Bum & Moon scenes just made it more enticing and addicting. They are so effortlessly adorable and sweet together.

    Cheers everyone to all on Moonie & Bummie’s ship!!!

    • Hi Amy,

      Me too! 🙂 I’m really enjoying this drama. Aside from the sweet scenes of Tae Do (Kim Bum) and Jung Yi (Moon Geun Young), the scenes with Jung Yi and Prince Gwanghae (Lee Sang-Yoon) crack me up as Jung-Yi humorously tries to hide her true gender both in actions and words. It’s refreshing to see MGY act in those comical scenes, after seeing her in serious dramas.

      I agree with you that all the leads seem to have great chemistry with each other. They seem to act freely with each other that’s why I think the sweet scenes and comic scenes are drawing some reactions from those watching the drama.

      What’s annoying me are the villains, and Prince Imhae (Lee Kwang-Soon)! They’re all scheming to make Prince Gwanghae look bad. ***arrgghh*** And given the character descriptions above ( Thanks Ms. Koala! ), I’m anxious about the future episodes wherein Jung-Yi had to go to Japan. I have a feeling there will be some wet eyes during that time.

      Btw, have you seen the BTS picture of MGY, LSY, and LKS, posing as K-idol actors in their Joseon costumes? It is hilarious! 🙂

  10. This is so romantic! KB and MGY chemistry is EXPLOSIVE! From what I’ve seen in BTS photos and shoots the’re always smiling. I think in the end Jung-Yi will realize she’s in love with Tae Do. ❤❤❤

  11. I never thought that I would know the entire story of a drama just by reading the character desription. Now I don’t need to watch it, even my love for Kim Bum cant’ push me into it, but thanks Koala, I think I’ll just check scenes of Kim Bum only.

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