
Two Weeks Episode 4 Recap — 13 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap!!
    I just wanted to ask koala….how do you manage to watch as well as write the recap of a drama so fast and efficiently at that??

  2. time zone ?

    I mean, while some Kdramas airs while at night on Asia, on the other side of the globe it is still day and work time.. so I think that is why DB recaps are all after? IDK, Here I live it is work time and not night yet.

    But on Korea and some asian countries it is already night or after after midnight august 16th

    • you are right… the DB recaps (of GF and DB) are posted in the morning…..and this recap has been posted after midnight…about 1.30 AM…16 Aug 🙂

    • true, they air in the morning where i am, and then i often find recaps & subs of the same episode by night. even so, i’m sure they have work & family & life to tend to, so these people are very good to have these up so soon.

  3. this is what i admire in you Ms. Koala, once you like a drama NO ONE can beat you for being the earliest and fastest! thnx for the wonderful recap.

  4. I always love your thoughts. Thanks! This drama reminds me of the good old days with 24! Differences are : Jack Bauer is the cop and somewhat have “super power” + chloe helping him while TaeSan is the fugitive and basically learn from movie 🙂 and Tae san is also a normal guy who needs sleep, eat and shower..LOL

    Two Weeks! Can’t wait for next weeks!

  5. Thanks, Koala! Article after article, your writing continues to impress. Insightful, funny, concise and fast to boot.

    It’s true what you say about TS being perfectly normal in his horrible circumstance, and the writers are not giving him any slack.
    The best example is the %$&# handcuffs. They COULD have had our hero lift the keys off of the cop at the accident scene way back a couple episodes ago. (I was actually yelling at TS to do that, but he didn’t hear me.) Instead we get this ongoing struggle to find solution all the while knowing what a give-away the cuffs are. We know he can’t get injured or his bone marrow won’t work, so hacking them off without injuring himself is almost impossible. Arrggghh!

    So sad that Man Seok died – although both the cops and JK will know TS couldn’t have murdered his friend, right? That has to bolster his story that he is being framed.

    I am excited to see the SW and TS will meet, and I expect they will bond after much tussling. Yes, male tussling and bonding!

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